Essay Example. Staffing Plan for an Expanding Technology Company

Published: 2023-11-12
Essay Example. Staffing Plan for an Expanding Technology Company
Essay type:  Argumentative essays
Categories:  Management Human resources Organizational behavior Essays by wordcount
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1442 words
13 min read

The harmonious operation of every organization entirely depends on the quality of its resources. These resources are majorly inclusive of human resources, whose definition is shaped by the quality as well as quantity of an organization’s employees. An organization’s employees are its most valuable assets, and in most scenarios, companies strive towards managing their departments of human resources in the encounters of future planning. Therefore, the employers’ most substantial capital remains in their labor force. The fact that companies are affected by the issues of low productivity, gaps in employees’ skills, over-employment, and employee turnover, as well as the continually changing landscapes of businesses, has necessitated the mitigation of these constraints via the use of strategically reliable staffing plans and models. The paper, therefore, identifies and discusses the two types of staffing models, and determines the suitable choice for boosted productivity, and efficiency, as well as the future growth of the rapidly expanding technology company whose contract is to build and supply remote surveillance cameras.

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Staffing Plan and Models

Staffing refers to the continuous action that involves the finding and evaluation of the talented people both and either outside or inside a particular company (Lin et al., 2018). Staffing in our technology company will serve the purpose of filling the roles and functions within it, with possibly the most effective staffing strategies to aid its growth and attainment of its goals regarding both the present and future performance. Staff planning refers to a strategic procedure where a company’s human resource team and decision-makers execute the organization’s auditing for the sake of identifying its specific requirements (Lin et al., 2018). Comprehensively structured planning of staff in the technology company will act as the guide concerning the type and number of employees it needs, as well as how they should be under deployment to satisfy the execution of its goals. Our company intends to conveniently build and supply the remote surveillance cameras presently within the surrounding state, and even win the future contract of proceeding with the business far beyond the bounds of its location. The zeal of fulfilling these objectives, therefore, calls for the most reliable and effective staffing models.

Staffing models refer to tools of organizational management, which consists of information regarding products, resources, customers, and processes (Flaherty, 2017). The adoption of the most effective models of staffing by our company will help it in the management of the labour force as well as business processes to attain its customer goals and products. The company will sufficiently fulfil the first order and even satisfy its future business objectives of securing yet again, another more significant contract aimed at supplying the remote surveillance cameras outside our home state. It will realise these achievements by only adopting the best staffing models, which are inclusive of the staffing quantity and quality models. The reason being is that these two models will solve problems of processing, high costs, and low productivity. They will also enable the company to forecast its performance operations, boost account profitability and customer retention, raise the rates of revenue growth, as well as allow for maximization of expertise and resource capacity utilization (Flaherty, 2017). These models will enable the company to avail of the necessary skills and population of employees.

Although both the qualitative and quantitative models of staffing prove fruitful in the achievement of the company’s present and future goals, they also remain to differ in terms of their degrees of reliability and effectiveness. It, therefore, implies that one model tends to more suitable than the other, and that is the quality staffing model. The model of qualitative staffing best suits our company’s objectives as it fulfils both the job and organizational match, due to its quality-oriented nature, unlike the quantity model that only focuses on the population of employees. The qualitative model of staffing will enable the provision of the necessary skills and expertise to safeguard the production of high-quality remote surveillance cameras. The latter justifies for the hiring of only one Certified Quality Control Engineer, ten Assembly Technicians, one Office Support Paraprofessional, as well as one Contract Administrator. The nature of the company’s production processes are technical, thus calls for employee expertise to safeguard high-quality production. Besides, the company already has 170 employees who can help with the marketing and supply of the products.

Legal Issues and Transparency

While creating equal opportunities for employment and a workplace environment with diversity, our company expects and considers qualified employees from different cultures and ethnicities, religious beliefs, gender differences, intellectual gaps, mental and physical impairments, languages, and ways of communication, as well as social backgrounds. The company seeks to accept and respect differences, abilities, achievements, and perceptions. Regarding employees’ transparency in the company’s qualitative staffing model, the organization will peg to other skills and expertise qualities, the virtue of transparency during the hiring and engaging new employees. The strategy will guarantee automatic transparency via direct communication among the employees in the company.

Development of Job Requirements and Task Statements in Formal Job Descriptions

The development of job descriptions that are formalized calls for the performance of specific activities in the identification, analysis, and development of employment requirements as well as statements of job tasks. These considerations will result in the most effective job logos, slogans, descriptions, and even advertisements. They are inclusive of Performance of job analysis, the establishment of the vital functions of the job, and putting the above two reports into a functional organization (Morgeson et al., 2019). The frequency of reviewing and adjusting the company’s job description will define by the range of new products whose production will launch, as well as when there is a need to boost the quality of products. The reason being is that, when our company begins the production of new products or seeks to raise the quality of the products, new sets of skills, expertise, and requirements will be necessary, and thus the update of the job description.

Methods of Dealing with Increased Turnover of Qualified Employees

In a couple of scenarios, many job applicants may meet the qualifications of the few available opportunities in our organization. However, the company will manage to deal with the high turnover of the job applicants through hiring the right people who possess the cultures and behaviours that match the applied positions, and it is achievable through conducting interviews. The company will also offer competitive pay and benefits to the employees, a fact that will enable them to relocate to other businesses. Also, our organization will show career paths to the employees, a fact that will make them advance in career ranks and skills to start their own companies or businesses (Jang & Kandampully, 2018). The company can primarily benefit from reducing high employee turnover by incurring reduced costs of labour and experience a boosted production. Since the few remaining employees will develop improved morale of work due to increased pay, since they will remain to be few employees.


Generally, the present and future success of our organization depends on the quality standards of its labor force. The latter can actualize through hiring the right and qualified employees. The company’s Department of Human Resource Management, therefore, shapes its productivity in the sense that it ensures that the desired employees are brought on board to aid the processes of production. The organization’s Human resources department will achieve it via the implementation of a productively reliable and effective staffing plan and models. Therefore, the employees are our crucial assets. On many occasions, companies struggle with the management of their departments of human resources in the processes of future planning. Therefore, the employers’ vital capital is the organization of their labor force.


Flaherty, M. G. (2017). The Library Staff Development Handbook: How to Maximize Your Library’s Most Important Resource. Rowman & Littlefield.

Jang, J., & Kandampully, J. (2018). Reducing employee turnover intention through servant leadership in the restaurant context: A mediation study of affective organizational commitment. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 19(2), 125-141.

Lin, L., Handley, J. C., Gu, Y., Zhu, L., Wen, X., & Sadek, A. W. (2018). Quantifying uncertainty in short-term traffic prediction and its application to optimal staffing plan development. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 92, 323-348.

Morgeson, F. P., Brannick, M. T., & Levine, E. L. (2019). Job and work analysis: Methods, research, and applications for human resource management. Sage Publications.

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