Free Essay: Strategic HRM and Business Success

Published: 2023-05-03
Free Essay: Strategic HRM and Business Success
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Organizational behavior Business management
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1521 words
13 min read

Human resource management is concerned with workforce arranging and related improvement exercises in any association. Human assets the executives is a part of the executives where morals matter since it involves for the most part issues of pay, advancement, medical problems, and mechanical relations. Right now, we will concentrate on vital human assets the board, and business accomplishments since the primary point of social asset the committee is to build the efficiency of any business substances by improving the viability of the representatives. Despite the expanding changes in the business world, this command appears not to change (Edward L., 2015).

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In the book of Business Technique, Edward Gagman contended that the principal reason for HR is to procure, create and keep up ability and consistently be the fundamental supporter of the achievement of any business. The difficulties presented appear not to change even in the coming years. There have been developments in acknowledgement of the far-reaching advantages of human asset the executives to organizations' accomplishment as of late. This basic acknowledgement of social asset the executives has been stretched out too little scope organizations since these organizations, even though they don't have equivalent volume as huge associations. They likewise face the board gives that can adversely influence business acknowledgement.

There is a requirement for business partners to underscore enlisting the ideal individuals and directing quality preparing to them. It will prompt improved thoughts that will produce hearty business development henceforth enhancing the lives of the individuals. Business managerial difficulties compromise large business organizations as well as an issue that legitimately influences independent ventures. It unmistakably shows that no business association paying little heed to measure can have the option to prevail without appropriate administration of the accessible assets.

Edward expresses that different standards oversee the achievement of any business to flourish in unforgiving conditions. For example, the law of basic acknowledgement is the most central where one recognizes that HR is the vital resources of the association. There is no business that can be productive without dealing with the HR that fuel it. This way, mindfulness should be made and preparing offered to legitimate people to guarantee that each business gets the best administration that is required.

In his book, a handbook of human asset the executives, the rule of accomplishment of best methods and arrangements of any association connects with its critical plans and acknowledgement of corporate target (Michael Armstrong, 1999). Another core value expresses that HR must make sure about and control the representatives who have wants and abilities that are of wellbeing to the moving needs and objectives of the association. Empowering collaboration among the workers of the association is likewise a persuading factor that may prompt the best execution.

The author in the article used the position and structure of business in resource management as the evidence to support his arguments. For instance, the responsibilities of human resources subdivided into several areas that included career, organization, and individual. Individual management comprises of making the employees realize their potentials and weaknesses. To enable them to work on their shortcomings and improve their services to the company, which can be made possible by conducting pieces of training and reviewing their performance through tests. Managing a career involves matching personnel with suitable skills and career paths to be incorporated in the company. Lastly, organizational development is concerned with fostering the most productive system to increase human resources as the primary contributor to business strategies. It may also include changing programs that give room to the organization to deal with internal and external issues that may arise.

The creator accepted that the capacity of human asset the board found near the hypothetical focus of the association where it can get to all pieces of the business. Hidden proof demonstrates that the branch of human asset the executives has the command to oversee profitability and work improvement at all levels. Accordingly, this division should arrange to such an extent that it very well may have the option to associate with all zones of the organization by conveying successfully to each partner. Even though the structures of human asset executives fluctuate generally starting with one business association then onto the next, it thought to be moulded by the size, type and overseeing ways of thinking of organizations that get their administrations. Likewise, some human asset chief divisions are considered as being autonomous and sort out in their capacities.

My Opinion

Human resource management and business success are essential in the functioning of any organization. The responsibilities associated with human resource management are analysis of work, raising of work performance, implementation of an incentive system to the employees, training of workers and proper maintenance of workers.

Raising work performance is an act of examining the performance of organization employees and giving both negative and positive feedback to them. Measuring the performance of employees is very crucial for business companies and also for the individual who carries out small businesses. It will provide an insight for a company to know whether to increase employee salary, give promotions and even apply dismissal to workers who offer poor services. It will actively ensure that the status of the organization is put into consideration to ensure the smooth running of its operations.

Human resource management entirely manages the implementation of rewards in any business organization. It is a critical aspect where organizations give bonuses to the best workers by considering previous achievements and also motivate improved performance in the future. An organization can take an opportunity to address any arising misconduct within the workforce and subject disciplinary measures where appropriate. Aligning the workers of an organization with the company goals require a relationship that makes them more willing to take up the business plan as if they are the owner. It can significantly thrive the achievements that the company may wish to accomplish (Thomas, 2006).

Training of employees and ensuring their safety is a vital role played by human resource management. Training of workers will familiarize them with the company's software. The well-trained people will ensure the smooth operation of the company internally due to comprehensive cooperation among the workers. With improved and satisfying services offered in the company by the workers, consumers will be much pleased to carry out their transactions with the organization. Also, job provider safety is paramount to the running of the organization. A company that takes care of its workers will hardly make its operations to being overstated. New techniques must be upheld by the business companies to ensure the provision of satisfying services to every stakeholder.

Legal and Ethical Issues Involved in HRM and Business Success.

Paying attention to legal and ethical issues in human resource management and business success is a significant concern for any business owner. The performance of human resources always encounters several ethical challenges since it is a department that directly deals with company workers. A breach of ethics can lead an organization into many troubles. Legal and ethical issues an organization may face include a hostile work environment, discrimination of the employees, not respecting the privacy of employees and hazardous health conditions subjected to the workers.

Impact of the Emerging Trends in HRM on Business Success.

In the prevailing environmental condition, organizations find themselves in a state of intense competition. The increased competition among business organizations presents the human resource management departments with various positive challenges and also opportunities. With increased advancements in technology and the focus on the way of cutting costs on necessities has led to change in the organizations' ways of selection, recruiting, appraisals, training and other several human resource management practices.

There have been continued exploratory studies which have examined continuously significant factors that have revealed innovative contribution that has led to a change in human resource management practices and business success. The nature of innovations and other emerging trends have displayed increased pressure to measure human resource practices effectively. Most organizations are now focusing on locating vital employees and outcomes that are much likely to be influenced by the technological trends that have been continuously emerging.


In conclusion, human resource management and business success are very vital in the operations of any organization. Responsibilities associated with human resource practices are essential both on the internal and external environment of the business. Both legal and ethical considerations should be put into priority by the organization to avoid any arising challenges. The continued growth of innovations and several emerging trends will light up human resource management to offer best practices that will lead to the uplifting of many business organizations. Therefore, the fundamental role of human asset the board is to raise the accomplishment of any business association.


Edward L., (2015). Human Resource Management: Small business administration. Journal of business strategies. Harvard Business Press, vol.20, pp. 13-45. Retrieved from

Michael Armstrong (1999). A handbook of human resource management practice. Kegan Page Limited, 1999-2002. Retrieved from

Thomas (2006). Building robust competence: Linking social resource system to organizational strategy. Upstart Publishing, 2006.

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