Strategic Staffing: Nurturing Growth Through Employee Well-Being - Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-12-19
Strategic Staffing: Nurturing Growth Through Employee Well-Being - Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Employment
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1083 words
10 min read

The growth of an entity is highly dependent on how it manages and handles its employees. Successful organizations are known for their ability to offer appropriate incentives to their staff. Incentives must not be monetary for the efforts of the management to be felt. On some occasions, they are structural and designed to ensure that the employees achieve optimal performance. Phoenix Health and Well Being Studio is a fitness center that is at its elaboration stage. At this stage, an organization needs to redefine its goals and adopt new ways of identifying opportunities and engaging with staff (Miri et al. 2014, 228). It is also likely that they will focus on expansion and bringing new talent and skills to the company. I have chosen the Phoenix Health and Well Being Studio since it is an entity that has had an upward trajectory for five years. Their programs have allowed them to revolutionize the fitness industry in a way that works for their organization. The elaboration stage is critical for an entity since it shows the need for restructuring an entity in a way that serves its current and future needs.

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One of how the company can position itself to become a larger entity is to ensure that it caters to the needs of its current employees. Workforce planning is critical since it helps the organization understand the issues that the current staff may be undergoing (Marsden et al. 2013, 13). In essence, it allows the firm to focus on the health and needs of its team. Given that Phoenix Health and Well Being Studio is in the wellness industry, they ought to ensure that their employees are fit to train their clients. Implementing programs that are uniquely designed for staff members is one of the best approaches to facilitate this plan (Marsden et al. 2013, 14). Their priority, at this stage, must be the health and well-being of their workers as opposed to the primary focus on expanding. Taking care of the health needs of their staff will be an incentive for them to deliver better results since they are at their best. It will also act as an incentive to attract and retain talent. Therefore, focusing on the internal well-being needs of their employees is one of the non-monetary incentives that will enable the staff to support the long-term growth plans.

Designing a training plan that is unique to the organization is also another way to ensure that the organization retains its workforce and attracts new employees (Miri et al. 2014, 228). The health and well-being studio is an industry that requires uniqueness by creating programs that show value for money on the client side. Designing a working plan that is distinct to the entity and all its branches in the franchised locations will help potential and current clients to identify the company as the best easily. Human resource managers must write plans that instruct employees about how to handle clients and respond to their diverse needs. It would be recommendable for the entity to increase its counseling staff to ensure that they are not understaffed or overwhelmed by work as they expand. Fronting such a plan to the equity partners will help justify the need for support and additional resources to ensure that the staff is well-equipped to transfer to the clients. Training plans are useful, and they help employees map out their strong points and areas that they need to improve on for effective service delivery.

Mentoring is also an approach that the management can adopt to attract new employees and retain the current ones. Mentorship can happen amongst employees, or it can be between the senior and junior staff. This approach helps guide the team on how to manage various processes, and it is also a ground to foster leadership (Miri et al. 2014, 233). In the case of Phoenix, the company can adopt a mentorship approach that is favorable for all employees to ensure that they have productive interactions. Most of the mentoring should happen within the organization since it also helps in capacity building. Nonetheless, external coaches could be engaged for the facilitation of the same. Therefore, mentoring is one way of creating value amongst the staff, and it can be used as an incentive to hire and retain employees.

Sensitivity training is also another approach that the company can adopt in its organizational design. This form of exercise allows employees to be sensitive about the needs of others as well as theirs. This strategy humanizes the entire work process, and it will enable behavioral flexibility and empathy. Such soft skills are integral in attracting and retaining talent. In most entities, soft skills such as empathy are becoming critical not only for the clients but also for the internal procedures. They allow employees not only to see things from their points of view but also to be sensitive to the needs of other people (Miri et al. 2014, 233). Thus, emphasizing a program that focuses on sensitivity training is one of the ways to attract and retain employees who will serve the long-term goals of the firm.


Conclusively, it suffices to conclude that the right staffing approaches to adopt for an organization that is at its elaboration stage is one of the ways to ensure that the employees understand the goals of the company. The human resource approach to take to ensure that the firm retains and attracts new talent is by generating workforce plans that consider the well-being of the employees. This non-monetary incentive helps in showing the employees that the organization cares about their health and growth. In the well-being industry, it is easy for a firm to forget the needs of their employees and focus on their clients. However, staffing approaches that cater to the internal needs of the staff are critical in facilitating the overall growth of an entity and retaining a workforce. The organization could also design a unique work plan that helps employees understand the value they should offer to clients and other shareholders. Finally, sensitivity training must be done to ensure that employees are empathetic towards each other. This approach helps in creating unison, and it allows new and current employees to feel relevant to the entity.


Marsden, Paul, Margaret Caffrey, and Jim McCaffery. 2013. "Human resources management assessment approach." Capacity Plus.

Miri, Seyyed Abolfazl, Nur Naha Abu Mansor, Zahra Chasempour, and Roya Anvari. 2014. "Staff organization training: designing, stages, and methods." Procedia-Social and behavioral sciences 129: 227-235. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03.671

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Strategic Staffing: Nurturing Growth Through Employee Well-Being - Free Essay Example. (2023, Dec 19). Retrieved from

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