Strategies for Data Collection and Establishing Trust. Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-20
Strategies for Data Collection and Establishing Trust. Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Data analysis Medicine Anatomy Disorder
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 484 words
5 min read

A central line bloodstream infection (CLABIS) is a bacterium that occurs when germs enter the patient’s bloodstream. The infection has led to a higher mortality rate, which has led to interventions. A Chlorhexidine bath is an effective measure in reducing central line bloodstream infections. In order to determine the effectiveness of the Chlorhexidine bath, patients with the infection were subjected to the chlorhexidine bath. In order to develop a cure for this infection, various data collection methods were used.

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Data collection is the most effective tool for conducting research. Data collection methods are categorized into qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data is collected in non-numerical form, and it is usually descriptive. Examples of qualitative methods are interviews, focus groups, and observation (Mack, 2005). The qualitative approach plays an essential role in providing useful and understanding information in data collection results. The quantitative method is numerical, and it emphasizes on calculations. The goal of the quantitative approach is to determine the relationship between one variable and another, for instance, dependent and independent variables in a population. Some of the quantitative methods used in research are questionnaires and surveys.

In order to gain trust from central line-associated bloodstream infections patients, the following qualitative and quantitative strategies should be adopted. The first qualitative research strategy is phenomenological research, which involves understanding certain phenomena by listening to people's views. Phenomenology is based on individuals’ experiences; for example, the researcher may interview the victims to acquire the information. The second strategy is grounded theory research. Grounded theory research is based on gathering the acquired data before quantitative analysis was done (Ainsworth, 2020). During this research, the researcher involves themselves in observation, interviews, and collection of documentaries.

Quantitative research involves two strategies of data collection. Descriptive analysis is a strategy used to collect the observable data in a study (Ainsworth, 2020). Experimental research is a scientific method used to determine the cause and the truth between variables. This strategy controls all factors that could potentially affect the phenomenon of interest. In order to gain trust with central line-associated bloodstream patients, first, you have to make sure the Chlorhexidine bath is safe before the patients use it. It can be done through experimentation research, whereby scientists should conduct the testing process. Secondly, the patients can gain trust after medical staffs provide statistical information that shows the effectiveness and outcome of chlorhexidine baths (Musuuza et al., 2019). Thirdly, patients can gain trust after seeing the quality of delivery; for example, this can be assessed through direct observation by observing the process of bathing.


Ainsworth, Q. (2020). Data Collection Methods., N. (2005). Qualitative research methods: A data collector’s field guide. ""

Musuuza, J. S., Guru, P. K., O’Horo, J. C., Bongiorno, C. M., Korobkin, M. A., Gangnon, R. E., & Safdar, N. (2019). The impact of chlorhexidine bathing on hospital-acquired bloodstream infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC infectious diseases, 19(1), 416.

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Strategies for Data Collection and Establishing Trust. Essay Example. (2023, Aug 20). Retrieved from

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