Free Paper Example: Strategy Matrix in Healthcare

Published: 2018-01-09
Free Paper Example: Strategy Matrix in Healthcare
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Strategy Health and Social Care Human resources Employment
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1778 words
15 min read

Recruitment Strategy Matrix

Type of retention strategy

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Benefits of using this strategies

Challenges of using this strategy

Evidence-based Reference

Internships and Returnships for ICU.

The interns are already introduced to the hospitals’ work policies, systems; work environments are aware of the pressure and demands of the job

-The recruits are still fresh and willing to learn and work hard for recognition and promotion thereby contributing in reaching the organization`s goals.

- the company will have a group of hands-on, company culture individual whom they won’t have to waste time training, developing or orientating.

- the hospitals shall have noticed the recruits training needs, behaviors, capabilities and potential (McCarthy, 2016)

-There are often few people during internships, and this limits the talent pool.

-The recruits might have acquired some ideas or cultures within the organization that might be counterproductive.

-Most interNs are never serious for during the internship believing that it is only a short time program and thus are likely to impress the management for possible recruitments after the internship.

- Internships are usually short and the short period does not allow for adequate evaluation of the individuals on the job and outside work.

McCarthy, C. (2016). Innovative strategies prove effective for managing personnel, budget, and enrollment challenges. Recruiting & Retaining Adult Learners, 19(1), 12-12.

Teaching and Referral Hospitals recruitment for PACU

-Teaching and referral hospitals or other healthcare firms have work ready recruits that will need negligible training and development (McGillis Hall, 2013)

-Most of the recruits have worked with teams, developed solution, are exposed to the work environment and know what the requirements and responsibilities of the position into which they are recruited.

-The hospitals would not waste times looking for fresh trained to train.

The employees are likely to mesh well with the existing workforces thereby saving the company costs and potential loss of life as the company searches for an employee.

-Most referral hospitals are never willing to release their in-house trained employees.

-Most trained employees have more demands, exorbitant compensation packages, as well as work environment, demands that the hospital may not meet in the short run.

McGillis Hall, L. (2013). Moving to action (1st ed.). Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement.

Staffing Agencies For Med-Surg

-Head hunting firms provide the most relevant, and efficient alternatives for the hospitals as they have a pool of trained and ready to work people

-They have access to many talents from which they can choose a surgeon within a short duration (Wolter, Tarnoff, & Leckman, 2015)

Additionally, they can market any vacant position an get a pool of ready talent as compared to the organization itself

-Although sometimes a fee is required when working with staffing agencies, the pay-off from maintaining a hardworking and well-educated employee can outweigh that cost in a matter of months.

-Most staffing agencies may not find their right candidate that would fit into the company`s culture

-Surgeons have to undergo yearlong training, and this means that the hospital has to retrain the surgeons for one year before they are finally fit to work in the hospital's specific settings.

-The staffing agencies may take longer than one year to find a qualified candidate for the job because there are usually few surgeons graduating or looking for jobs.

-Finally, the search firms can be expensive as there are fees and commissions involved upfront even though they might fail to get the right candidate for the position.

Wolter, N., Tarnoff, S., & Leckman, L. (2015). Recruiting and retaining physician leaders. Healthcare.

Generate and nurture your talent channels.

-The hospital can train itsown workforces and groom them for the possible future vacancies in various positions.

-The hospital will have adequate time training its employees without the pressure of having to meet deadlines. The staff may be invaluable resources as they train younger employees for future positioned providing relevant training

-The hospital will not have to deal with the details as it will operate a collaborate environment that allows for sharing information.

-The hospitals’ culture would be effective in recruiting and developing its workforce for promotion in future.

-The hospital can put its employee in intensive training then pair them with mentors to continue developing them on the job

Employee Retention Strategies Matrix

Recruiting strategy

Benefits of using this strategy

Challenges of using this strategy

Evidence-based Reference

Career Pathways

-The company will create career pathways that allow the employees to foresee themselves in various positions within the organization.

-The pathways will provide the employees with a clears picture of the personal and professional development that they will realize by working for the company.

-The organization will benefit from career and talent management strategies thereby retaining its most productive workforce (Plaza, et al., 2014).

-It may be difficult to retain some employees when they realize other competitive compensation offers from other companies.

- Most employees prefer competitive compensation such a high salary, and benefit to well-defined a career path.

- Some employees are myopic and may consider the career path a waste of time or neo-colonization.

Plaza, I., Grau, J., Cegri, F., Domínguez, N., & Casanovas, C. (2014). The Difficulties Meet by Primary Healthcare Professionals Providing Care to Patients from Culturally Diverse Communities. Perceptions of Healthcare Professionals and Basis for Improvement Strategies. Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 132, 209-215.

Flexible Working

-The organization can allow the employees to choose their preferred working shifts. Other flexible work systems include part-time working, job sharing, compressed work hours, or annualized work hours and career break (Wolter, Tarnoff, & Leckman, 2015)

-The flexible work program may be counterproductive as most employees would request for career break or compressed time at the same time thereby affecting the company's productivity and patient-centered image

Wolter, N., Tarnoff, S., & Leckman, L. (2015). Recruiting and retaining physician leaders. Healthcare.

Develop a Flexible Workforce

-The company will be able to management its talent pool and database to help in developing appropriate programs for each employee. On the other hand, the employees will benefit from a well-tailored work program that will benefit them and their work needs (Alicea-Alvarez, 2012).

-The hospital can develop a proper work-life balance program for the employees

-Most employees will misuse the designed workforce programs (Alicea-Alvarez, 2012).

-the organization will not be able to provide the employee with additional training and developing with the aim of developing their skills because of their likelihood of leaving the organization for better alternatives.

-An organization with a flexible workforce programs cannot develop its employees for future work demands, as they cannot match demand with the employee’s aspirations.

-With the flexible workforce program, it is not easy to identify any gaps in the staffing programs as the employees would all be demanding for unrealistic work design

Alicea-Alvarez, N. (2012). Improving Health Care Outcomes in Hispanic Americans: Recruiting Nurses to Reflect the Growing Hispanic Population to Mitigate Health Care Disparities. Hispanic Health Care International, 10(2), 70-74.

Staff Involvement and Engagement

-The company will have onboard employees who represent their colleagues and present the concerns.

-Employee engagement can help in developing employee-centered programs that meet the employee’s expectations and career plans.

-The employees will; feel appreciated and motivated to work for an employer that shows true concern for their welfare and future career progression.

- The company will have an employee retention plan validated by the employees themselves, and this gives the company an edge over the employees as they can work out a perfect plan for their employees based on the fact and the data presented by the employee themselves (McCarthy, 2016).

-Finally, the company will not have to be accountable for misrepresentation, as the employees will have to choose their representatives.

-The company will influence employee morale in the hospital because the employees feel that they are appreciated.

-Making decision will be time-consuming as the organization has to debate each of the staff`s proposals when discussing the employee related programs (McCarthy, 2016).

-The employees will continuously make unrealistic demands for career development, pay raise, and workplace improvement.

McCarthy, C. (2016). Innovative strategies prove useful for managing personnel, budget, and enrollment challenges. Recruiting & Retaining Adult Learners, 19(1), 12-12.

Adequate compensation and not- pay benefits

-The company can offer financial rewards and non-pay benefits including housing, mobile phones, car loans, shopping vouchers as well as childcare plans for their employees.

-The company can design an executive compensation package for its employees who show exemplary work to motivate the other employees to work hard (Alicea-Alvarez, 2012).

- The rewarded employees would be retained, and the non-rewarded employees would also be working hard to be noticed of possible financial or nonfinancial benefits

-This strategy may be expensive or costly to the organization in the end, as the employees would increasingly demand more expensive or valuable benefits that the company could not meet on a meager budget.

- Most employees would only work to be noticed and rewarded and not to deliver quality service to the staff.

-In most cases, the company will have to employ many supervisors to report on individual employees work performances and recommend the right pay.

Alicea-Alvarez, N. (2012). Improving Health Care Outcomes in Hispanic Americans: Recruiting Nurses to Reflect the Growing Hispanic Population to Mitigate Health Care Disparities. Hispanic Health Care International, 10(2), 70-74.


Alicea-Alvarez, N. (2012). Improving Health Care Outcomes in Hispanic Americans: Recruiting Nurses to Reflect the Growing Hispanic Population to Mitigate Health Care Disparities. Hispanic Health Care International, 10(2), 70-74.

McCarthy, C. (2016). Innovative strategies prove effective for managing personnel, budget, enrollment challenges. Recruiting & Retaining Adult Learners, 19(1), 12-12.

McGillis Hall, L. (2013). Moving to action (1st ed.). Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement.

Plaza, I., Grau, J., Cegri, F., Domínguez, N., & Casanovas, C. (2014). The Difficulties Meet by Primary Healthcare Professionals Providing Care to Patients from Culturally Diverse Communities. Perceptions of Healthcare Professionals and Basis for Improvement Strategies. Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 132, 209-215.

Wolter, N., Tarnoff, S., & Leckman, L. (2015). Recruiting and retaining physician leaders. Healthcare.

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