Stress and Wellness - Annotated Bibliography Example

Published: 2023-12-19
Stress and Wellness -  Annotated Bibliography Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Employment Stress
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1120 words
10 min read

Hillier, D., Fewell, F., Cann, W., & Shephard, V. (2005). Wellness at work: Enhancing the quality of our working lives. International Review of Psychiatry, 17(5), 419-431.

The aim of the study determine the correlation between employee health and performance. Moreover, the authors find new approaches through which companies can achieve success by treating wellness as an investment in workers. Secondary data was used by retrieving peer-reviewed studies on employee health and performance between 1999 and 2005. Moreover, twenty journals were reviewed manually to determine the link between the two variables. Data was analyzed to summarize results on the magnitude of health issues identified by disease prevention and health promotion programs, and the effect of strategies on reducing health risk and cost and improving employees' productivity. The authors found that early disease diagnosis and changes in behaviors following wellness programs' implementation improved employees' health and performance.

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The source is reliable because it is not only a systematic review of previous literature on the topic under study, but it also provides a case study of the impact of an organization's wellness program. The source will be used to demonstrate investing in employees' wellness positively impacts their health and productivity.

Kelly, R. K., & Snow, S. (2019). The importance of corporate wellness programs for psychological health and productivity in the workplace. In Creating Psychologically Healthy Workplaces. Edward Elgar Publishing.

The workplace is a major cause of stress, interfering with employees' productivity and job satisfaction. The chapter discusses the psychological corporate wellness and health initiatives by including the background, descriptions, aim, challenges, programs, and positive outcomes yielding from improvement in health, performance, medical care costs, and workers' productivity. The chapter is subdivided into three sections, and the first part introduces the concept of positive psychology. The second part addresses the structure and design of expressively healthy work environments. The last section offers examples of programs that have been proven to be effective in improving physical and mental employees' well-being. The initiatives include psychological capital, resilience, mindfulness, and training experiences.

The source is reliable because it is retrieved from a book on workplace stress. The authors apply specific cases to show real-world implementation and focus on key ideas. The source will be used to introduce and show the importance of psychologically healthy workplace programs.

Mroczko, J. R. (2017). An examination of the impacts of stress and coping/wellness strategies of information technology workers in the higher education field. Theses & Dissertations. 120.

The author aimed to determine whether employees in the IT workforce were experiencing stress and burnout. Another purpose of the study was to cope with wellness initiatives and employees' perceptions about participating in health therapies and wellness programs. Results from 242 participants indicated that they experience stress and burnout, and named some stressors in their workplaces. Employees participated in coping programs through behaviors such as joking, smiling, laughing, and social support. Moreover, they had a positive view of health therapy, increasing their participation. The authors found that these behaviors reduced employees' stress and improved their performance.

The source is reliable because its data was taken from existing companies. The results of the study show a link between wellness program participation and employee wellbeing.

Nielsen, K., Nielsen, M. B., Ogbonnaya, C., Känsälä, M., Saari, E., & Isaksson, K. (2017). Workplace resources to improve both employee wellbeing and performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Work & Stress, 31(2), 101-120.

The source is a meta-analysis, identifying workplace resources at organizational, leader, group, and individual levels connected with workers' well-being and company performance. The authors examined major kinds of resources that are significant in forecasting both employee well-being and performance. The analysis was conducted from 84 quantitative kinds of literature published in print and online between 2003 and 2015. The results showed that resources from either of the levels were connected to both workers' health and performance. However, the authors did not find statistically significant differences in workers' well-being and company performance between the four worksite resources. The findings indicated that wellness strategies might concentrate on any of the levels. Cross-sectional research studies indicated stronger correlations with health and productivity compared to longitudinal studies. Studies using goal performance ratings showed weaker correlations between resources and performance than individual, leader, or organizational studies. The source will be used to demonstrate the statistical correlation between workers' well-being and performance.

Wu, C. H., Chen, I. S., & Chen, J. C. (2017). A STUDY INTO THE IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE WELLNESS AND JOB SATISFACTION ON JOB PERFORMANCE. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 10(2). 2, p253-269.

The source is an assessment of the effect of workers' health and job satisfaction on performance. The authors used questionnaires to collect data from Taiwan with more than a hundred full-time employees. The study involved various organizations, including private companies, public institutions, and profit and non-profit making institutions. The return rate of questionnaires was 87.8% after the incomplete papers were deducted. The results indicated that (1) employees' health affects job performance, (2) workers' health has a positive effect on job satisfaction, and (3) job satisfaction directly impacts performance.

The source is reliable data collected from companies in northern and southern Taiwan. The source will be used to demonstrate investing in employees' wellness positively impacts their health, job satisfaction, and productivity.


Hillier, D., Fewell, F., Cann, W., & Shephard, V. (2005). Wellness at work: Enhancing the quality of our working lives. International Review of Psychiatry, 17(5), 419-431, DOI: 10.1080/09540260500238363

Kelly, R. K., & Snow, S. (2019). The importance of corporate wellness programs for psychological health and productivity in the workplace. In Creating Psychologically Healthy Workplaces. Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI:

Mroczko, J. R. (2017). An examination of the impacts of stress and coping/wellness strategies of information technology workers in the higher education field. Theses & Dissertations. 120.

Nielsen, K., Nielsen, M. B., Ogbonnaya, C., Känsälä, M., Saari, E., & Isaksson, K. (2017). Workplace resources to improve both employee wellbeing and performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Work & Stress, 31(2), 101-120, DOI: 10.1080/02678373.2017.1304463

Wu, C. H., Chen, I. S., & Chen, J. C. (2017). A STUDY INTO THE IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE WELLNESS AND JOB SATISFACTION ON JOB PERFORMANCE. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 10(2). 2, p253-269.

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