Education Essay Sample: Taking Government Out of Public Schools

Published: 2019-07-15
Education Essay Sample: Taking Government Out of Public Schools
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education School Government
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1253 words
11 min read

In this era, the government constantly strives to increase the scope of its interventionist activities within the economic as well as education sectors. This gives rise to disputes as to whether the proposed intervention activities are acceptable or not. Debates have offered opportunities to perhaps reexamine the activities of the government in these sectors and make fresh valuations to those that are justified and those which are not. This essay will present an argumentative discussion into reasons for those proposing interventionist activities in the running of public schools compared to those in opposition. In addition, I will put forward my opinion on whether the governments dictation of the running of public schools is necessary or not.

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Background to Governments Dictation on how Public Schools are run

Through the years, public school have been known linked with poor performance among the students. It is for this reason that many parents opt to enroll their children in private schools that are perceived to be offering quality education although at higher costs (Spellings 4). Governments then sought to counter this perception by extending their influence into running of public schools. At first it seemed like a good idea as it was believed that this move will carry with it numerous benefits. As time went by, these interventionist activities by the government began losing favor in the eyes of the public school administration including otter parties of interest in the educational sector (Motoko 1).

Arguments for Government Dictation


It cannot be denied that the rules which the government plays in running of public schools are accompanied with benefits to both the students and the public schools themselves. First, the government itself together with non-profit organizations are mainly responsible for financing education today. Many parents are therefore able to afford to take their kids to school due to the availability of cheap education facilities offered in most of the public schools (Alexander and Alexander 230). As a parent, one would find it worthwhile taking his/her kids to a school where the government provides most of the resources required to educate their kids on a daily basis.

Efficiency and Effectiveness

Secondly, there have been constant doubts about the ability of public school being able to provide quality education efficiently and effectively. Like any other institution that carries out any form of activity, there needs to be some authority that monitors these activities ensuring that the appropriate practices are applied (Hart, Burts, and Rosalind 451). Therefore, the government being one of the major stakeholders in public education, they can ensure that the necessary practices are applied in education. This would ensure that the public schools provide quality education that the government pays.


Also, the equity and accountability of the public schools have constantly been questionable (Paul 56). Families living below the poverty line are the ones who are particularly affected. The funds that the government provides to facilitate educational activities to the less fortunate is misused due to corruption. Funds that could be used to aid the providence of education are spent otherwise by those responsible within the administration of public schools. Government representatives are therefore posted within the schools administration to ensure accountability and regularly report back on all the expenditure. In such instances, the dictation of the government in the running of public schools prove essential.

Arguments against Government Dictation


Even though the government may be responsible for largely funding the educational activities in public schools, they put too much pressure on these institutions to receive these funds. There is no ounce of equity in the distribution of these funds amongst the public schools. Instead, schools and students that perform well are the only ones considered viable of receiving such funds. Due to this, the initial goal of providing quality education to students in public school is lost. Teachers are no longer aim at imparting knowledge to students but rather they are under pressure on making them become better test takers. The government fails to understand that simple facts it is this funds that some public schools requires acquiring resources to make them perform better (Alexander and Alexander 460).

Curriculum Dictation

The government being one of the major stakeholder in the in public school have recently engaged in activities that may as well be termed as overreaching. Federal government influence on what is taught in public schools, for example, in the United States, has been uncommon among the Resident of the United States. These fraction of residents prefer the local school boards to be in charge of the school curriculum (Calderon). This is because the federal government tends to overreach so as to influence even what is taught in classrooms. There are numerous races represented in a school setting. To this ends, teachers may be deterred from teaching certain topics simply because such curriculum may not go well with a set of people. In the process, students in public school miss out on some of the most important aspects of the citizenry.

Government Inefficiency

Public school have come to be over-reliant on government support. Due to favoritism, public schools that constantly receive aid from the government soon end up becoming a property of the government. Such institution may be willing to bend the rules and do a government's bidding when requested. Due to need, many public schools lose track of their main objective of providing education to the children in this schools. Once a school becomes reliant on the government, its losses in independence and, therefore, may be dragged into the government problems. If the government is unable to check on the activities of such public school because of its inefficiency, proper educational services may prove hard to provide.

Referring to the above analysis, I believe that the government dictation in the running of public schools should not be done away with but should be controlled. Even though the government influence in public schools has promoted the education of many students who may not afford private schools, I believe overreaching has made these schools lose their main aim in the first place. Public schools should be able to receive regular aid from the state government. However, they should be allowed to conduct their educational activities independently.


In conclusion, this argumentative essay proves that publics school to some extent, need the support of the government. Public schools were meant to provide education to those who may not be able to afford private education. It is the government that subsidizes the cost of education so it may be more affordable to many students who need education. The government also ensures efficiency and accountability within the administration system in public schools ensuring that the quality standards of education are met. However, pressure on this institutions may lead to deviation from the main aim of teaching. It is for this reason that there should be a balance in promoting education in public schools.

Work Cited

Alexander, Kern, and M D. Alexander. American Public School Law. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.

Calderon, Valarie. 'Americans Wary Of Federal Influence On Public Schools.' Gallup. N.p., 2015. Web. 4 Dec. 2015.

Hart, Craig H, Diane C. Burts, and Rosalind Charlesworth. Integrated Curriculum and Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Birth to Age Eight. New York: the State University of New York Press, 1997. Print.

Hill, Paul. Charter Schools and Accountability In Public Education. New York City: N.p., 2002. Print.

Rich, Motoko. 'Holding States and Schools Accountable.' New York Times 2014: 1. Web. 4 Dec. 2015.

Spellings, Margaret. Choosing A School For Your Child. 1st ed. U.S. Department of Education, 2005. Web. 4 Dec. 2015.

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