Taking of Parental Life Support, Free Essay with Discussion Response

Published: 2022-04-04
Taking of Parental Life Support, Free Essay with Discussion Response
Type of paper:  Argumentative essay
Categories:  Parenting
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 575 words
5 min read

The quality of one's life is very much determined by the decisions that one makes. The type of choice is very much determined by factors such as the natural environment regarding people you relate to in that situation. Among the group of people who play a significant role in ones, the decision-making process is parents. Parents are essential and can be considered life support as they help individuals make the right decisions based on experience. The guidance offered by parents when it comes to decision making is meant to help youths to make informed decisions as they lack knowledge during their adolescence stage. However, despite the usefulness of parents in helping their children in making informed decisions, there have been discussions when it comes to taking a parent off life support programs. This discussion has had many participants who try to express their views and beliefs using books and journals. An example of such a participant is Hursthouse, a female philosopher who wrote about on virtues and ethics. This particular author expressed her stand about making hard moral choices. Her position on making hard moral choices states that decision making I very important, and thus it requires guidance from experienced individuals such as parents or the general community. Hursthouse has a point as this is important in one's life due to the fact some of the decision ones have to take require one to be experienced in the subject matter. For example, there has been a dilemma when individuals settle down as to what they should have in life. Among the most occurring choices among most individuals in their youth stage is whether to buy a car or increase their skills through training. These are a dilemma which is hard to decide as a youth for lacks of experience, and this is more difficult if one is operating on a parent off life support program. As per my position, I do entirely support Hursthouse's stand which she states that one requires a third party that is more experienced when it comes to making a standard moral decision. However, despite the fact that I support her stand I have some doubts as to whether she takes completely effective. The doubt I have arisen from the fact that a person who is under the parent life support program will never gain his own experience. One will not be able to stand on his feet when the right supporters are absent. As at her stand, Hursthouse is correct to recommend life support, but one should not entirely rely on parent life support. The system should run in such a way that youths only consult their parents only when they have a tough decision to make, and it should run in such a way that teens should also try to make hard decisions on issues affecting their social life. These issues should include things like the choice of who to marry and what investments one should inject their money. Parent life support programs are very efficient and supported by almost all philosophers as they yield benefits in an individual's life. The advantage being referred to this case is one can live a quality life without scandals as he or she is always making informed decisions from guidance offered by her parents. In my view, I believe that teens require a third party to influence their choices, but at the same time, they should have some independence to gain experience.

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