Paper Example - Talent Acquisition and Employee Retention Plan

Published: 2023-08-10
Paper Example - Talent Acquisition and Employee Retention Plan
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Motivation Behavior Strategic management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1206 words
11 min read

Employees are the most significant resources in any organization. Human resources are assigned different duties in a company, depending on their area of specialization. The success of any organization depends on the dedication and commitment of the employees. However, according to Malik, the understanding of organizational culture and the ability to cope with the working environment determines performance (2018). Therefore, excellent talent acquisition and employee retention planning is significant to the overall increase in productivity for any given organization

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Recruitment Strategies

Given the current situation at LTC, as a human relations business partner, I will come up with an effective plan to acquire new members who shall work as customer service representatives. It is important to note that there is a high turnover rate of employees at LTC, and according to Malik, diverse recruitment sources will be considered in the employee acquisition process (2018). The corporation will start an internal search to ask its employees to bring in new employees and offer them incentives. This aspect will increase the chances of getting suitable applicants. The company will advertise the vacancy on its website and let the recommended applicants apply directly to the company.

Secondly, LTC will use job posting sites for advertising their positions. This source is essential in ensuring that they filter those applicants with qualifications that do not match with the required ones. The third source that we will use is to contact the college career offices to get recommendations for applicants willing to work and earn while in school. These groups will be required to meet some criteria like those near completion of their course. This source will give room for the acquisition of the best young talent that will be ready to be natured and conform to organizational culture. However, a considered one position will be designated to this source since they may lack working experience as stipulated on the minimum qualifications.

TLC shall follow all prevailing employment laws that govern the advertisement and recruitment processes. We will conform to Executive Order 11246, which prohibits employers from all aspects of discrimination such as color, sex, race religion, physical ability, the nation of origin, among other distinguishing factors that may target a particular group of people (Bratton & Gold, 2017).

Selection Process

How to Determine Candidates to Interview

Determination of the candidates to be interviewed will be done by looking at the applicant’s resumes from the various sources and select those with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, and have a working experience of between one to three years in a technology or related company. The human resource department will then look at the resumes and check out for computer skills and excellent communication. This aspect can also be retrieved from the applicant’s declared working experience and the tasks they were undertaking in their previous jobs. By the end of this phase, the applicant’s list shall be narrowed to 12 individuals.

Type of Interview

Managers will relook into the 12 applicants’ resumes and develop questions they would like to ask during a phone screening exercise. A face to face interview will be scheduled, and all applicants informed and requested to give the status of their attendance. Both phone and face to face interviews shall be conducted since, according to Bratton & Gold, they both contribute significantly to selecting the best team (2017). The face to face interview will be conducted by the human resource personnel, two of the heads from the departments we are hiring for, and one manger.

Interview Questions

The managers will ensure that the interview questions are hypothetical, open-ended, and based on competency (Bratton, & Gold, 2017). The following are some of the interview questions prepared for the interview.

  1. How will you deal with angry and upset customers?
  2. If hired, what time will you be available for work?
  3. What can you do with your computer?
  4. How well can you work under pressure and on multiple assigned tasks?
  5. Have you ever played any role in encouraging others to give opinions? Did everyone contribute? What were the results?

The first question will help the interviewers’ understand the interviewees’ experience in working with diverse customers. The second one will reveal the candidates’ flexibility when called to work at different times of the day. The third question is set to make the panelists understand the candidates’ computer skills as they are essential in the provision of customer services. The fourth question is seeking to know how well the candidate can multitask. The fifth one will reveal the ability to be a team player.

Selection Method

The decision of who makes it to the final list of successful candidates will be made cumulatively by the HR and management team available on the panel. During the interview, they will be required to take some notes and a few aspects they would like to remember about each candidate and final comments on their suitability. After the interviews are over, the recruiting team shall review their notes and settle on the six most suitable candidates.

Employment Laws

The panelists will be briefed on the prevailing employment laws and shall be required to abide by them. For instance, no one shall ask any candidate about personal background details that shall lead to discrimination of any kind (Bratton & Gold, 2017).

Employee Retention Strategies

TLC lacks motivation among employees, thus recording a 60 percent positive responses for motivation. Only 20 percent of the employees feel that they can handle the work allocated to them. The majority feel overworked and may consequently leave the company, hence increasing further the already high turnover rate. Since the company is experiencing general dissatisfaction based on TLC’s employee satisfaction survey results, the corporation will adopt a Leadership-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory, which dwells of leadership follower behavior. (Shipton et al., 2016). According to Blustein, management fails for not developing a good working relationship with workers (2011). It can be done through recognizing employee efforts, give feedback, sufficiently training, and appropriately allocating tasks to workers, as this has not been achieved at TLC.

The following strategies will reliably address the employee turnover issue and improve organizational culture. The corporation shall consider boosting employee morale through appreciation incentives. Increase pay depending on the number of calls taken, customer satisfaction rate, and settled customer issues. This aspect will increase their engagement and motivate them towards productivity. TLC shall also split the teams into smaller groups and establish categories that will encourage promotions. This strategy will give employees a sense of career growth, and they will want to stay in the company longer, work hard, and get promotions. The company shall also provide adequate training and develop a good working relationship between management and junior staff. These strategies will be measured through monitoring of the turnover rates and assessing satisfaction through the previously used survey to obtain new percentages on the same questions, and then compare the results.


Blustein, D. L. (2011). A relational theory of working. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79(1), 1-17., J., & Gold, J. (2017). Human resource management: Theory and practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Malik, A. (2018). Strategic Human Resource Management and Employment Relations: An International Perspective. Singapore: Springer Singapore.Shipton, H., Budhwar, P. S., Sparrow, P. R., & Brown, A. (2016). Human Resource Management, Innovation, and Performance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

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