Teachers' Communication: TKES Standard 10 - Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-25
Teachers' Communication: TKES Standard 10 - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching Education Communication
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1102 words
10 min read

TKES (Teacher Keys Effectiveness System) denotes a structure responsible for evaluating teachers through consistency, comparability, and effectiveness building. The tenth standard of this system involves the communication of teachers to guardians and parents, school and district staff, and all other stakeholders in a manner of learning enhancement. The elements involved include the use of both verbal and non-verbal communication. The standard expects a teacher to consistently convey information about the progress of a student to their family on time and constructively. Collaboration and networking with colleagues, communicating precisely and correctly both written and orally, and adhering to district and school policies concerning communicating student-related information are some of the other elements. A teacher also has to teach logically, sequentially, and age-appropriately. A good teacher would create an ambiance where students and parents show their collaboration. The standard expects a teacher to listen and value their stakeholders' opinions as well as use appropriate modes of communication contingently. A good teacher will also communicate verbally and non-verbally for the promotion of learning. In terms of communication, I stand out as an excellent teacher because I appropriately fulfill more than half of the elements of the tenth standard of TKES.

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A score of above fifty percent indicates that I am doing a good job. The elements in which I exhibit many strengths among the ten include at least seven out of the ten. Time is everything because if one can master the concept of keeping time, then it is rare for such a person to fail. I am keen when it comes to working with schedules. I share a student's progress with their parents or guardian on a timely basis to ensure that any mistakes made by a student can receive the required attention easily and quickly. I also have a habit of sharing with parents and guardians my perspective on the expectations and vision I have for the students. One thing I know to work wonders in terms of education is finding a suitable way to entice students into working hard and achieving excellence. I like to communicate to my students continually, whether verbally or non-verbally, depending on the type of student and situation, to build trust between us so that they can be free to ask me questions. I encourage my students to call me by my first name so that they would feel comfortable sharing their thoughts with me as they do with their peers. Such a scenario creates the best environment for a student to learn, whether in the classroom or elsewhere. I believe that learning does not have to be in class, the home; the park can also serve as learning institutions.

When a baby starts learning how to speak, they mimic every sound and word they hear. I use the same concept to teach my students. It is easier for my students to imitate what I do rather than what I preach. Therefore, I place myself in a position where I practice what I preach. I communicate with precision, correct grammar, and vocabulary, whether orally or written, with the trust that my students will copy my actions. Students depending on their age and grades require different forms of tutoring; hence, I take it upon myself to ensure that I prepare age-appropriate lessons. What I teach should make sense to the learners; hence, I ensure that I decode the messages into something comprehensible and straightforward so that my students can make sense out of it and thus learn. A student's success depends on three parties, including themselves, parents and guardians, and the teacher. The collaboration of these three parties enhances and ensures prosperity in a student's learning experience. I keep a friendly attitude to my students, their parents, or guardians to ensure that I am approachable enough for them to trust and confide in me their worries and expectations of each other in terms of learning. Sometimes the parent does not trust their child's capability, and at times, the student feels like their parent does not understand their difficulties in learning. As the teacher, I stand as the intermediary and arbitrator to ensure that both parties can approach one another with ease and collaborate for the improvement of a student's education. I like holding a parent-student camping trip every year to enable guardians and parents to bond with their children and foster the spirit of collaboration.

Two heads are better than one, and the more heads, the merrier. I cannot always be right; that is why I keenly listen to opinions by various stakeholders on the best way to enhance the students' learning progress. Parents, guardians, the community, the students, and my fellow teachers all have good ideas on how, as a teacher, I can improve my students' performances. In responding to the views of the stakeholders, I try to empathize with their grievances, understand their situations keeping in mind the cultural diversity involved. What teachers have to say may not coincide with the way parents think. Considering every stakeholder's opinion is crucial, I borrow small portions of their suggestions from each one of them to make a solid strategy. Not all that glitters is gold; hence, I cannot be that attractive all the way. I have my flaws as a human being, and they sometimes manifest in my teaching practice. I understand that I am a teacher who, in the eye of the student, represents school authority. My aim of teaching, however, is not to exert authority on the kids; instead, I want them to like coming to school, solve math equations with enthusiasm, and like every class, they attend. My style of teaching and friendly approach may not coincide with some of the school and district policies, and that is a weakness. Although I take into consideration what the stakeholders have to say about my teaching and student's progress and sometimes even borrow their opinions, I still like to work alone.

In conclusion, I believe I am a good teacher in terms of communication, considering I meet more than half the components of the tenth standard. My friendly attitude is crucial in enabling me to adhere to most of the standard's requirements. My objective of teaching involves making students want to learn instead of exerting the "must do" philosophy. Such a goal may come off as wayward in the school laws considering I may not follow all policies demanded by the school and district. The fact that I prefer working alone while appreciating other people's contributions may come off as vain to some of my colleagues. Even then, despite my flaws, I believe I am a good teacher.

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