Teachers: Keys to Successful Classroom Learning - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-29
Teachers: Keys to Successful Classroom Learning - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching Learning Education
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1003 words
9 min read

Effective educators look for every available opportunity to ensure that the efforts they invest in the classrooms bear the expected fruits at the end of the learning period. Therefore, the teachers have to ensure that they invest in some key areas which are necessary for the effectiveness of the learning activities that they engage in. First, the educators have to ensure that there is enough physical space for the learning activities to go on smoothly. Physical space is the most crucial aspect of the learning environment, especially when learning is happening physically. Therefore, the teachers have to ensure that they are in conducive physical environments which will fully support the learning activities that are required (California Department of Education, 2008). There should be enough physical space to allow for participation and for the inclusion of any movements that may be required by the learning activities that are to be undertaken by the people concerned. Therefore, the physical space is necessary for the establishment of the other requirements of active learning.

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Secondly, the cooperation of students is necessary for the effectiveness of the learning activities that are to be undertaken. This being so, the educators have to ensure that they set up measures that will lead to the learners cooperating with the requirements of the learning activities that need to be undertaken (California Department of Education, 2008). This means that the educators have to instil the virtue of cooperation into the learners from a young age so that as they grow, they need to cooperate and the instructors will be within them. There should also be the establishment of the necessary disciplinary measures in case the students will not cooperate as required of them.

Next, the educators have to provide an ambience of communal lifestyle in the classroom environment. Education is a social activity, and having the learners to exist in a communal environment will help the learning activities to occur naturally and for the success rates to be increased. Therefore, this means that the teachers will have to use the necessary social skills such as friendliness and effective communication for the effectiveness of the efforts undertaken by the teachers (California Department of Education, 2008). Finally, the instructors have to ensure that they work towards providing a productive climate and culture so that the learners can effectively grow mentally, emotionally and intellectually within the classroom environments. Through setting the effective classroom environments, the possibility of achievement of the best outcomes from the learning activities is increased, hence ensuring that the majority of the learners gain the most out of the learning activities.

Academic decisions are the decisions made within the learning environments, in the process affecting the wellbeing of the learners and to some extent, the educators in question. Therefore, academic decisions are essential in the determination of the rate of success to be enjoyed by the learning outcomes. It is for this reason that the people concerned with the educational centres have to ensure that they undertake policies that will help in the assurance of the best outcomes from the learning process (Piasta et al., 2017). there is need for the academic decisions undertaken by the stakeholders to consider the trends in society and the educational sector so that the learners are impacted only with the necessary choices positively, hence increasing the quality of education.

There is a direct link between the development of language and the emerging literacy skills in children. The development of language skills and literary skills are among the major highlights of the childhood development since the development of language opens up room for the children to communicate their emotions, thoughts and opinions. The development of language and literary skills are dependent on the environment in which the children are raised since they will only be able to come up with vocabulary and literary skills that they learn from the people around them (Piasta et al., 2017). The development of language precedes the development of literary skills since the children need to develop a system of communication before they can come up with a style or mode through which they can communicate.

There is need for educators to engage in activities that help to build the language and literary skills of the students while at the same time observing the need for sensitivity to the diverse backgrounds that the learners come from. Therefore, the educators should look for ways through which they can balance the language and literary skills development and the needs of the society and the expectations of the learning activities (Markussen-Brown et al., 2017). Therefore, the educators should ensure that they undertake actions which are conducted in the official languages of the countries that they are in, in this case, being English. When this is done, a culturally-inclusive society is achieved and the learning outcomes achieved are sensitive and balanced.

Educators need to have skills that will make the possibility of the learners being assessed possible. Therefore, the educators need to have the ability to understand the cognitive skills and thought processes of children within the age range that they are in charge of, and therefore manage to stay abreast with the needs of the children, as well as the ability to translate whatever they communicate into understandable and gradable form (Markussen-Brown et al., 2017). This means that the educators have to read into the intentions more than how the instructions are executed, depending on the age of the children who they are in charge of at that particular time.


California Department of Education. (2008). California preschool learning foundations.

Markussen-Brown, J., Juhl, C. B., Piasta, S. B., Bleses, D., Højen, A., & Justice, L. M. (2017). The effects of language-and literacy-focused professional development on early educators and children: A best-evidence meta-analysis. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 38, 97-115.

Piasta, S. B., Justice, L. M., O'Connell, A. A., Mauck, S. A., Weber-Mayrer, M., Schachter, R. E., ... & Spear, C. F. (2017). Effectiveness of large-scale, state-sponsored language and literacy professional development on early childhood educator outcomes. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 10(2), 354-378.

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