Teaching Language Essay Example

Published: 2022-02-28
 Teaching Language Essay Example
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Teaching Learning English 101
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1290 words
11 min read

Elementary Structure Simple future tense

Context 'going to meet' is a grammatic construction used to refer to events that will take place in the future. It can be freely substituted with 'I will' in some cases whereas in others, they have different meanings.

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Marker sentences She is going to buy a new phone when she gets her first salary.

It's going to rain again soon

You are going to clean the room now.

What's the meaning/use? How will you clarify/check it?

'be going to' is commonly used in informal styles to talk about future plans and intentions. Usually the decision about the future plans has already been made or to predict something that we think is certain to happen or which we have evidence for now. We also use be going to when we give commands or state that something is obligatory. 'be going to' is used in a statement at the time of its construction to imply future activities.

What's the form? How will you clarify/check it?

'be going to' is appropriate when referring intentions and plans, predictions and also when giving commands To find out if a simple future tense is used in a sentence, you can look at the following sentence features: Am/Is/Are + going to + verb

Which phonological features will you highlight? How will you clarify/check it?

...on Saturday. This will be emphasized to show that am only going to meet my friends on Saturday and not any other day.

Potential problems for learners with the TL Suggested solutions

M There is always no one-to-one match between form and function in a sentence Consider carefully the rules that govern the form in relation to use and meaning

F The form may be complex Explanation of the form and visual highlighting.

P It may be inconsistent with the leaners first language Choose the language appropriately according to the level of formality.

I'm not going to meet my friends on Saturday.

What's the meaning/use? How will you clarify/check it?

'I'm not going to' is used to show cancellation of a planned activity 'I'm not going to' is used in a statement in the current to show impossibility of an event to come in the future

Am I going to meet my friends on Saturday?

What's the meaning/use? How will you clarify/check it?

'am I going to' is applicable when seeking the permission of someone to do a task 'am I going to' is used in a sentence to seek permission to an activity

Lexis Analysis for Lesson Planning

Analyze the two underlined words in the sentences - Sumi was reluctant to do the course but her sister was quite enthusiastic about it. (Intermediate)

Name Level Intermediate

Lexical text Adjectives describing motive and attitude towards doing something

Context Used to refer to people with some sort of mental struggle do something or to decline

Lexical items

Method of conveying & checking meaning.

Anticipated problems/solutions


Consider M F and P

Problems Solutions

Define the word reluctant Clarifying the meaning, group discussions, encouraging active listening M the word carry more than one meaning Advice the students to learn how to know the context of the sentence

F The form may be unclear Emphasize on the importance of understanding the proper arrangement of the language and special difficulties which it may present

P Exposure to English e.g. students coming from non-English speaking environment. Encourage the students to increase their exposure e.g. by listening to authentic audio.

Define the word enthusiastic asking questions and clarifying questions, using simple language M not explicitly taught Give exercises targeting certain phonemes and word pairs

F it may be used in convoluted forms Asses the obstacles that hinder the students from understanding the rules that govern the arrangement of language.

P native language interference assess your students' difficulties and formulate a plan to overcome them

Functions Analysis for Lesson Planning

Do you mind if I open the window? (Intermediate)

Name Level Intermediate

Function Used to politely ask someone's permission to do something

Context For example, after staying with someone for a long period of time, you are seeking their permission if he/she can allow you to leave.

Functional exponents Method of conveying & checking meaning. Anticipated problems/solutions


Consider M F and P

Problems Solutions

Analyse the phrase ...do you mind if... and classify it in its correct tense. use of dictionary to build the learners interdependence, group discussions, break down the word into its root parts M The word has different meanings when used in a different context The purposes for which the language is to be used and how it should be used should be clearly understood by the students

F The word order and structure may be complicated Give the students the rules and tell them to apply them to solve the context at hand

P Native vs non-native input i.e. pronunciation they hear on daily basis e.g. accent encourage learners to use audio materials to help them know the right pronunciation

Emphasize on the falling intonation ...if I open the window?

Using explanations and giving other sentences with similar intonation and opposite intonation to show the contrast, use audio context to convey the meaning M The phrase may mean a different thing when appropriate stress is not put in the last word Give learners multiple scenarios to help the understand the intonation

F The same sentence in different structures may have different functions Encourage learners to fully understand the language fully before they begin to practice it

P Speaker's intention Analyse the situation and the relationship between the speakers

Grammar Analysis for Lesson Planning

I wish I had a bigger flat. (Upper Intermediate)

Teacher Class level Date TP No

Upper Intermediate Structure Present perfect tense

Context I wish I had is used to express that I would like to have something that I do not have

Marker sentences I wish I had a pet

I wish I had my own house.

What's the meaning/use? How will you clarify/check it?

'I wish I had' is used to express wishes about the present. When using singular nouns or pronouns, the present simple form of wish with 'es' is followed by the main verb in the past tense. 'I wish I had' is used in a sentence to refer to the present moment in time.

What's the form? How will you clarify/check it?

'I wish I had' is appropriate when you want to make known that you don't have something although To check the past perfect tense in a sentence, you can observe the following; The past tense of the verb to have (had) + the past participle of the main verb

Which phonological features will you highlight? How will you clarify/check it?

...a bigger flat. A comparative adjective to show that the flat is more of a particular quality

Potential problems for learners with TL Suggested solutions

M The phrase may have different meaning depending on the context Ask a couple of questions to check understanding of the meaning

F The form-function relationship may be complicated Ask concept checking questions

P It may be confused with the leaners first language Simplify the language


Berliner, D. C. (2001). Learning about and learning from expert teachers. International journal of educational research, 35(5), 463-482

Hadley, A. O., & Reiken, E. (1993). Teaching Language in Context, and Teaching Language in Context--Workbook. Heinle & Heinle Publishers, International Thomson Publishing Book Distribution Center, 7625 Empire Drive, Florence, KY 41042.

Scrivener, J. (2005). Learning teaching (p. 227). Macmillan Education.

Brown, L. K., Angus, D. C., Marin, M. G., Balmes, J. R., Barker, A. F., Ewart, G., ... & Nathanson, I. T. (1994). Teaching by principles.

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