Tech Revolution in Education: Unlocking New Possibilities for Learning - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-16
Tech Revolution in Education: Unlocking New Possibilities for Learning - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Computer science Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 644 words
6 min read


Education is considerably more than merely teaching Pupils to manipulate numbers, write, and read. Advanced electronic devices, the internet, and computers are becoming essential in ordinary life and have altered data collection methods. This modern technology will play a vital part in increasing the knowledge and resource base for Pupils depending on how teachers utilize and manage this advanced technology in the educational program. Technology impacts how students learn and the way teachers teach. Institutions require a realistic strategy to entirely incorporate Information technology into all curriculum forms to make the best use of IT so that Pupils are informed when, why, and how to utilize technology to improve their study.

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Usefulness of IT

As with any learning tool in the classroom, the usefulness of IT relies on the imagination and innovation of the instructor. The implementation of Information technology into an institution should be planned carefully. It is essential to use IT extensively within the classroom due to the current information explosion to enable Pupils to effectively and appropriately discover ways of utilizing IT (Murati, Rabije, and Ardita 198). Therefore, instructors are required to be fully aware of the available types of IT and whether they are convenient for the classroom's service. Moreover, teachers and the institution’s boards should ensure that school personnel have a defined strategy on what they expect their Pupils to gain over Information technology. Skills and minds will broaden through the appropriate integration of IT into the classroom, allowing students to be well planned for more advancements in technology.

If all staff representatives are fully supported and knowledgeable, IT in schools is going to be useful. It is the principal's responsibility and should be a part of the institution's plan to ensure that consultations are channeled to the school staff, and the changes are carefully organized. When implementing IT into the curriculum, training teachers is essential since some teachers may be resistant mainly due to their inexperience with computers. In using IT as a curriculum tool, the confidence of staff members should be enhanced by making them feel incorporated in the course of gaining technology and in studying ways of engaging technology. Information technology will be integrated into lectures if teachers themselves are proficient users. A school runs the risk of losing money if they do not possess a defined strategy of why and how it aspires to mainstream IT. Approximately all classrooms have computer access in schools today (Ratheeswari 46). Conversely, many institutions misinterpret this as incorporating IT into educational programs. School personnel is required to investigate what IT is at their disposal and what the school would use best for its purpose, not merely purchasing IT equipment that is modern. A policy should be developed dictating how the development of students is going to be assisted with IT and what students are expected to achieve by teachers. Before incorporating IT into their lessons, staff members must be precise about their expectations towards IT.


Pupils need to be enlightened on the strategies of utilizing Information technology. Before being confronted to use it, students should be fully informed about their capabilities. Students need to be informed that there will be changes in the contexts in which they utilize IT, and they should be aware of the appropriate use of IT and what is not. Teachers must emphasize that it is not always suitable that Pupils learn to use IT despite the importance of learning effectively. The risk is that people are dehumanized by computers and are inevitably lead to acting like machines themselves. Excess information technology may be harmful to a student’s just as inadequate instruction.

Works Cited

Murati, Rabije, and Ardita Ceka. "The use of technology in educational teaching." Journal of Education and Practice 8.6 (2017): 197-199.

Ratheeswari, K. "Information communication technology in education." Journal of Applied and Advanced Research 3.1 (2018): S45-S47.

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Tech Revolution in Education: Unlocking New Possibilities for Learning - Essay Sample. (2023, Sep 16). Retrieved from

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