Technological Advancements in Health Care - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-25
Technological Advancements in Health Care - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Technology World
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 907 words
8 min read


The introduction and growth of technology use in the healthcare system have impacted healthcare procedures on patients immensely. Information technology and communication in providing health solutions, also known as Electronic Health (eHealth), have become crucial in healthcare facilities. This paper is based on research on how technology growth in healthcare affects patients in European Countries, focusing on Austria and Switzerland. The title is derived directly from the cause of the research. Current trends have led to faster and easier patient monitoring methods using technologies like global positioning system (GPS) patient trackers. Preventive medicine has been made possible by analyzing data from daily patient activity to monitor their health.

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Healthcare Providers

Many healthcare providers have embraced the introduction of eHealth strategies such as E-Prescription and E-Cards in Austria. XML, SOAP, and SAML programming have been used to develop the health systems (Sheshabalaya, 2010). Sound, images, and text are medical data that require secure transmission because it is viewed as sensitive patient information. E-Prescription has been a useful tool in ensuring patient safety. This is because the physician knows when a specific prescription dose finish. The physician can then connect with the patient for a follow up to determine if a new medication is required or pronounce them healthy. The patients are delighted by the implementation of this technology because it is free from strife.

Mobile applications and wearable tech such as smartwatches monitor the wearer's heart rate, step count, and blood pressure. Doctors can monitor patient activity through data collected by these applications and gadgets without a physical appointment. Technological advancements to achieve the goal of remote healthcare monitoring are being made day by day. This is to be met using available technology and software that synchronize data from the patient to their healthcare givers devices. Face to face interaction between doctors and patients will be reduced. The public and healthcare stakeholders have not contemplated awareness of the potential use of wearables and mobile phones in clinical facilitation and quality of care improvement (Haluza, 2019).

Patient Tracking

AlarmTouch is a GPS Patient Tracking remote-care device. It is used in Switzerland as a means to keep track of patients’ safety and location. Whenever a patient using the device goes off the specified location, the device makes a voice call to the care assistant or monitoring center. Thus, ensuring the wearer is safe always and help is sent when they are in danger. AlarmTouch is part of the revolutionary technologies that are turning the healthcare industry around.

Austria has a vision to implement a decentralized e-health record system. This will help to ensure that patient data will remain in the chosen hospital with the patient visited. However, the patient can use an e-card to enable a physician to access their data from different geographical locations. This ensures that the patient is in control of their data because confidentiality is the medicine's main ethics. E-prescriptions, lab results, medical applications, and other medical data will be stored in the eCard. The patient can get treatment from any medical facility provided they have their e-card. All this information is stored securely.

Technology in Healthcare has helped in improving patient experience. Usually, some people are afraid to go for a medical check-up often. Through monitoring, there are reduced trips to the doctor. There is also the administration of safer high-quality medication as the patient's medical history, their allergies, and other essential things in treatment are stored in the database. The doctor can quickly learn about the patient and treat their current illness more accurately. Devices improve doctor-patient social interaction by bridging the communication gap and making the consultation process more fun. Medical apps provide evidence for specialized patient care while reducing the occurrence of errors while making a diagnosis and treatment. They are becoming more popular among medical professionals around the globe. The physicians' combined knowledge and recommendations from the apps in prescribing medication will ensure patients get the best. Research revealed the acceptance of monitoring health technologies in Austria ranged from very poor to good (Haluza et al., 2016). There is hope that these technologies will gain popularity and have better reception by individuals.


Implications of technology in European countries’ healthcare are encouraging to a great extent. The technologies have not gained root totally, but there are positive effects visible. Due to the ever-changing nature of technology, it is expected that life-improving solutions are going to be offered to patients. This will improve their confidence regarding their health and the effectiveness of healthcare systems. Beneficiaries of this study are healthcare stakeholders and the technology individuals aiming to improve the system through technology. This study gives a perspective on how the patients are affected by technological advancements. There are pleasant effects on the patients in their daily lives and interactions with their caregivers. All individuals that are interested in the future of technology in healthcare would constitute a significant beneficiary of this research. This study was essential to unveil the unfolding interests in e-health and developments being made.


Haluza, D. (2019). Exploring perceptions on medical app use in clinical communication among Austrian physicians: Results of a validation study. SAGE Journals. Volume: 26 issue: 3, page(s): 1659-1671.

Haluza D., Naszay M., Stockinger A., and Jungwirth D. (2016). Prevailing Opinions on Connected Health in Austria: Results from an Online Survey. NCBI.

Sheshabalaya, T. (2010). Healthcare Information Technology in Austria and Switzerland. Volume: 5 issue: 2.

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