Technology: Impact on Modern Society - Pros & Cons - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-15
Technology: Impact on Modern Society - Pros & Cons - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Society
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1536 words
13 min read


Both positively and negatively, technology has drastically changed modern society. Our lives have changed without a doubt due to social networking. Are our communities getting harmed by the inability to connect in person, are they getting strengthened by social media? Is our ability to communicate in the person getting injured by spending much time on our phones and computers? There’s the conviction that for every good that social Media comes with at the same time, it also brings disadvantages.

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Individuals are under more pressure to follow the latest trends and use the hottest apps, as they are more connected than before. Going viral in a heartbeat can get caused by any little mistake blown out of proportion. The paper analyzes social Media’s disadvantages as well as advantages.

Johnny in Mike Leigh’s film ‘Naked’ is a person whose interaction with other people can be deemed as the near-sociopathic loser. He tours London looking for lost souls when hiding from a crime committed in Manchester. Surely we could be assured that Johnny was a rarity, established in 1993, the year before the World Wide Web went mainstream (Ahmad).

An entire race of Johnnies has appeared thanks to the web considerably expounding their views on 9/11 hostile with trolls or fools and shills or possibly all three of their opponents. It can get argued that people get brought together by the internet at the same time, splitting the society easily that wage wars of words on the other into a considerable number of in-groups (Miller).


Social media, a key behind Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, Twitter, and other platforms, holds the promise of connection. It is common on sites such as Facebook to gather a massive list of friends, but that exciting experience does not live up to expectations in real life. Many people feel isolated and alone despite this ever-present promise of community. People who can get relied upon in real life are different from those that social Media entails.

It is detrimental to spend so much time on social media. Actress and singer Selena Gomez, the U.S rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to pope Francis and other influential people, advises on the harmful and isolation that comes with the overuse of social media. In 2017 it got recorded of the logging off of many young people by teen vogues beauty and health director Jessica Matlin(Ahmad). Not everyone agrees that the online community is inherently unhealthy or that offline friendship should be deemed a valuable part of one’s real-life despite the teen magazine (Ahmad).

Common Sense Media, in 2018, offered five benefits of social media by the parenting editor Caroline Knorr (Ahmad). One is that despite the flaws social Media brings, it exposes teens to a whole full world, with some doing projects such as anonymously tweeting positive thoughts to crowdfunding social justice projects. Secondly, friendships get strengthened. Keeping and making friends is an advantage of social media to the youth.

Thirdly the advantages and drawbacks of social media get brought by the priorities of individuals or their aim when using social media. Social Media gets used by the youth to lay out their issues and come to a common ground. In terms of advice and money, communities can come together through social Media as well as do social welfare activities. The needy can get helped through social media.

Another advantage is that one can advertise and promote via social media. Business products and services can get developed to the globe as social Media connects people from all corners of the earth. It is the least expensive yet a medium profitable for promotional agendas. One can promote their products and services to the right audience in social media. The best opportunities get promoted by social media (Miller).

Because of its cost-effectiveness, small businesses are at an advantage when it comes to advertising. One can also make aware of the brand their activity is associated with on social media. Students also get available to join groups that can get used for educational purposes on social media. Besides social media, one can get different types of books where students can acquire information. For the latest updates, social Media is the right source. Gone are the days when people relied on periodicals, magazines, or televisions to know the hottest news. Information exchange gets created by social media.

One can converse with people from different spheres of the globe, start-up educative discussions, and share ideas. Pictures and videos can get posted with games also available to entertain their users. However, social Media is a hub for entertainment. Most youths are into social media to get delighted to make new friends while it provides an opportunity for job searching (Gawkroge). The government is also advantageous as it can reach a massive crowd of people when it wants to pass on information.

When it comes to spaying on crimes, it saves the government a lot of finances. By using social media, the government can easily watch people. Awareness also becomes a natural part of doing when using social media. Besides, policies and issues affecting the public can also get conveyed to the public utilizing engaging them (Miller). The interest and minds of the public can also get known by the government via social media.


Although a setback in this is that in social media, one can receive negative feedback about their business and products. In other ways, ones marketing efforts get squashed. If one's products or services were terrible for a customer, then that bad experience can be shared with a significant audience. Negative reviews or comments have adverse effects as well as ruin the reputation of one's business. Although some companies in social media are scams, and people who aren't careful can get fooled (Miller).

Even though social Media is informative, it is also addictive. It’s become an addiction for teenagers. The society is cut away from the teenagers due to the addiction and the world in reality. Also, fake news gets spread like the wind on social media. It also brings about health issues for most people. To the health of people, excessive use of social Media brings different kinds of disorders.

Day and night, most people become lazy due to the excessive use of social media. It can also bring about an increase in body weight to some lazy addictives of social media. However, most social Media is a big time waster for most people. Some sleep problems also originate from the overuse of social media platforms.

Although Social Media is used to communicate, the adverse effect it has is that interaction times with family members get cut short. Most people nowadays are much attached to their phones or instead glued. Dinner’s times are not as they used to be in the past decades when social media was nonexistent. A family's moral value gets lost due to social media (Gawkroge). The major disadvantage of social Media is privacy issues. One's privacy in social Media guaranteed to get compromised.

Due to most people laying out their personal lives on social media, addresses, work location with continually updating their details like mobile numbers (Szecsei). Depression and loneliest are also one significant effect on social media. The lack of communicating with people face to face brings about loneliness. Too one gets distracted from achieving their life’s primary purpose and set goals. Most people that get affected by this are the students as they are the majority users of the platforms (Miller).

Although social media has its advantages and disadvantages as do all good things in the world, I think it has improved many people’s lives. The bad it has brought about cannot get disregarded, but the good continues to outweigh the bad with each passing day. Social Media is also a growing platform, and with the advantage, it has brought about ton individuals globally, then it can only get better. Social Media is informative, helpful to grown one's business, and entertainment hub; in other words, it combines all the aspects of life. One can get jobs via social media (Moreau).


Everything good has its bad. The usage of social media platforms is what brings out either the good or the bad. The motive one uses to engage in those platforms should be limited to only the good but not the bad. People should not let social media define their ability to face the skills of communications. On the issue of spreading news that isn't real, people should refrain from emotionally playing with people. Social media has opened up a world of many opportunities by connecting them to the whole globe. People can also do good deeds by using social media platforms. Such acts may include helping the needy or donating food relief to help hunger-stricken individuals.

Works Cited

Ahmad, Bilal. “10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media for Society.” TechMaish, 13 July 2020,

Miller, Keith. “21 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking.”, 26 June 2019,

Gaukroger, Pimpernel. "Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media." Medium, Medium, 20 Jan. 2019,

Moreau, Elise. “The Good and the Bad About Social Networking.” Lifewire, 10 Apr. 2020,

Szecsei, Szabolcs. “Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Social Media 2020.” Best Blogs, 27 June, 2020,

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