Technology Impact on Society and Children - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-17
Technology Impact on Society and Children - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Child development Social issue
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1280 words
11 min read


Technological impact on society and, more specifically, the children cannot be ignored. It influences how people impart, think, and learn. It does not shock anyone then that society is inseparable from technology. This kind of relationship experienced within society and technology created more than hundreds of years ago from fundamental developments, such as the wheel into present-day technology, for example, artificial intelligence and programs with the capacity to drive vehicles. This study aims to come out with findings on the negative effects which the use of technology has brought in the lives of children and young adults. It also aims at finding positive effects technology has brought to society.

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Numerous Detrimental Effects

Technology has brought about numerous detrimental effects on the social development of children in modern days. The impact of the use of the internet, social media texting, and the use of mobile phones has been immense in the recent past. It also proposes measures that should be undertaken to mitigate such effects, protect children from risks of the use of technology, as well as promote positive habits regarding internet use and other technologies.

Technology is boundless, and with each new advancement development made and obstruction climbed, it takes into account society to progress to places never thought possible. Be that as it may, it's critical to note the advantages of technology are like a double-edged blade. While a few advantages advance society, others can be a reason for concern and contrary. In this manner, technology shapes society through the two; its positive and negative impacts (Mustafaoglu et al., 2018).

Positive technology has enabled business activities to be reliable, faster, more comfortable and efficient over the past years. Technology has impact the way companies carry out their businesses. Initially, people used to visit business premises to buy goods or services. As a result of technology, people can now purchase products and carry out transaction through the internet, mobile application and desktop software.

Collectively Conduct Discussions

Through technology, members of business organizations can collectively conduct discussions through social media groups such as WhatsApp and Facebook. Technology is also applicable to keep track of commodities, records and for future planning. According to (Techspirited, 2018), financial institution and banks have introduced online systems that enable people to pay their bills without a physical transaction. This can be achieved by smart card, debits cards, among others. Communication has arguably experienced the highest rate of advancement as a result of technology compared to other sectors in society.

Social media have been the order of the day (Techspirited, 2018). Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social platforms have made the world to be a small global village where people can communicate at intervals of milliseconds. This has boosted digital marketing and hence impacting economic growth. Today, businesses don’t have to organize meetings where all members must be physically present. Through teleconferencing, they can carry out the discussion from their homes and from anywhere on the globe (Techinspired, 2018). Many high technology gadgets have populated the market today. They can be acquired from any point, and with them, people can communicate with their loved ones efficiently. The internet itself, through which many social media platforms operate, can be accessed equally anywhere on the world. This increase people’s ability to communicate with one another.

Education Transformation

Education transformation, as a result of technology, has improved children’s life. How studies are administered has been enhanced to an extent where students no longer need to possess a physical notebook. By using laptops, children can write and save a significant amount of school work (Techinspired, 2018). While a child had to fetch their results from the school department, today, all they need is an internet connection, and with it, they can access their results from school portals. Schools can offer online studies and distant learning; hence the children can study from any part of the world.

Technology truly stands out as a gift from the Almighty. It is viewed as the mother of civilization, and it has gone ahead to impact how people within a society carry on with their daily lives. The paper will focus on the adverse effects that advanced technology has on children. The utilization of this technology has become prominent in classrooms. Teachers are well equipped at passing more information within a shorter period than previous times. However, the introduction of technology to children at such a tender age has adverse effects in their relationships, lives as well as their health in the days ahead (Mustafaoglu et al., 2018).

Technology affects young children to the extent that they develop social problems and feel the urge to isolate, which leads to other severe mental and physical issues that include depression, computer vision impairments, and obesity. Adler (2007) gave details on the effects of television advertising on children of young age and their impact on their development. He highlights how the consequences can be avoided to reduce the adverse effects of advertising on young children. This includes the children’s perception and behaviour which may lead to the development of health problems.

Fisher (2013) provides a broad overview of problems associated with mobile phone technology and their impact on modern society and children. The effects include tumour; those children who tend using phones for extended periods are likely to develop tumours in the brain and ears. Mobiles phones also disturb brain activity and functionality. Destruction of neural network tissues by the electromagnetic waves in children leads to impulse communication problems.

Mahroof et al. (2018) give a general overview of the adverse effects of technology on children and society. Mahroof notes in the context of learning and class performance, children are likely to perform poorly in class and may sometimes have difficult of managing their screen time. The society has to play an essential role in protecting children from accessing inappropriate messages and images. Children are changing their perception at early ages and starts behaving irresponsibly. The society is wholly affected as a whole because it comes as a failed societal responsibility.


In conclusion, children security, safety, and health concerns need to be addressed both by the government and the parents to make a better society for them. Research has shown that computer and other technological devices give children a lot of potential posing threats to slow down to already exponential growth. However, today’s world technology plays essential roles in explaining in explain aspects of life in regards to age. We need to deploy powerful tools to draw limits of children and technology. Some of these tools include reducing media zones like bedrooms, parents putting restrictions on children and use of right time bedtime. As a society, we have to draw attention towards the same direction to understand the dangers technology is posing to our young generations.


Adler, R. (2007). Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children: A Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Future Research: Report Prepared for National Science Foundation, Research Applications Directorate, RANN--Research Applied to National Needs, Division of Advanced Productivity Research and Technology. NSF.

Fisher, E. (2013). From Cyber Bullying to Cyber Coping: The Misuse of Mobile Technology and Social Media and Their Effects on People's Lives. Business and Economic Research, 3(2), 127-145.

Mahroof, K., Weerakkody, V., Onkal, D., & Hussain, Z. (2018). Technology as a disruptive agent: Intergenerational perspectives. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-22.

Mustafaoglu, R., Zirek, E., Yasaci, Z., & Özdinçler, A. R. (2018). The negative effects of digital technology usage on children’s development and health. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 5(2), 13-21.

Techinspired. How Has Technology Changed Our Lives. Tech Inspired, 2018,

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