Essay Example about Technology Inclusion in Higher Education

Published: 2022-10-19
Essay Example about Technology Inclusion in Higher Education
Type of paper:  Admission essay
Categories:  Education Technology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1176 words
10 min read

Higher learning remains one of the greatest pillars of education in modern world schools. Several educational policies and programs help in guiding learning in various schools. A student affair in institutions of higher learning is one significant program that ensures that student careers are well nurtured and developed. The program is to ensure that students have a clear objective and competence in addressing key responsibilities, understanding and managing aspects of higher education. Technology application in the classroom helps to ensure full participation. Online engagement allows easy connectivity between teachers and students including the shy ones who are unable to raise their hands in class. It enables the teachers to adjust to those who have challenges in various fields through the feedback that students post after assignment completion. Modern studies focus on the use of digital tools in learning, and it captures the enhancement of individual skills and knowledge. With technology in the classroom, students can access fresh information that can be helpful in supplementing learning experience.

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Controlling brain drain is a major concern of Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE). Brain drain occurs when students either lack opportunities in their societies or are offered better opportunities elsewhere. Such students usually opt for working in places with better terms, hence depriving their people of the skills they acquired from learning institutions. In my view, good use of technology cuts off brain drain as it allows one to be well informed on the opportunities available within. Learning the dynamics between technology and job creation at the Western Dining Commons, I developed an interest in the manner in which technology helped students integrate with employers and stakeholder through sharing ideas

Based on the experience I gained through guiding international students during field experience and activities at the Outdoor Pursuit Center at Miami University, I realized that technology automates a lot of tedious work. Generally, most students avoid time-consuming work, but with technology, I feel that most of them will love learning since everything is easy to find using the internet.

Technology forms the evolution process of education. It provides a network within which students and lecturers interact easily and efficiently especially with online learning purposes. Learning should at all levels prepare one for good employment and investment opportunities. The modern world has changed and is structured in a manner that employers critically focus on the capability of students to apply and use modern technology in the production process. Student affairs need to emphasize more on the application of technology in studies at all times.

Undoubtedly, the growth of technology use in the world has been on the rise. We live in a digital world today, and it is necessary for students to be literate digitally know that digital knowledge is relevant as it provides one with an understanding of the digital environment, enabling an individual to have an intuitive adaptation to new contexts and co-creation of content with others. Student Affairs in Higher Education should focus attention on implementing basic lessons on technology. Virtual or online learning that the university supports entirely depends on technology. My opinion, looking at various students during my time as a customer service specialist in Miami University Conference, is that most students who were enrolled under the program of virtual learning had reasonable problems writing assignments, responding to information and directing or enquiring about their studies.

Even though technology sometimes negatively influences learning, I am of a different opinion that to a larger extent it incorporates and nurtures good skills on students. Diversity in learning is easily achievable through appropriate technology use. Building a good model of education that guarantees a good life after school should be a concern on the student affairs. As parents invest in learning, I have a strong belief that destruction in classrooms from laptops and tablets by students who might be engaged differently can be contained through strict rules on the devices. Through technology, education is easily diversified. During my internship at the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in China, I realized that technology could solve the language barrier and bring together diverse nationalities together. While there, I assisted the Chinese applicants regarding the policies and registration on studying abroad as well as responding to daily queries through different methods and maintain social media. All this offered me a perspective about the applicability of technology in institutions of higher learning and the need to invest more in it. In addition, the use of technology to send to applicant's documents required by the schools abroad through mail and fax was a breakthrough and inspiring means. Being able to reach a lot of people instantly raised my trust that improvement should be made on a technology used to break the complex traditional system of letter writing.

Cloud-based technologies have increased innovation and creativity in the education process. The inexpensive and free app allows students to compute and share their creativity and innovation globally. Higher education should nurture talent and expose it. Cloud computing allows talent to be viewed worldwide providing market and exposure to learners on potential employers who might be interested in their work. Cloud computing in schools provides a tool that is required to create transformational solutions in the learning without the overhead of lecturers and laboratory equipment for the first time. My experience in the use of cloud is that it is cost-effective, it nurtures creativity innovation and is relevant to students hence should be adopted by the implementers of student affairs to achieve productive universal results.

Integrating technology in the learning process gives students the ability to read beyond syllabus levels and have a different test on content analysis. Research, assessment, and evaluation are easy through technology. Partnership with all sectors within and outside education programme should be established to help promote lifelong learning. Government agencies, social service agencies, alumni, employers, and global communities need to collaborate with Student Affairs in Higher Education to provide services that are student are globally centered technologically. Employers need to guide students on technology use through organizing seminars and conferences that touch on technology application. This is my view will eradicate brain drain and foster innovation.

Social media plays a role in keeping a collaborative attitude among students, making the work of a teacher to be reduced to that of the adviser, encourager or a coach. Investors prefer to depend on social media to capture market potentiality. Student Affairs in Education should act as a link between investors and academic institutions and provide expertise in technology integration. Also, they should also serve as role models to students with the high expectation of joining their companies. It also provides a quicker way of accessing information and the most up- to- date resources.

Leadership at the university is majorly digitalized, and all the faculties are interconnected through various portals that ensure a smooth transition. My time at Miami University demonstrated that students could only become good leaders when they can apply technology in a working environment. A vital skill in computer operation and networking with employers easy when one is literate technologically.

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