Terrorists Behavioral Analysis, Essay Sample

Published: 2022-04-26
Terrorists Behavioral Analysis, Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Terrorism Human behavior
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 968 words
9 min read

Terrorism has been dated to way back in history and has been a threat to all countries. This factor has made it necessary for researchers to carry out their study extensively on this particular subject in an attempt to identify the behavior of a terrorist and thus be able to determine the threat they pose. Expressions and the behavior of a given terrorist is a communication tool which is used to show the capability of a terrorist. A well understanding of behavior can be used to help law enforcing bodies to detect and prevent terrorist plots before they are conducted. This essay is formulated in such a way that it explores the concepts of terrorism behavior analysis by using homegrown case studies, jihadist members. These members mainly occurred in between the year 2006 and 2013. The three criminals to be used in this research include Mohammed Emwazi, Reyaad Khan, and Junaid Hussein. All these criminals were once a significant threat, and they have a similarity as they were all jihadist.

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Mohammed Ewazi is known as the mastered killer who goes by the name "Jihadi John." This fellow grew up in west London and was identified as a threat by the security service. Mohammed became a threat, and all attention was drawn to him after he was known for associating with extremists. This fellow became wanted, and in the year 2012, he appeared in some videos where hostages were beheaded. This individual lacked mercy and was a killing machine as he beheaded men without second thoughts. In the year 2015, jihadi John was killed by the Pentagon unit, and a military source confirmed his death is putting an end to the ongoing threat.

The other Terrorist, Reyaad Khan was a threat and also one of the most feared terrorists in the USA for his inhumane acts. Khan was a former student of Cardiff University who came to fame after appearing in one of the notorious Islamic propaganda videos. In this particular video, khan was on the front line advocating that "There is no life without jihad." This video went viral in June 2014 having khan and one of his hometown friends being the main characters. In this particular video, khan was holding an automatic machine gun and was appealing to all Muslim youths to join the jihad. He urged that youths should not hold back to joining jihad as this prevented the form obtaining martyrdom and favors from the lord. This particular jihadist faced his death the following year after a first drone strike in Syria.

The last terrorist who was used as a case study is Junaid Hussein. Junaid was a computer hacker who was once convicted of accessing the address book of Tony Blair, the former prime minister. After his release, he went to Syria where he advanced his crimes by advocating for violent disorder. He used the social media to urge people to travel and cause confusion in the USA and also encouraging western jihadist supporters to launch terror attacks in their home countries. Junaid faced his death in August 2015 after years of tracking down.

After a careful application of five psychosocial observations, it was easy to define the psychological profile elements. The comment led me to favorite psychosocial characters that occurred among the three criminals. These characters and traits included ambivalence toward the law, emotional detachment from the consequences of their actions, magical thinking, and destructiveness. The psychological observation concept applies to both Reyaad Khan and Junaid Hussein and not John Jihadi. Reyaad and Junaid are very ambivalence towards the authority to the extent that they try to influence other into destroying the current peaceful state of the country. This particular concept of analyzing criminal behavior is suitable for this two and not for John Jihadi. To understand the extent of the threat that John Jihadi possess requires on to use another psychological research tool such as measurement and experimentation. Measuring the psychology of any individual requires one to assess the underlying characters and features of the subject matter. The features that can be accessed include cognitive elements. Cognitive elements that can be obtained include the intelligence content of an individual or brain damage. These two particular concepts will best fit Jihadi John as he did not go public most of the times and thus there is little one can observe.

Among the three criminals used in this research, I believe Junaid Hussein poses the most significant threat. This guy is a learned fellow who has expert computer skills and can hack any firewall to access critical state documents and information. Also, Junaid tends using social media to trigger terrorists to launch attacks. These two reasons make him the greatest threat among the three criminals as-as he can influence the masses within short durations and also hack private records and control computerized military operations. To fight back the risks posed by this criminal, I would recommend the state government to put measures to overcome social media propaganda and also installing firewalls that cannot be hacked. These firewalls should have limited access. This is to avoid unauthorized individuals accessing the available information.


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