Essay Sample on The Advantages and Disadvantages of GAP 43

Published: 2023-12-13
Essay Sample on The Advantages and Disadvantages of GAP 43
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Research Biology Medicine Essays by pagecount
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1343 words
12 min read

The analysis focuses on the role of growth-associated protein-43 (GAP-43) and superior cervical ganglion-10 (SCG-10) mRNA and protein levels not only in DRG neurons of lumbar spinal cord segments (L4-L5) associated with sciatic injured nerve. The objective of the research study is to unearth the role of growth-associated protein-43 (GAP-43) and superior cervical ganglion-10 (SCG-10) mRNA and protein level not only in DRG neurons of lumbar spinal cord segments (L4-L5) associated with sciatic injured nerve. The sources were past scientific papers that were published and obtained from google scholar and other sites with open source access. The research review is an original work. The analysis will be centered on a review article that focused on analysis on the advantages and disadvantages GAP 43 as a neuroregeneration marker examination in rat sciatic nerve injury. The study eligibility criteria was articles that are not older than fifteen years, are written in English and are published.

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Successful axon regeneration results after activation of regenerative programs. Activation of the neuronal pro-regenerative state is characterized by upregulation of various transforming factors, regeneration-associated genes and proteins. This factors are fundamental intrinsic elements of neuronal regeneration capacity.


The objective of the research study is to unearth the role of growth-associated protein-43 (GAP-43) and superior cervical ganglion-10 (SCG-10) mRNA and protein level not only in DRG neurons of lumbar spinal cord segments (L4-L5) associated with sciatic injured nerve. The intervention available will be the scientific research materials on GAP-43, SCG-10 mRNA and protein levels available at Journal of Global Pharma Technology. The comparison will comprise various claims made by several identified publications. The predictable outcome is that GAP-43, SCG-10, mRNA and protein levels are upregulated and play significant roles in dorsal root ganglion of other spinal cord segment associated with sciatic nerve injury. Case study design will be used to analyze the various publications revolving around the research topic.


Major related publications will be sort from google scholar: and the others from the general google search engine. Distinct focus is placed on the analysis of a review article published on 2019. The research was centered on the analysis on advantages and disadvantages GAP-43 as a neuroregeneration marker examination in rat sciatic nerve injury.

Eligibility criteria

Articles that are not older than fifteen years, are written in English and are published will meet the eligibility criteria. The rationale of this is to minimize the use of out dated data, minimize language barrier and ensure that the data obtained from the respective articles are credible.

Search strategy

Key words used will be sciatic nerve injury, GAP-43, SCG-10 and DRG neurons of L4-L5.


Neuronal injury can be defined as physiological stimulation of mechanisms of repair or healing by the body after neuronal injury (Margiana et al. 2019, p.181). Recent studies showed that PI3K is highly efficient in the regulating of the whole process of neuronal regeneration. Thus the conclusion that PI3K is the main signalling pathway that modulates and propagates peripheral neuronal regeneration in response to injury (Margiana et al. 2019, p.181).

From the data collected by Margiana et al. (2019, p.147), It showed that GAP-43 played an essential part in the growth as well as the development of the mammalian Central Nervous System (CNS). It depicted how it is crucial for the preservation of both the structure and the dynamics of the axonal fibres. It is also crucial for the correction of the rat’s synaptic terminals at optimal conditions as well as in the cases of lesion-triggered axonal sprouting.

In research from Komori et al. (2007, p.255), they unveiled 67 proteins that were highly regulated by nerve ligation. Assault to primary sensory neurons triggered various cellular mechanisms significant for the structural and functional integrity of neurons and protective against oxidative injury. Their data indicated that the regulation of metabolic enzymes met the altered energy requirement of the DRG cells. Their data also showed that ligation of the L5 spinal nerve led to the upregulation in the L4 DRG of the proteins that are highly expressed in embryonic sensory neurons.

Research from Mason (2002, p. 607) compared SCG10 and CAP-23 expression with that of GAP-43 during axonal regeneration of adult rats. I t found that SCG0-10, CAP-23, and GAP-43 mRNAs were greatly upregulated by DRG neurons after sciatic nerve crush, but before dorsal rhizotomy. When the sciatic nerve was crushed to avert reinnervation of targets, expression of all three mRNAs was prolonged. Neurons in the dorsal thalamus and cerebellar cortex poorly regenerated and mostly did not upregulate any of these mRNAs. He found out that signals from living peripheral nerve seemed to retain expression of all three mRNAs in regenerating neurons.

Kawasaki et al. (2018, p. 191) performed a growth cone phosphoproteomics study of, which highlighted more than thirty thousand phosphopeptides of _1,200 proteins. They found data suggesting that proteins that had proline-directed phosphorylation regulate growth of nerves in the mammalian brain. Further analysis revealed that phosphoproteins were enriched in microtubules and the cortical cytoskeleton. The most frequently phosphorylated site was S96 of GAP-43. Before, the undistinguished phosphorylation site was JNK dependent. S96 phosphorylation was identified in regenerating axons as the commonest target of JNK signaling; thus it denotes an assuring recent molecular marker for mammalian axonal growth and regeneration.

Dubový et al. (2019, p. 11) noted bilateral buildup of GAP-43 and SCG-10 mRNA and protein levels in DRG neurons of lumbar spinal cord segments (L4-L5) associated with injured nerve, and also in remote cervical segments (C6-C8) seven days after a unilateral sciatic nerve injury by compression or transection The rise in regeneration-associated proteins in the cervical DRG neurons was linked with the increased length of regenerated axons a day prior to ulnar nerve crush following sciatic nerve injury that happened before as contrasted to controls with only ulnar nerve crush. The augmented axonal regeneration capacity of cervical DRG neurons after a previous conditioning sciatic nerve lesion was established by neurite outgrowth assay of in vitro cultivated DRG neurons. Intrathecal injection of IL-6 or a JAK2 inhibitor (AG490) showed a role for the IL-6 signaling pathway in triggering the pro-regenerative state in remote DRG neurons. The results suggest that the pro-regenerative state induced in the DRG neurons non-associated with the injured nerve reflected a systemic reaction of these neurons to unilateral sciatic nerve injury.Thus, SCG10 and CAP-23, as well as GAP-43, are likely to be important neuronal determinants of regenerative ability.


Dubový, P., Klusáková, I., Hradilová-Svízenská, I., Brázda, V., Kohoutková, M., & Joukal, M. (2019). A Conditioning Sciatic Nerve Lesion Triggers a Pro-regenerative State in Primary Sensory Neurons Also of Dorsal Root Ganglia Non-associated With the Damaged Nerve. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 13, 11.

Kawasaki, A., Okada, M., Tamada, A., Okuda, S., Nozumi, M., Ito, Y., Kobayashi, D., Yamasaki, T., Yokoyama, R., Shibata, T., Nishina, H., Yoshida, Y., Fujii, Y., Takeuchi, K., & Igarashi, M. (2018). Growth Cone Phosphoproteomics Reveals that GAP-43 Phosphorylated by JNK Is a Marker of Axon Growth and Regeneration. IScience, 4, 190–203.

Komori, N., Takemori, N., Kim, H. K., Singh, A., Hwang, S., Foreman, R. D., Chung, K., Chung, J., & Matsumoto, H. (2007). Proteomics study of neuropathic and nonneuropathic dorsal root ganglia: altered protein regulation following segmental spinal nerve ligation injury. Physiol Genomics, 215–230.

Margiana, R., Kusumaningtyas, S., Lestari, S. W., Mukdisari, Y., & Ima, K. (2019). Analysis on advantages and disadvantages Gap 43 as neuroregeneration marker examination in rat sciatic nerve injury. Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 11(1), 147-153.

Margiana, R., Kusumaningtyas, S., Lestari, S. W., Mukdisari, Y., & Ima, K. (2019). Review on cyclic adenosine monophosphate signaling pathway (cAMP), DLK signaling pathway, RAS/RAF signaling, retinoic acid signaling, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) as the signaling pathways involved in peripheral neuronal generation. Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 11(1), 181-198.

Mason, M. (2002). Transcriptional Upregulation of SCG10 and CAP-23 Is Correlated with Regeneration of the Axons of Peripheral and Central Neurons in Vivo. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 20(4), 595–615.

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Essay Sample on The Advantages and Disadvantages of GAP 43. (2023, Dec 13). Retrieved from

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