Essay Sample on The Case Scenario of the Yolk Sac Tumor

Published: 2023-09-07
Essay Sample on The Case Scenario of the Yolk Sac Tumor
Essay type:  Persuasive essays
Categories:  Medicine Cancer Drug Childhood
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 676 words
6 min read

Emily, a young girl, was diagnosed with the yolk sac tumor when she was only one and a half years old. The size of the cancer inside her little abdomen was like a grapefruit. Even though the little girl was diagnosed with cancer, nurses and doctors told her parents that the type of cancer Emily has is not treatable but curable. A few months later, Emily went through grueling testing, surgeries, and rigorous chemotherapy therapies. As known, the yolk sac tumor is a germ cell tumor that affects the testes or ovaries, the BW, and the lower spine (Arumugam, 2016). Cancer is often malignant and grows at a very high rate.

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During treatment, the ADD medicines were prescribed for Emily to use while attending the chemotherapy sessions (Jerry, 2010). The medication was in a bid form, especially AC, to reduce pain. Most drugs given were to ensure that traces of cancer finish in her body. When the child was two years old, the family prepared to celebrate her birthday while she was still admitted in the hospital. However, while the family was in the hospital, they realized that her ADL had reduced while she was in the activity room playing with the kitchen set given by the nurses. She was then given lunch, and she took her afternoon nap.

The following day at 4; 30 pm, her fatal dose was administered to her by one of the nurses (Jerry, 2010). When Emily woke up, she was very dizzy and lost control of her body. Every time she wanted to stand, she asked her mother to assist her. Since they were in the activity room, the mother decided to take her to the ADM wing. Frantically, she called the nurses when she noticed that the girl was profusely vomiting (Jerry, 2010). The nurse grabbed her from the mother and began to resuscitate her as she had blacked out.

Emily was later taken to the ICU because the teams were wondering what went wrong. After one hour, Emily was on a life support machine (Jerry, 2010). The doctors realized that the dose given that afternoon had a high percentage of sodium chloride. Salt is a chemical used to attract water into the human body to maintain the BV (Arumugam, 2016). However, if ingested in large quantities, more water will be pulled into the blood vessels and will increase the BP, thus making the heart struggle to pump blood to the rest of the body. If the salt level does not reduce, then it may lead to CHF.

Due to this, a CT scan was then conducted to see the extent at which the brain was damaged as she kept on saying that she had a headache. Since the scans cannot be done with the life support machines on her, the nurses decided to do manual pumping to enable her breath while the scan was conducted (Arumugam, 2016). Later the doctors did a CBC to check the level of salt in the blood. With all being done, Emily could not make it but passed away.

As a procedure, the parents wrote a CC and gave it to the doctor to elaborate more on Emily’s problem, symptoms, diagnosis, and reasons for her death. In most cases, this letter’s nature is to determine if the services offered by the hospital were covered by vision or medical insurance.


The yolk sac cancer is a rare condition that gets children. The disease can be fatal if treatment is not done correctly. A good example is Emily’s case. Even though she went through various therapies, surgeries, medication, and chemotherapies, sodium chloride was wrongly ingested in her body, leading to other problems. The case study reveals more about how medical procedures may be done to save lives.


Arumugam, D. (2016). Primary Nasopharyngeal yolk sac tumor: A case report. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research, 132-144.

Jerry, C. (2010). Emily’s story. Emily Jerry Foundation – For Patient Safety and Safe Medication Practices.

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Essay Sample on The Case Scenario of the Yolk Sac Tumor. (2023, Sep 07). Retrieved from

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