The Causes of Increasing Divorce in American Society - Free Essay Outline

Published: 2022-05-06
The Causes of Increasing Divorce in American Society - Free Essay Outline
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Family Relationship
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 570 words
5 min read

Research question: What are the causes of increasing divorce in American society today?

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Thesis: The increase in divorce among American couples results from basic couple incompatibility, money-related issues, as well as infidelity among others.

Research topic justification

The topic, causes of divorce among American couple is increasing, and this is a major social concern. Most of the American marriages always end in divorce and separation, and this makes it important research for me to conduct on the causes of increasing divorce. According to the latest statistics on American divorce rates, around 50% of the marriages always end in divorce and separation, and this is a worse rate when it comes to social development. I, therefore, consider researching on this issue an important to help in acknowledging the community and more so the American couple on causes of divorce and recommends ways to reduce the rate.

Essay paragraph contents and divisions

Introductory paragraph

This paragraph will contain a brief history of divorce and its prevalence in American society with supporting statistical data to back up the issue. The last statement in this paragraph will be my thesis statement. A draft of an introductory paragraph is shown below;

There are increases rates of divorce among American society making it an important social concern for the betterment of the future of families. The increased rate is as high as 50% among couples. There are a number of causes which result in these increased statistics. The increase in divorce among American couple results from basic couple incompatibility, money-related issues, infidelity, domestic violence, and influence of extended family among others.

Body Paragraphs

The body of the essay will entail an in-depth description of the causes of divorce among American couples.

Basic couple incompatibility

Forced marriages

Young and naive marriages

Marrying for purposes other than companion such as to get yourself out of trouble

Cultural and religious differences

Lack of premarital education among the couple

Infidelity among couple

Cheating on one's partner by another spouse

Man's extramarital affairs

Woman's extramarital affairs

Emotional trauma to the spouse

Money related issues

Lack of money to provide for the union

Women's inability to cater for expenses

Employment of one spouse more so the reverse where the woman is employed while the man has no employment.

Domestic violence

Continues conflicts

Drug and substance abuse

Limited or no commitment of partners to their relationships

Extended family issues

Too much in-laws involvement in one's relationship

Discouraging one's partner from engaging with the other by extended family members

Recommendation paragraph

This paragraph will contain ways of reducing divorce among American society. Some of the recommendations include making the right choices when it comes to marriages

Marrying the right person

Going to premarital counseling

Avoidance of extended family involvement in one's marriage

Learning one's character and behavior before making a marriage step


This will entail a summary of the causes of divorce among American stating the causes and recommendation on ways of reducing increased divorce. This will be in line with the thesis statement as it confirms thesis statement to be true. A draft of a conclusion paragraph is shown below

The increasing divorce rates among American couple result from basic couple incompatibility, money-related issues, infidelity, domestic violence, and influence of extended family among others. To reduce this divorce issues, one should consider going to premarital counseling, marrying the right person, learning one's character before marrying them, and avoidance of extended family involvement among others.

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The Causes of Increasing Divorce in American Society - Free Essay Outline. (2022, May 06). Retrieved from

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