Essay Sample Discussing the College Athletes' Debate

Published: 2022-11-04
Essay Sample Discussing the College Athletes' Debate
Type of paper:  Argumentative essay
Categories:  College Students Sport
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 942 words
8 min read

Of all other levels of education, college education appears to have more impact on the lives of individuals. Apart from academics, colleges are known for their ability to nature talents. Among all other co-curricular activities, sport and games appear to be more popular. Golf soccer, football, and basketball are among the games that are played in these institutions. However, basketball and football are the most prominent games. Nevertheless, the attention right away is not about which game is popular or not. The attention has been diverted to whether the players who in this case are students should be paid. Different people have a diverse view on this issue. Some are for it while others are against. On level ground, both sides make sense, but at the end of it all, there has to be a stronger side.

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First of all, the games have attracted a large number of sponsors to an extent they are broadcast live on national television. The fact that the games have the attention of a large percentage of the American population shows that they are lucrative. According to the Journal of Economic Perspectives (115-138), the sponsors themselves splash a huge sum of money in mobilizing the event. It is however unfortunate that the people who make these games a success are ignored in the long run. As it is now, there is a token set aside for the winning team. Unfortunately, the cash is mostly shared among the management of the team as well as the administration of the particular schools without forgetting the coach. It is on rare occasion that the players will have a penny from their participation.

It is no longer a secret that college games are generating a considerable amount of cash. It is demoralizing to use innocent people to generate cash and leave them empty-handed. In normal cases, the students are supposed to dress in the branded outfits. This means that they are being used to market the specific. College students are mature, and some of them understand how branding and marketing functions. Such students are likely to be demoralized by the fact that they are being used as money making vessels. Of all other things, the sponsors are supposed to offer something small specifically for the students. Apart from the sponsors, even the responsible sports association have to play their part in ensuring that the students get some monetary rewards.

At the same time, it is a big shame that the students are representing their institution yet the managers of the schools do not recognize their efforts. It is high time the principles realize that issuing some bits of the winning prices to the players is part of the motivation. These students have given their all to the school, and their efforts have to be recognized. This does not mean paying them a salary; only a small token will be enough for them. The students are the image of the institution and thus greater picture of the school. As a result of their participation, the school name is likely to sell, and more parties will be willing to be part of the institution.

On the other hand, students (players), have to be paid to compensate for the time they spend outside the classrooms. Through these, the students are likely to miss out on very important aspects that are taught in class. The same students may get injured, and it is unfortunate that the schools may not take care of the injuries. This means that the students have to use the funds they receive in the form of salaries to nurse their injuries. It is also possible that their academic credibility can be affected by the prolonged periods spent outdoors. It is only fair to give these players some salaries to encourage them in the sport just in case their academics flop.

Despite the calls for the paying of players, some quarters are ultimately against it. There is the argument that paying the students will change the essence of college education and games. In real sense, college games are not meant to earn salaries but to promote talents as well taking care of the social and sporting aspects of school life (Branch 89). At the same time, exposing college students to huge sums of money at that early age is likely to affect their ego as well as their academics. The money should instead be used to sponsor their education as it has always been.

In as much as the above argument makes sense, it cannot carry away the logic that the rest of the arguments have. College students are not kids thus most of them know how to handle themselves around. After all, most of them live far from their parents, and thus the debate of handling money should not be there. It is always reasonable to pay the students as a way of encouraging them to put more effort into the sport. However, it should not look like they are already successful. It should be something small to encourage them. It is the high time that the event sponsors refrained from using students as money making gadgets. At the same time, the heads of schools have to motivate their students to do more. Schools should not be hard on students who have represented them at the highest level. Time has come that the two houses in the US have to come up with policies that protect the rights of the students.

Works Cited

Branch, Taylor. "The shame of college sports." The Atlantic 308.3 (2011): 80-110.

Sanderson, Allen R., and John J. Siegfried. "The case for paying college athletes." Journal of Economic Perspectives 29.1 (2015): 115-38.

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