Paper Example. The Developmental Stages

Published: 2023-09-11
Paper Example. The Developmental Stages
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personality Child development Human development Essays by wordcount
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1806 words
16 min read

People experience different issues in stages of growth, depending on factors such as the environment they are exposed to and social elements. The various steps in one’s life can also be characterized by some issues depending on things that an individual encounters in life. For instance, people at the adolescent stage behave differently based on their biological, psychological, and environmental issues. Consequently, the case presented can be used to analyze the developmental stages of the individual based on various theories and concepts used in developmental concerns.

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Developmental Concerns in the Developmental Stages

Adolescents experience various challenges due to the changes that are experienced in their bodies. In the case provided, Carlos felt that he did not fit in the community and was trying to fight back and ensure that he was experiencing what other people were experiencing. In most cases, people at the adolescence stage experience changes that force them to engage in some acts to help them feel accepted in the community (Nippold, 2016). Attention is also an issue that many people in the adolescent stage seek from other people in society. In this case, Carlos and his friends tried to find attention by conducting petty vandalism to the school. Cognitive issues have also been analyzed to determine the developmental concerns of adolescents. For instance, many adolescents are moody, anxious, and have behavior disorders (Simmonds et al., 2014). In this case, Carlos experienced cognitive issues, whereby he states that his parents did not understand him and did not agree with him about his views of the world. In this case, one can claim that Carlos was anxious in his adolescence stage. The issue of environmental concerns has also been experienced in this case, whereby his friends influenced his behaviors since they all felt that they did not fit in the regular crowd of smart, athletic students. Thus, the environment has an impact on the practices of an individual in the adolescent stage. One of the interventions that can be exercised involves counseling to help the individual cope with cognitive issues such as anxiety and being moody (Curtis, 2015). Correspondingly, environmental concerns such as ensuring that an individual is brought up in a pleasant environment that can limit an individual from engaging in immoral behaviors are vital. Psychosocial issues can also be analyzed to ensure that social factors do not influence an individual in the adolescence stage to engage in harmful practices.

Developmental concerns of young adulthood can also be analyzed using the case presented. Young adulthood is characterized by its unique constellation of psychological issues and socio-cultural tasks (Newman & Newman, 2017). Biological theories can show how biological concerns may have influenced the case of Carlos in his young adulthood. For instance, Carlos was not very close to his stepfather and had a little emotional reaction to the death of the stepfather. Biological issues can also influence how people respond to changes in their life. On the other hand, cognitive concerns are also of great interest in young adulthood. People in this stage have good memory and reasoning. In this case, Carlos ensured that he cared for his mother after losing his stepfather. Nevertheless, psychosocial factors led to his involvement in drinking alcohol and using marijuana as a way of fighting the stress he experienced in life. Environmental factors can also have an impact on the development of an individual in young adulthood. For instance, the various issues such as feeling intimidated by women affected his behaviors as they also led him to engage in drug abuse. Cognitive factors have also been involved in young adulthood, whereby people experience different mental issues such as anxiety, which affects their developmental concerns (Arnett et al., 2014). Carlos was affected by what was happening in his life and family, leading to his changes in behaviors. Interventions that may be involved in this case may include focusing on cognitive issues such as changes in emotions that may affect the practices of the individual. Equally, environmental factors can also be analyzed to ensure that Carlos does not engage in harmful behaviors that may affect his young adulthood. Social factors can also affect the development of people in young adulthood. In this case, Carlos was not much connected with his stepfather and had issues when dating women, which changed his life. Thus, people need to focus on social factors that can improve the development of an individual in young adulthood. For instance, people should be encouraged to talk about the issues that are affecting their lives and seek assistance from other people in the community (Polan & Taylor, 2019). Psychological therapies can also be conducted to people facing challenges in young adulthood.

Middle adulthood has also been a stage that can involve various developmental concerns. In this case, Carlos experienced cognitive concerns in his middle adulthood as he continued to face challenges in his life. For instance, Carlos was mentally disturbed due to issues involving the death of his mother. The loss of his mother also led him to start drinking more and find it harder to enjoy his work. In most cases, people turn to drug abuse when experiencing issues that stress them (Polan & Taylor, 2019). Environmental concerns can also be considered when focusing on the developmental stage of carols in middle adulthood. Typically, middle adulthood is characterized by one’s influence and commitment to family, society, and future generations. In this case, Carlos was spending most of his holidays with his family. Mental disorders are also likely to be experienced in middle adulthood. Thus, individuals in middle adulthood should go for regular checkups to determine their mental health.

Social concerns in middle adulthood have also been analyzed to determine how they affect the development of an individual. In most cases, people at the middle adulthood stage are not very social as they primarily focus on their family (Magnusson, 2015). For instance, the example provided shows that Carlos kept in touch with his sisters. Cognitive development in middle adulthood is characterized by improved reasoning and improved verbal abilities. Nevertheless, interventions can also be analyzed to address cognitive concerns in middle adulthood. One of the responses that can be addressed is the need for people experiencing challenges that can impact their mental health to seek medical care. Psychological issues are steered by various problems that are experienced by an individual in his or her life (Polan & Taylor, 2019). Consequently, one can get counseling from professionals to prevent him or her from developing cognitive disorders. Issues concerning psychosocial concerns should also be addressed when focusing on middle adulthood. In this case, Carlos was focusing on his past life and felt that his life was miserable. Thus, people can ensure that they focus on their present and future growth and ensure that they continue to grow and develop. An intervention involving environmental concerns may also be required in middle adulthood. For instance, people can ensure that they are in a friendly environment that can help them to grow and develop. Moreover, people can focus on engaging in productive activities such as games to avoid developing mental disorders or engaging in crime and drug abuse.

Late adulthood is characterized by aspects such as memory degeneration, hearing and vision decline, and a weakening immune system. Therefore, individuals in the late adulthood stage are encouraged to accept their life and redirecting energy towards new roles. Retirement also brings a shifting of roles within the home and social system. Therefore, various developmental issues can be analyzed when focusing on late adulthood. Biological concerns in late adulthood mainly involve the changes that are experienced in the body. For instance, the weakening of the immune system is experienced, which leads to an individual being vulnerable to many diseases. Social concerns are also a factor that people examine when dealing with individuals in late adulthood. For instance, the case provided involves a divorced individual who is lonely and seeks assistance for what he states is life issues. Loss of spouse and change in the work status area also some of the prevailing social factors that are experienced by people in the late adulthood stage (Sanford, 2017). Cognitive development in late adulthood is characterized by poor memory in many individuals.

As stated earlier, memory degeneration is experienced in late adulthood, and many individuals experience a decline in attention. Slower inductive reasoning is also experienced in late adulthood (Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, 2018). Environmental determinants are also involved in the late adulthood stage. Some of the environmental factors can increase the risks of an individual to develop poor mental health. For instance, individuals who drink alcohol and engage in drug abuse are likely to develop poor mental health (Blake, 2015). Various interventions can be addressed concerning issues associated with the late adulthood stage. Concerns regarding cognition may involve ensuring that an individual focuses on a diet that can improve his or her cognitive abilities. Biological matters such as the weakening of the immune system can also be limited by focusing on healthy living that enhances the development of body cells (Magnusson, 2015). Environmental factors have also been addressed in late adulthood, and people can ensure that they restrict environmental determinants than can steer the poor development of an individual. For instance, an individual can ensure that the environment does not lead to health complications. Living in an environment that is characterized by pollution can also lead to respiratory problems more so in people in late adulthood due to their weak immune system.


In conclusion, people experience different issues in their developmental stages. However, ways to ensure that individuals do not experience adverse effects during these stages should be exercised. For instance, adolescents encounter cognitive and biological changes that can impact their life. Adolescents should learn how to deal with their experiences and ensure the changes do not harm them. Counseling can also be another way that can be exercised to ensure that people facing various cognitive issues in different developmental stages improve their health. The case provided has also revealed how social factors have an impact on the lives of an individual. Consequently, people should ensure that social factors do not harm the lives of individuals. In essence, all developmental stages are influenced by various concerns that should be analyzed to avoid hurting people in different stages.


Arnett, J. J., Zukauskiene, R., & Sugimura, K. (2014). The new life stage of emerging adulthood at ages 18–29 years: Implications for mental health. The Lancet Psychiatry, 1(7), 569-576.

Blake, B. (2015). Developmental psychology: Incorporating Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories in classrooms.

Cavanaugh, J. C., & Blanchard-Fields, F. (2018). Adult development and aging. Cengage Learning.

Curtis, A. C. (2015). Defining adolescence. Journal of adolescent and family health, 7(2), 2.

Magnusson, D. (2015). Individual Development from an Interactional Perspective (Psychology Revivals): A Longitudinal Study. Psychology Press

Newman, B. M., & Newman, P. R. (2017). Development through life: A psychosocial approach. Cengage Learning.

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