Free Essay on the Effect of Value Congruence and Corporate Culture on Job Satisfaction

Published: 2022-05-31
Free Essay on the Effect of Value Congruence and Corporate Culture on Job Satisfaction
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Organizational culture
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 620 words
6 min read

Value congruence refers to the interaction between personal values and organizational values and especially the similarities that lead to business satisfaction. Corporate culture, on the other hand, refers to organizational behavior that affects the running of an organization. For example, the relationship between the management and the employees may either lead to success or failure of a business. These two variables directly affect the satisfaction of both employers and employees, which in turn determine the success of the organization. When the values of workers are congruent with those of other workers and those of the organization, all parties involved are more likely to be satisfied and job commitment is more, leading to high performance and increased production.

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When employees realize that they have same values as other employees, they get overwhelmed and are more interested in working. They find it more possible to survive and work in an environment where people view things the same way as they do. The working environment becomes friendly since they can comfortably socialize with each other without the fear of negative judgment. This comfort motivates the workers and they are satisfied with the job they do (Meglino, Ravlin, & Adkins, 1989). Satisfaction is also passed on to the management of an organization since quality work is done and production is increased.

Value congruence is important in eliminating conflicts between workers and also between workers and employers. Minimal differences between the workers mean minimal friction and maximum time usage on doing what is right. Conflicts waste a lot of time for an organization and its workers because people spend a lot of time trying to resolve them. An environment that is full of conflicts leads to discomfort and dissatisfaction (Meglino, Ravlin, & Adkins, 1989). Employees try as much as possible to keep away from the place of work due to the existing tensions. Value congruence is of importance because it is only when employers are satisfied that maximum results will be yielded.

Corporate culture is determined by the values that an organization has put in place to govern all the workers in the organization. These values are made clear to the employees immediately they join the organization so that they can have in mind what they are working towards achieving. Over time, these values become the culture of that organization and the outside world creates a reputation for the organization depending on the culture (Newton & Mazur, 2015). Corporate culture contributes to the success of a business because employees, customers, and other stakeholders want to be associated with a business with a good reputation. When an employee achieves this, they become satisfied and put more effort to continue working in the company. A good reputation also works for the management because the culture automatically attracts customers who in turn bring income for the business.

In conclusion, job satisfaction is highly determined by value congruence and corporate culture. The values that run the business play a vital role in influencing whether a business will be successful or not. Employers should consider the values of employees so that they employ those who share similar values. The readiness of employees to adjust to the corporate culture should also be considered to avoid future fictions between management and the workers. By doing so, all parties are sure of satisfaction and therefore business success.


Meglino, B. M., Ravlin, E. C., & Adkins, C. L. (1989). A work values approach to corporate culture: A field test of the value congruence process and its relationship to individual outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(3), 424-432. doi:10.1037//0021-9010.74.3.424

Newton, C. J., & Mazur, A. K. (2015). Value congruence and job-related attitudes in a nonprofit organization: a competing values approach. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(10), 1013-1033. doi:10.1080/09585192.2015.1053962

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