Research Methodology Example: The Effects of Technology on Manual Jobs

Published: 2017-09-19
Research Methodology Example: The Effects of Technology on Manual Jobs
Type of paper:  Dissertation methodology
Categories:  Employment Technology Job
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 340 words
3 min read


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In an effort to answer the issue brought forward in the research problem knowledge was attained about the robots or technology advancement and its impact on the manual jobs from various scientific books and articles as well as gathering information from some organization workers. In order to highlight how robots are perceived by workers, three periods of the robotic development were studied; they included innovation, development and inception periods. Therefore, more focus was placed on the literature that focused on the robotic development.

The quasi-experimental methodology will be used in this research particularly on the sample population of manual workers which will later be filtered out so that consistency can be maintained throughout the research data. The secondary and primary methods have also been used so that complete insight can be attained on the study problem. Furthermore, the primary research involved semi-formal interviews and questionnaires with the concerned manual workers. Secondary research will use books and journals to acquire more information and knowledge on the subject in question.

4.2 Population and Sample

The research targeted six companies based In the United States but just four were sampled to achieve the objectives of this study. Hence, it was performed because most manual workers are based in the manufacture and production industries. A random sampling procedure was utilized when selecting subjects; it was effective due to the fact that it offered all manual workers a chance to become sampled even though a selected few were given a chance to air their views.

4.3 Data Collection Technique

In an effort to ensure that the subjects felt like the information they would give will be kept confidential, they were each interviewed privately. The researcher went to four schools that contained separate cluster groups.

4.4 Data Analysis

The data was analyzed statistically whereby differences in the outcomes were tested. Therefore, equal variances got discarded but the differences in the percentage rates were compared to whether manual workers felt threatened by the automation process or not.

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Research Methodology Example: The Effects of Technology on Manual Jobs. (2017, Sep 19). Retrieved from

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