Essay Sample: The First Year of Obama in the Office

Published: 2022-11-15
Essay Sample: The First Year of Obama in the Office
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis United States Barack Obama
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1872 words
16 min read

There are many ways that a given individual can apply in determining or measuring the first year of Obama in the Office was fruitful or failure. The number of polls if can be used to measure his success or failure appear to claim failure more than success. His approval scores are positioned at 40% after they have drifted securely in the mid-60s deviation. Much support he received from Republicans when he was first in the office has vanished. And he has lost form the independent voters. However, some polls are depicting a turnaround on that front. It is vivid that his first year took its toll.

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General Overview

When we remind ourselves of the situation of the country when he took over, and the great distance we have made from that moment, considering policy achievement itself, it is openly intolerable to concur that the first year of President Obama in the office wasn't unique and of success (Jacobson, 234). When we start with the common-sense part which is the economy, it is clear that when Obama took office and entered into the White House, the possibility of an upcoming huge depression was evident. The diminishing figures of polls were a result of the situation of the country's economy forcing the president to undertake measures and things that excitedly detested, for example, bailing out financial institutions and auto industries, and supporting and implementing an approximate of $800bn economic incentive package (Berg, 85). After that first year, the economy was seen in the situation of collapsing. Based on a research form the President's Council of Economic Adviser, the stimulus has helped in creating more than 2million jobs for unemployed individuals; this implies that if the stimulus could not have been implemented, the unemployment rate could have been closer to 11.2%.

The Troubled Asset Relief Programme (Tarp), although not widespread, able to keep the financial system of US afloat. The frozen credit markets have melted. The Down-jones share index expanded by 30% on that same year. Also, for all its disagreeability, the quick lion's share of the Tarp will be paid back by the banks that got them, and whatever shortage is left will be made up for by new expenses on the biggest banks. Citizens needed to put a stunning measure of cash into the budgetary foundations to safeguard them out - yet after a year, practically all that cash has been or will be recouped. That is exceptional.

There are other necessary authoritative accomplishments also. Now, it looks for the most part unavoidable that Obama will be the first president since Lyndon Johnson to have a go at changing therapeutic services and succeed. Whatever you're feeling on the extent of the enactment, it's undeniable that this accomplishment is as valid as the enactment itself.

He signed the equal pay act. He marked loathe violations enactment. He significantly expanded interests in the sustainable power source. He conveyed on his guarantee to change the mystery of Washington by making his White House the most straightforward of any ever. He is finishing the war in Iraq and is reasonably and warily executing an arrangement in Afghanistan that appreciates bipartisan help (Jacobs & King, 798). What's more, he has drastically enhanced America's picture abroad. The white house is the hardest place to live, but after one year in the office, it is even hard to tell that Obama has not succeeded.


After being elected and sworn in as a president, it's hard for the people to judge the presidency success or failure during the first term in office. This is because it's hard to deliver during the first term. This judgment can be based on the measures whether the then president is politically efficient. However, basing our opinion from the previous presidents of America, some of them had political success in their first term of presidency, i.e. Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. Barack Obama has however been better off since he has delivered on more promises he made to the American people. He has also led the government in the right direction both politically and development wise.

In his reign, Barack Obama has caused the American people a fortune by increasing the countries debt from George Bush reign. During his time, George Bush squandered a $127 billion surplus resources that caused him a $1.2 trillion fall back (Coglianese, 536). This was created by embezzlement of funds and corruption within his government. Sadly, Barack Obama has increased that deficit further during his reign. This caused the government to a significant financial crisis.

A bailout program supported by the Troubled Asset Relief Program {TRAP] was created and run by the U.S Treasury Department to restore economic growth, stabilize the country's financial system, prevent foreclosures and keep banks operating in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Troubled Asset Relief Program sought to achieve these goals by purchasing troubled companies' assets and equity. The TARP program was authorized by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (Skocpol & Jacobs, 22). This program began under the George Bush era and had furtherly been used in Obama's reign as a president. The Troubled Asset Relief Program initial purpose was to bail out banks. The banks were required to give the government a five percent dividend on the shares they accumulated, and it would increase to 13 percent in 2013. This methodology, however, didn't improve the situation at that time. It will, however, take years for the intended actions by TARP to bring change.

Barack Obama in his first year of the presidency has sent troops to both wars affected Arabian countries Iran and Afghanistan. This troops sent would play non -combat roles, i.e. they would train forces in Iraq to fight the ISIS. It is also sure that the president aims to have a full effect on Afghanistan than in Iran. This is because Iran is a helpless state with war and chaos all over.

In America, Obama has less to show for his democratic superiority in the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives. Since he has the majority in both houses of Congress, the healthcare bill passed unopposed but its demerits it's that its costs of undertaking it kicks in before the benefits thus making this proposal not beneficial and favorable. The blame for such a bill doesn't lie on the president's shoulders only. The healthcare bill aim was to lower health care costs, improve the quality of life for those who couldn't get health insurance from their jobs.

The Democratic Party has the majority in both houses of Congress and also in America over the Republicans, and this is because of the failures of the republicans but not because of its popularity. The Democrats thus have learned that having swing votes can be very friendly. It's anything but trying to assault the Tarp and upgrade bundle, and once more, the disagreeability of those projects entirely has assumed a job in Obama's diminishing survey numbers. In any case, to recommend that other move could have been made that would have kept the economy from falling much further in on itself merely is not stable. There was close all-inclusive assertion among financial analysts about the requirement for an upgrade bundle - analysis of the improvement from among them was centered not around how enormous the boost was, however on how it was not sufficiently huge. Furthermore, without Tarp, the breakdown of the monetary framework and the American vehicle industry would have implied unfathomable financial ruin.

On Iraq and Afghanistan, you state that "it stays hazy precisely what we envision ourselves to do in Iraq or Afghanistan." While all around made, that announcement is misdirecting. We know precisely what our primary goal is in the two nations - In Iraq, it is withdrawal; in Afghanistan, it is the pulverization of al-Qaida and the destroying of the Taliban. The two missions are crusade guarantees conveyed.

On social insurance, the left's dissatisfaction that the enactment does not go sufficiently far ought not to be sufficient to recommend that the marking of a bill won't be a straightforward achievement. The law grows access to want to 31 million individuals and makes therapeutic services less expensive for the 250 million who as of now have it. What's more, it decreases the shortage by well over a trillion dollars throughout the following two decades. Name a greater household accomplishment since 1965.

In conclusion, to recommend that Obama's residential achievement in his first year was not exactly great is once more, not especially sound. Most Republicans grumble that the president has gone up against excessively, and would have favoured the centre exclusively around the economy. Had he done as such, I guess they would have whined that he didn't do what's needed. In any case, let us again not overlook that notwithstanding sparing the economy from a second Great Depression and shepherding the social insurance bill inside a short distance of entry, the president finished the prohibition on foundational microorganism look into, marked the equivalent pay act, finished DEA assaults on medicinal marijuana dispensaries, instituted the hardest enemy of smoking laws the nation has ever observed, issued the most laborious morals controls and straightforwardness rules of any president whenever ever, and got a liberal Hispanic lady affirmed to the Supreme Court. It's the best first year in office since FDR.

To propose that Obama flopped in his first year is to recommend that disappointment happens whenever the president accomplishes something you don't care for. At the start, I noticed that there are diverse measurements that can be utilized to decide presidential achievement or disappointment. One is winning, and Barack Obama has unquestionably done that.

It is unquestionably evident that cash that was once streaming to Republican bodies electorate and premium gatherings are presently being showered upon their Democratic partners. Liberal bills and official requests sitting tight for a Democratic president's mark currently have them. Those are victories.

On to the disappointments. The Bush-Obama Tarp bailout should purchase up harmful resources because, when US Treasury securities supplanted such funds, bank accounting reports would enhance and interbank loaning could continue (Saiegh, 1349). The cash was instead utilized essentially to give the central government a proprietorship enthusiasm for budgetary and modern firms. It is in no way, shape or form clear that this exact move was essential to deflect a Great Depression.

So also, the boost bill was a massive consumption of cash Washington does not have on undertakings of broadly differing legitimacy, chose primarily dependent on political contemplations with flawed "straightforwardness." The economy started bouncing back before a significant part of the assets were even spent and the projections of occupations "made or spared" are altogether founded on monetary models that depend on hocus-pocus more than science.

Obama may yet have an enormous political triumph on social insurance change. In any case, how about we hold up until we see what is marked into law before hanging Bush's "Main goal achieved" pennant on the White House? (We should need to perceive what happens in the Middle East before granting Obama the Nobel harmony prize as well, however, unfortunately, it's past the point of no return for that.) So far, Democratic super-dominant parts have attempted to pass the organization's most significant local needs and have propelled them at extraordinary political expense.

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