The Hero's Journey Unveiled: A Personal Odyssey Through Departure, Initiation, and Reward - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-04
The Hero's Journey Unveiled: A Personal Odyssey Through Departure, Initiation, and Reward - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personality God
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1265 words
11 min read

Just like any other story of heroism, the hero I am about to introduce has gone through the three stages of a hero's life cycle, such as departure, initiation, and return. In departure, the hero, in most cases, lives in an ordinary world but is always disturbed by calls to go somewhere within the world. The hero also remains reluctant, just like any other hero, but finally goes out or respects the call. The process helps a mentor figure out how to go to that world or section of the world and return with the award at the end of the journey or call. In the second stage of the hero's life cycle, initiation, the hero goes to an unknown or unique world where trials and challenging experiences define the journey. The type of trial is either personal or the hero receives help from the helper, often a supernatural being. In the hero's return life cycle, the hero undergoes or passes through the threshold on their way back to the normal world. Such a hero often comes with a reward from that world as an indication of victory. The essay broadly analyzes three stages of the hero's life cycle by discussing a person who went through a hero's life cycle.

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The hero was a friend who received several calls to go to the next country and received those calls via dreams. According to the hero, the type of call was about securing people under the oppressed regime. The regime was a traditional government far in the next country that the hero (friend) was supposed to get to and secure those people. The hero tried hard to assume those calls but kept coming to him day after day and dream after dream. The frequent form of dreams was one way that calls disturbed the hero, which indicated the hero's life cycle's first stage. Several disturbances came after the hero decided to remain mute or reluctant to those calls that came via dreams.

Before he could go out to that country, my friend decided to seek advice from someone who was an interpreter of dreams during those days. He was informed that whenever dreams often come to you, you are a hero, and God wants to complete something using the person (Erlach & Müller, 2019). Upon hearing that interpretation, the hero or friend decides to determine what it was all about the dream. The hero received the call and decided to go outside, which meant he was ready for the journey.

The first aspect of the hero's life cycle applies to personal heroes because of each heroism feature within that stage. The first thing he received several calls via dreams was that there was one feature of the first stage of the hero's life cycle. The hero remained reluctant, meaning the second stage of heroism also applies. In the helper's case, the hero was helped by a dream interpreter who advised him to go out to an unknown place or country; the hero was revealed severally in the dream. Since most heroes also receive help from helpers, the same applies to the personal hero because he received support from a dream interpreter and direction from a supernatural being. The hero went and fought for people's lives because it was a call he needed to take heed and accomplish. Every struggle he underwent applies to the hero's life cycle demonstrated in the course module.

The personal hero received numerous trials such as hatred and denial from people he was helping, which is a clear indication of the tests he went through. According to the hero, he received help from an unknown person, who he believed came to inform humans, but it was a supernatural being. Since the second stage of the life cycle of a hero is also filled with trials and help from unknown beings, a personal hero, in this case, applies to a personal hero because he received support from an unknown person, and trials defined the journey he took. According to the hero, one form of difficulty was he thought of going against anyone who went against him, including those people he was supposed to rescue from the rogue regime. Even though he fought, the type of power used in war was far more than what the personal hero could manage. That was behind whatever war the personal hero took to help those people from the rogue regime. In the case of application, every scenario described applies to a personal hero because he could undergo stages such as trials and be helped by the unknown being to carry out every essential role. The fact that he was supposed to help people who, at some points, went against him demonstrates that it was a trial he had to make or take. Each scenario explained here fits the story of the personal hero with every stage of the hero's life cycle. The case applies to the hero's life cycle because the concept of crossing the first threshold is demonstrated or

In the third stage of the hero's life cycle, the return of a hero, each the personal hero, underwent the threshold on his way back to the normal world or place of residence. The process was full of trials, and he was tricked by the regime or rogue government which he helped people it. Despite all those hard times, the personal hero went through and was rewarded for helping others. In the case of application, the personal hero's story or journey applies to the third stage of the hero's life cycle because he passed through the threshold on his way back to the everyday world or place of residence. The same process is described in the stage of the hero's life cycle, where the hero undergoes a threshold on their way back to the usual world. The fact that the hero received his somehow through time on his back explained that the personal hero's life story applies to the hero's stages described in the module. A reward's return is another crucial aspect that demonstrates how a personal hero applies to each stage of the hero explained in the module covered in the classroom. In most cases, the hero returns with a reward, which is the case in the personal hero described above.

Since the hero's return stage is filled with the reward for what they did; the same is the case of a personal hero introduced. The hero comes back with a prize that almost everyone admires. A friend's return was something people were armed about because they thought it was tough, and he could not come back probably. There is the aspect of the ultimate boom because, in the end, it is revealed that whatever the hero achieved, it was via the grace of God and call.


To sum up, the personal hero, just like other heroes, underwent all three stages of a hero's life cycle, such as departure, initiation, and return. The hero went to a far country and fought against the rogue government to rescue people who were oppressed. The call to return is applied to the hero's life stage because it is where the hero builds character. The personal hero's life cycle applies to this case as there are several aspects of trials such as a hard time fighting unknown armed beings.


Erlach, C., & Müller, M. (2020). Hero’s Journey: Imbuing Projects and Processes with Life. In Narrative Organizations (pp. 153-161). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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The Hero's Journey Unveiled: A Personal Odyssey Through Departure, Initiation, and Reward - Essay Sample. (2024, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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