The Immigration-Crime Relationship Essay Sample

Published: 2022-11-07
The Immigration-Crime Relationship Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Immigration Criminal justice
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 628 words
6 min read

The data set chosen sampling, and it refers to the process used in any statistical analysis where predetermined observation's number is derived from a large population. Moreover, the methodology that is used in sampling from a population that is larger depends on the analysis type being performed and may consider systematic sampling or simple random sampling. The source of this data set is from America and Mexico on the rates of crime and immigration on the two countries and their borders. Different researchers from the two nations compiled the data as a way of determining the proximity of the number of people associated with crimes and immigrants annually.

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Nonetheless, the selected data set is relevant for the research question chosen as it makes the inference that is in research to be feasible (Melchers, 2009). Most studies are aimed at generalizing their findings of a particular population of interest and in most cases. However, it is not able to collect every information needed from the elements of the population either because of costs or limitations. Also, sampling is necessary as it helps to minimize error from any despondence because of a large number of people. The challenge of time as well is met up by a researcher in this type of methodology (Melchers, 2009).

Relating to crime and immigration, for some specific crime forms, research has depicted clear differences regarding prevalence in ethnic communities but can be explained better by variables that are of socio-economic background. However, deprivation, high unemployment levels, inadequate collective efficiency, and community ties disruption have a stronger impact on the rates of crime. Nevertheless, a body of research that is rapidly growing which considers immigration-crime nexus in places mostly finds out that places, particularly neighborhoods, with higher immigrants' concentration have lower crime rates and violence (Reid, Weiss, Adelman, & Jaret, 2015). Additionally, the immigrants who are on this path are theorized to possess a higher crime involvement as they adopt alternative lifestyles and non-mainstream values which are conducive to most crimes. The reason is that immigrants like other ethnic minorities are the same as whites who are native-born and reside in places where the structural conditions have changed the systems of status away from an idealized middle-class norm and towards an opposition culture (Reid et al., 2015).

The variables in this data set that are related to the research question are the dependent and independent variables. The dependent variable is measured using the experimenter for it to be determined while the independent variable is one which can be manipulated or controlled. For instance, if a researcher wants to study the reasons for immigration and high crime rates, the independent variable would be the number of people and the dependent variable would be the lifestyle of the people or immigrants (Sampson, Raudenbush, & Earls, 2017).

Nonetheless, these variables can be measured using the four scales of measurement which are a ratio, interval, ordinal, and nominal. The ordinal scales often build on the nominal scales giving objects numbers that reflect a rank ordering on a question attribute. Numbers are assigned as labels in the nominal scale for the identification of objects of classes of objects, to mention but a few (Reid et al., 2015). However, alterations such composite measures development can be made when the variables and scales of variable measurement fail to work or give the expected information and thus, the variables can be drawn directly from the selected data set as an option.


Melchers, R. E. (2009). Importance sampling in structural systems. Structural safety, 6(1), 3-10.

Reid, L. W., Weiss, H. E., Adelman, R. M., & Jaret, C. (2015). The immigration-crime relationship: Evidence across US metropolitan areas. Social Science Research, 34(4), 757-780.

Sampson, R. J., Raudenbush, S. W., & Earls, F. (2017). Neighborhoods and violent crime: A multilevel study of collective efficacy. Science, 277(5328), 918-924.

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