Essay Sample on The Impacts of Nursing Informatics on Patient's Outcomes and Patient Care Efficiencies

Published: 2023-12-25
Essay Sample on The Impacts of Nursing Informatics on Patient's Outcomes and Patient Care Efficiencies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Technology Healthcare
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1572 words
14 min read


Nursing informatics is descried as the field that assimilates nursing science with statistics as well as analytical discipline to define, categorize, manage, along with communicating data, wisdom, and knowledge in nursing practice. Understanding the essential role that is played by this specialty in the health care workforce today, health care organizations have worked to intensify awareness by assembling the experts plus conducting an extensive study about the topic. Their priority is that they uphold focus on the safety of the patient (Darvish et al., 2014). This paper aims at discussing the Nursing Informatics’ impact on patient outcomes as well as patient care efficiencies.

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The informatics for women has played a vital role in how the profession itself has advanced in the current world. It has made inaccessible patient care an issue that can be approached easily, making sick people acquire knowledge on the kind of healthcare provided to them by the specialist. Besides, it has enabled the health practitioners to recognize the risks for healthcare in their first stages, and this has been essential because such health risks can be controlled before they become severe.

Through adequate and comprehensive training, the professionals for nurse informaticists manage to make changes in the world that regards nursing with a lasting effect on patient outcomes. As nursing informatics is after making the healthcare more personal and family-based, the project proposed makes sure that patients can get the preferred healthcare, plus all their needs are accommodated (HITC Staff, 2016). The purpose of this is to make sure that the experience in the hospital satisfies everybody.

Project Description

The project for nursing informatics that I would suggest for my association would be enlightening the recording of the symptoms of the patients, diagnosed illness, along with the plan for treatment using technology. Through this system, the care for the patient will be made simple because it will be easy to track all the health care attention that is given to the patient during the time in the health facility. Through bedside nurses updating the details for the patience constantly, it becomes hard to make errors, plus better healthcare services are provided. Furthermore, technological medical records show that communication is accessible between nurses any time the information is given to another responsible person during shift changes (HITC Staff, 2016). Therefore, this project is after making the care for the patient the utmost concern compared to all other activities that are performed by health informaticists.

Stakeholders Impacted by The Project

There are several stakeholders who this project has impacted. Several departments are segmented in healthcare facilities. These departments have a differing structure for leadership as compared to others. Thus, there are several stakeholders in nursing Informatics, and some of them include nurses, hospital management, patients, doctors, and pharmacists. The project will impact all these stakeholders in one way or the other. The leadership for the hospital will be required to meet and discuss whether the proposal is worthwhile for the hospital. Since hospital leaders are there to make decisions, they play an essential section in the project. They are essential for deciding what the hospital should do in case an issue arises.

In most cases, nursing informatics depends heavily on the skills provided to them by the doctors because doctors are suitable for proposing the diagnosis that is based on symptoms presented by the sick person by enabling them to become more legible. Nurses, along with pharmacists, are among the stakeholders affected by the project (Darvish et al., 2014). However, it is because the mistakes made on prescriptions will become a history in case the organization manages to follow everything that is required from the project. Patients are the final group that is impacted by this, and they are vital in the project. The system that needs to be impacted by the project has direct paraphernalia on healthcare quality that the patients receive.

Patient Outcomes and Efficiencies the Project Seeks to Improve and How the Improvement Will Take Place.

The efficiencies for patient care that this project seeks to address include the mistakes that are made by the practitioners several times during communication. It is easy for the nurse to misread the prognosis that is made by their colleagues as a result of legibility difficulties. It is as well identified in the aspects of pharmaceutical as a specialist, especially a pharmacist, can give a different dose of what the doctor who is in charge has redescribed. On this issue, the error regarding communication can be improved by implementing suitable listening skills and allowing a chance to ask a question where the nurse has not understood well (HITC Staff, 2016). It is also advisable to read the prescription several times to avoid the mistakes that may arise. Besides, after issuing the prescribed medicine, it is essential to read the prescription as you tick to ensure that the nurse has offered the patient the right dosage.

Also, the project seeks to improve the patient’s result by involving them in the provided medical care. Besides, this can be achieved by having constant communication between the nurse and the patient. However, this will ensure that the patient receives the desired care. Through discussion, it becomes possible for the nurses to foster a sagacity of trust with their patients, making it easy for the patient to have confidence in the nurses on the other symptoms they are likely to have. Furthermore, they can discuss the cultural inhibitors that they are likely to have concerning healthcare, which aids nurse to learn what they ought to do as they administer their services. Through respecting the aesthetic partialities, nursing informatics helps in making sure that the outcome of the patient is flourishing because the patient will sense that the care offered to them was personalized.

The Technology Required in Project Implementation and Why

The advancement of technology that has been introduced in the nursing profession has enabled the functions to appear efficient and straightforward. For the project implementation, technologies in healthcare, such as electronic health records and electronic medical records, are needed. The electronic health records initialized as (EHR) is referred to as a computerized health information recording. In contrast, electronic medical records initialized as (EMR) is a digitalized patient’s health chart (Darvish et al., 2014). Nurse informaticists are expected to have the required information on both EMR and EHR systems to offer topnotch medical attention to the patients.

Through integrating such technologies, nursing informaticists can form a personalized care plan, the patient’s illness pathophysiology, and interventions made, doctor prognosis, along with any general enhancement on illness. Nevertheless, this project pursues to advance these systems by making patients’ records computerized (HITC Staff, 2016). As a result, this will ensure that every information is preserved and thus, eases the orientation that is made concerning the patient when the doctors, along with the nurses, reviews the previous notes.

Also, the system helps avoid errors: for instance, the errors made on the issuing of the medicine, which hinders any problem that may arise in the future. Consequently, the care for the patient is made efficient, and there is a guarantee of favourable health outcomes. Technology implementation in the activities that are discussed in the project guarantees correctness in the reached diagnosis, along with the medication that the patient requires to take. When healthcare organizations consider using these technological systems, they will help it in making the required adjustments to make sure that the care provided to the patient is justifiable and it is of high quality.

The Project Team and The Way of Incorporating the Nurse Informaticist In It.

For the success of the project, the team should be there to perform its various activities. At the top of the team of the project, the management for the organization is needed, and the work for this team is to decide on the project’s budget allocation. They decide if the project is achievable the association at that time. For this team to be incorporated, the information technology manager will be there, and this will be responsible for the clinical proficiency involved in the project. Also, the project manager will be present to ensure the project is performed, depending on the plan.

The quality manager will also be there to ensure that the project’s strategy that was created is updated and provide details to the nurse’s manager on how to implement the project when dealing with the patients. the nurse informaticist, therefore, is incorporated by involving them in the instances where programs are being used (Darvish et al., 2014). Through this, they acquire the initial lesson on how to use the methods when working.


Patients outcomes, along with the efficiencies, are used in measuring if the system for health care is booming. It is estimated from the view of the patient as well as healthcare practitioners. The nursing informatics field has helped drive the application of technologies in health care like computerized benefactor order entry. The professionals of this fieldwork with different groups of shareholders in the care continuum, helping in bridging the gap that exists between technical as well as clinical perspectives.


Darvish, A., Bahramnezhad, F., Keyhanian, S., & Navidhamidi, M. (2014, June 25). The role of nursing informatics in promoting the quality of health care and the need for appropriate education.

HITC Staff. (2016, March 2). 6 Ways Health Informatics Is Transforming Health Care.

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Essay Sample on The Impacts of Nursing Informatics on Patient's Outcomes and Patient Care Efficiencies. (2023, Dec 25). Retrieved from

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