Free Essay Sample on the Importance of Human Resource Management in a Company

Published: 2017-12-04
Free Essay Sample on the Importance of Human Resource Management in a Company
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1785 words
15 min read

1.0 Introduction

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Human resource management is crucial in ensuring that a company performs at its optimum. The HRM department of a company is essential in providing leadership in certain areas that are factors in the performance of the company. Some of these areas are organizational planning, staff acquisition, team development, and team management. This paper provided a literature review into how he HRM is important in providing support to the company in these crucial areas. A literature review that delves into these areas will provide insight into the different ideologies and methods used by different companies in the world with the aim of providing the best results. The discussion on organization planning will focus on what the HRM does to ensure that the organization and the employees in question provided the required services. The Staff acquisition section will discuss the processes and the methods employed in the employment of new employees. The team development section delves into the strategies that are also employed with the aim of obtaining the best services from employees. This paper also discusses team management as an important element of HRM within a company. Analysis of the literature review will help in identifying any discrepancies and thus help in developing any recommendations that will help in increasing the importance of HRM in a company.

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Organizational Planning

Organizational planning refers to the process of identifying a feasible execution plan that will see the company in question obtain the results they desire. The HRM arm of a company is crucial in the development of an execution plan in that they are directly in control of the different employees that will execute the plan that will be agreed upon by the senior management. Some of the key issues that the HRM will address in determining a feasible organizational plan include location, inventory management, Production and Distribution, and actual organization (Amann 2013). With regards to location, the HRM will help in determining the location of the business based on the location that will help in the achievement of the company’s core goals and objectives. The location in question should be able to allow for the smooth interlocking of the different services received by the different arms of the company in question. To achieve this, the HRM in unison with the management will implement strategies in accordance with the fgure below.

The HRM will also have a hand to play in the supply management which has a direct relationship with the organization of the company in question. The HRM will help in the identification of employees who can provide ample information and results in the management of inventories. The HRM will also have a task of identifying the best way to organize team managers as well as other employees for the most effective exaction of their roles within the company. This in turn will result in the effective realization of the company’s goals and objectives. The HRM will provide the specific names and key roles played by the different employees in the company. These are the individuals who will be essential in the exaction of the key roles of the company. The HRM will also provide a method of execution of the rules and regulations as per the expectations of the company top management. The HRM will ensure that there is a hierarchical follow up on the rules and regulations of the company. It will also ensure that the company can identify the different ways in which the different parts of the company will work to provide the realization of the end results as well as the realization of the goals of the company (Fowinkel 2014). The HRM will also be directly involved in the identification of low tier employees. These individuals are also crucial in the exaction of the company’s objectives. Therefore, it is important to identify that the HRM should provide a feasible organization for the low tier employees as well.

2.2 Staff Acquisition

Without the appropriate staff within a company, it is next to impossible for the company to realize the goals and objectives that they will have in mind. One of the key steps in the acquisition of employees by the HRM is to identify the needs by the company. This would ensure that the company prepares beforehand for these needs by critically analyzing the company’s core goals and aims. It also involves the identification of the company’s different staffing considerations as well as the determination of recruitment practices (Amann 2013). The staffing considerations normally will include the proper better consideration of employees within a company as a result of their individual experience as well as past performance. It will also include the determination of the availability or the lack of availability of these employees. The diagram below identifies the key areas addressed by the HRM during staff acquisition.

The HRM also serves to identify the negotiations, pre-assignment, and procurement process in terms of the staff acquisition. The negotiation refers to the HRM interacting with other arms of the company with the aim of identifying the required employees. This form of negotiation will enable the HRM to determine the skills required by the company and therefore actively pursue the required employees. The HRM is also involved in the process of pre-assignment whenever certain projects are found to be effective only if implemented by trusted employees. The HRM would have the task in identifying such employees which would in turn result in the identification of the best ways of channeling their competencies in the realization of the company’s goals (Amann 2013).

The process of identifying project teams as well as team listings for the different projects is crucial in ensuring that a company is properly organized. The HRM will determine this by identifying the different project teams and classifying them according to their competencies. This will ensure that the company can determine the best solutions with regards to the qualification required for the realization of the different goals as well as achievements required for the company (Fowinkel 2014). The listing of the different project teams within the company is also crucial. This is because the company would require this information on the go if fast and efficient results are to be realized. The HRM would also require ensuring that the listing process of the different teams includes the personal details of the team members for fast and efficient communication with the individual members.

2.3 Team Development

The achievement of any major goals by a company will require the development of teams. It is crucial in the development of teams and therefore the identification of the best ways in which to develop such teams which would in turn help in the organization of the company. The HRM is directly involved in the different stages of team development. The stages include: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Terminating. The forming stage of team development, the HRM will identify the team tasks that require completion, and later the behaviors and routines expected of the individual employees (Kramar & Syed 2012). This will help in toning the team’s individual emotions and therefore prepare them for the tasks in hand. This is crucial in ensuring that the company prepares the employees beforehand for the goals they will be about to help in achieve.

This stage of team development involves the realization of the fact that the excitement that was initially associated with the new task has started to fade. The experience HRM team would be apt to identify that the employees are beginning to lose the initial morale they would have had. This would be a critical point that would have the organization provide a better motivation for the employees by introducing tam building strategies and techniques. Therefore, the HRM will be involved in re-focusing the organization’s goals. This would help the employees to more efficiently implement the goals without having any issues with those involved in different arms of the company (Noe 2013). The norming phase of the team development includes the acceptance of the different routines that are involved in the realization of the company’s goals and aims. The HRM is influential in this phase in that it puts in place the different employees required for the realization of the different objectives of the company. Below are the stages of team development and how the HRM is involved.

The performance stage of the team development is the stage that involves the realization of the aims and goals of the company. The feelings that are mainly associated with this stage of development include satisfaction and a sense of belonging. Therefore, it is crucial that the HRM ensure that each of the employees involved in the provision of the different services are of the required stage within the development cycles of the different teams (Stone 2013). This will be achieved by placing the employees in different department to ensure that they are providing their best service. T is also crucial to ensure that the employees are forming the right behaviors and routines that are in line with the goals and aims of the company.

2.4 Team Management

Team management is crucial in the realization of an organization’s goals and objectives. This is essential in ensuing that the company continues to have the harmony that will improve the rate at which the company achieves its goals. Team management will be influenced by the HRM by the realization that the leadership at the company will have to have cohesiveness which will translate into the congruent relationship between the different tiers of leadership within the company. The HRM will also provide the company with a method of interaction that will ensure that the employees have an engagement that involves cohesion rather than confusion. The HRM will achieve this by identifying the key factors and elements that would ensure an effective team. One such factor is the team size. The HRM will help in determining the maximum size of the teams that would be effective in exacting the plans as identified by the organization/company in question. Once this has been identified, the company will continue to determine the best way of morphing these teams to realize the best results from the individual members. It has often been found that smaller teams have been more effective in providing desirable results in comparison to larger groups (Stone 2013). Therefore, the HRM would be tasked to ensure that the team has its optimum size which would in turn result in the proper organization of the company which is the requirement for a proper team that would realize the appropriate goals set by the company’s management.

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