The Importance of Writing for Health Professionals - Essay Sample

Published: 2019-07-17
The Importance of Writing for Health Professionals - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Writing Health and Social Care Profession
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 868 words
8 min read

Regardless of the profession, communication is always a key success factor for both businesses and individuals. The UWP 104F class was helpful in instilling and bettering our communication skills by analyzing medical research materials, and in turn extracting relevant and important aspects that can be communicated to diverse readers. From what students have amassed, good writing in the health profession entails the use of various principles, including excellent organization, sentence structure, development, punctuation, grammar, and most importantly, avoiding plagiarism in the written works. These aspects should be incorporated while communicating to various audiences, and in this case, my fellow majors in the Health Professions who are yet to go through the UWP 104F class.

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There are various types of writing that we covered in the UWP 404 class. They include case studies, editorials, research articles, feature articles and instructional contents to patients. All these writings had similar writing styles, which encompasses the inclusion of excellent writing styles. For instance, good writing orchestrated in these expository forms entails knowing ow to tell your story. Ideally, with UWP 104 concentrating on heath, diseases, and disabilities, the course requires that you need to let your audience understand these aspects. As such, prior research is important so that one can cover each and every detail that another party can understand, both through written and verbal ways. As such, health professionals covering tis class should be able to communicate on how to diagnose diseases, identify symptoms, and providing medications. Therefore, a health professional writing should be characterized by a high degree of health literacy, whereby the professional should have an unrivalled capacity in obtaining, processing, comprehending, interpreting and writing health materials. Therefore, it is paramount that health professionals write consistently, clearly, concisely, and in simplicity for the other parties to understand what is being written. It should be noted that sentences are clearest, more forceful, and easily understandable whenever they are direct and simple, as well as having creativity (Charon et al, 2015). Again, the medical terms are difficult to understand, especially when dealing with patients and other non-health individuals. For this reason, it is only logical that health professions write in simplicity and clarity to avoid misinterpretations. Additionally, effective writing is encapsulated within the precincts of appropriate word choice, sentence structure, and paragraph structure.

Effective writing also requires that the health professional uses common words, and in case there are technical ones, they need to be defined, those in the abstract and the general body (Charon et al., 2012). In essence, the health profession uses a lot of jargon when explaining health, diseases, and disabilities, and therefore, the terms should be explained (Ledger, 2012). Essentially, spelling acronyms when mentioned is vital to understanding wat the health professional is explaining. Additionally, trusting spell check is a huge misconception, and therefore, proofreading the written materials is essential for effective health professional communication.

As such, efficient evaluation of the writing excerpts requires that the health professional to perform an evaluation of writing in accordance to the standards of authority, as well as reliability that governs the various forms of writing about medicine, health, diseases, and disabilities in various writing levels ranging from scientific writing to journalism. Therefore, after covering the UWP 104 class, it is possible for students to make excellent research, organize their work in a professional manner, make viable drafts, as well as revising it to ensure that the writing is not faulty in any way.

Atul Gawandes Complications provides an insight into the medicine world. Gawande through various stories he has written in the book clearly asserts that health professionals make mistakes. However, they should be used as learning avenues to perfection. As such, during writing health professionals can make various mistakes, but through them, they get to learn something new. For instance, Gawande (2002) wrote that there is imperfection in science because the discipline cannot explain certain aspects. For instance, he points out that doctors are always looking for logical, scientific, and physical explanation for medical mysteries that relate to chronic pain, appetite, superstitions, and nausea, but doctors, as he points out, are puzzled and in some instances question whether a problem exists. However, his writing skills are exceptional and can easily be understood. As he points out, we want progress in medicine to be unequivocal and clear, but of course it rarely is. New treatment options have gaping unknowns for the society and patients, and therefore, it is difficult to make decisions on ow to deal with them. However, as the stories critically reveal, it is the duty of health professionals to write about these issues and let the society know about them. In conclusion, by following the good writing skills discussed before is vital towards harmonizing the communication between health professionals and their audience.


Charon, Rita, Nellie Hermann, and Michael J. Devlin. "Close Reading and Creative Writing in Clinical Education: Teaching Attention, Representation, and Affiliation." Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges (2015).

Charon, Rita, and Ms Nellie Hermann. "A sense of story, or why teach reflective writing?" Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 87.1 (2012): 5.

Gawande, Atul. Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2002. Print.

Ledger, Kate. "Where writing meets medicine." Minnesota medicine 95.7 (2012): 36-37.

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