Essay Sample on the Issue of Islamophobia

Published: 2022-02-24
Essay Sample on the Issue of Islamophobia
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Terrorism Islamophobia
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1717 words
15 min read

The terror caused by the attack on America came as a blow to every citizen who survived. On September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks claimed the lives of over 3,000 people. This was the act of the Muslim group, Al Qaeda, which changed every American citizen's thought over the Muslim religion. After 9/11, Islamophobia became part of the American people, and the trust to Muslims will be almost impossible to be regained.

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Back in 1923, the number of Arab immigrants in America had risen to over 200,000 people. The Arabs with time got integrated with the American citizens. They took part in the economic and social activities since their migration. The political sector was majorly for the American citizens. Americans lived with the Arabs in their country without any fear since the Muslims were not related to major terror attacks by 1923.

After the 9/11 attack, Americans had a different view of Muslims, and Arabs as a larger community. The Arab population was from then linked to terrorism. The American society began to seclude itself from where the Arabs were carrying out their activities. The American government could not hold their grudge and decided to attack the Al Qaeda in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Discrimination at relational and auxiliary dimensions is a constitutive component of a stigmatization character. The Muslim American prejudicial experience is likely a blend of appearance-based and religious discrimination. A full assortment of research reports the connection between separation furthermore, health. Across different settings, the impression of uncalled for treatment, paying little respect to whether they are ascribed to race or other social reasons, are unfavorably identified with physical and mental healthcare disparities (Samari). Regular encounters of discrimination are likewise connected with a wide assortment of physical and psychological wellness results, for example, coronary corridor calcification, abnormal amounts of C-responsive protein, hypertension, bringing forth low-birth-weight newborn children, subjective hindrance, inadequate rest, instinctive fat, melancholy, mental pain, tension, mortality, and additionally chance components for poor healthcare, for example, substance misuse. Separation influences healthcare through pathways including diminished access to assets and expanded introduction to hazardous factors, stretch, physiological forms, allostatic stack, lessened interest in healthcare- looking for and health-promoting practices, and violence.

Similarly, as with different types of disgrace related with HIV status, sexual introduction, or race, disgrace experienced by Muslim Americans includes marking, stereotyping, status misfortune, and segregation (Samari). The derided character of Muslims was at first brought into the center by Edward Said's Orientalism, which noticed the Western viewpoints that made a dehumanizing portrayal of the intriguing and primitive Orient (nations of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia) that exists in resistance toward the West. Islamophobia is overflowing with generalizations of Muslim Americans and Americans who look "Muslim-like," from those relating to Muslim ladies and the shroud to the suspicion that every single Muslim man is terrorists. The spread of Islamophobia has further endorsed dehumanizing portrayals furthermore, generalizations of Muslims in the United States, cementing the development of a vilified Muslim character.

The relationship and size of the impacts of separation on well-being are known to differ by racial and ethnic groups, featuring the significance of gathering enrollment. Characterizing the gathering setting of Islamophobia is trying, as the racialization is dependent on race, nativity, physical appearance, and religion. Islamophobia results from and contributes to the development of race or socially developed classes of people's physical presence in the United States. Since Muslims are regularly spoken to as originating from non-White groups, their religious character winds up connected with the national character.

Islamophobia as a type of religious discrimination may coincide with or abrogate racial and appearance-based discrimination, with the end goal that recognizable theological proof may go before, cover, or pursue race as a reason for discrimination. There is far less look into on the healthcare impacts of religious discrimination. An examination from the United Kingdom shows that prejudice and religious discrimination shape unmistakable measures. Ethnic Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, White, Other Asian, Black, Arab, and blended race Muslims are similarly liable to record specific bad experiences.

Having a specific skin tone, wearing a hijab or turban, and talking with a particular highlight is on the whole physical markers that make a weakness to Islamophobia; non-Muslims, for example, Christians, Sikhs can likewise have these characteristics. In the Detroit, Michigan, Arab American people group, which incorporates both Muslims and Christians, expanded mental trouble, bring down dimensions of bliss, what's more, more impoverished view of wellbeing status are related with post-9/11 misuse and discrimination (Samari). Center Eastern Americans are regularly accepted to have "Muslim-like" appearances also are in this way presented to Islamophobia. While they are named "White" by the Office of Management and Budget, they do not profit by White benefit and are still presented to Islamophobia dependent on physical appearance. In actuality, they come from various nations of the Middle East and North Africa and incorporate numerous distinctive nationalities, religions, and racial classes, including Black and White. One race does not fit just for the relationship between separation and wellbeing outcomes; Islamophobia does not influence people from a single racial class-it ranges racial gatherings, including those ordered as White. Muslims who recognize as non-White, dwell in an ethnic enclave report more segregation than Muslims who distinguish as White, yet Arab Americans who recognize as White experience more separation related mental distress. Given the decent racial variety of Muslim Americans, pathogenic conditions of Islamophobia must be comprehended crosswise over racial gatherings.

Religion can unite people from different racial, ethnic, and financial categories. About 69% of Muslims in the Religion is imperative in Muslim lives. Although assorted, the Muslim American people group could share a religious perspective that can impact healthcare related practices and connections with the social insurance system. Islamic precepts- for example, abstention from drinking liquor, the conviction that "doctors are on-screen characters of God" and that all Muslims ought to routinely get medicinal consideration-can advance health. Religious discrimination estranges people from the healthcare framework, straightforwardly meddling with healthcare informing in Islam that promotes illness avoidance and care to seek (Samari). Likewise, with different religions, Muslim Americans pursue a scope of Islamic and individual religious convictions, so oppressive suppositions can also meddle with healthcare care. For instance, in a personal investigation of Iraqi exiles, members portrayed healthcare care suppliers as unhelpful, belittling, and having cliche mentalities toward Muslim ladies-trusting they are too much devout, have such a large number of youngsters, and are persecuted by their husbands. Religious separation is conjectured to prompt push, social confinement, decreases in health-promoting practices, limiting of healthcare suppliers' data, and postponements in looking for medicinal care.

Christians ought to be worried about any preference and victimization any individuals. Islamophobia, as different types of dogmatism, isn't just an issue of despise discourse. Islamophobia breeds disdain and brutality against Muslims and their place of love. Christians should dismiss Islamophobia alongside different fears, "isms" of our day, including bigotry, sexism, ageism, hostile to Semitism, xenophobia (partiality against nonnatives), and homophobia. Like different types of partiality furthermore, segregation, Islamophobia damages a primary rule of Christian religious philosophy and human sciences: Mankind is made in the picture and resemblance of God (Calabria). In the Genesis creation stories, there are no capabilities dependent on race, ethnicity, a nation of birthplace, sexual orientation, conviction or non-conviction; all individuals bear the inherent nobility given to them by their Maker. People may misuse their God-given poise through transgression. However, nobody has the ideal to deny another of that nobility. Reverberating the Hebrew sacred writings, the Gospel of John advises us that all things and all individuals came to be through God's Word, "and without him not one thing appeared. What has come into being in him was life, and this life was the light of all individuals" (John 1:3- 4).

Islamophobia misrepresents the "otherness" of Muslims and demands (erroneously) that they are not quite the same as Christians, don't have the equivalent values, and are increasingly brutal. However, since the Second Vatican Council, the congregation has tried to accentuate a fundamental obligation of confidence with Muslims regardless of philosophical contrasts.

The Church respects with regard additionally the Muslims. They revere the one, God, living and subsisting in Himself; kind and all-amazing, the Maker of paradise and earth, who has talked to humankind; they go to considerable lengths to submit wholeheartedly to even His vague declarations, similarly as Abraham, with whom the confidence of Islam takes delight in connecting itself, presented to God. The archive says the congregation regards Muslims.

The congregation praises, regards, furthermore, respect them as the individuals who revere the God of Abraham-as do we. Out of the blue, the church authoritatively perceived the basic bond it shares with Muslims and also Jews in the confidence of Abraham. It likewise takes note of that even though Muslims do not see Jesus as God in essence, they all things considered love him as a prophet and show specific worship for the Virgin Mary. The Quran not just contains stanzas that talk about Mary's introduction to the world and devotion to the sanctuary in Jerusalem however includes two annunciation accounts, in which the holy messengers declare to Mary "uplifting news of a Word" from God whose name will be Christ Jesus (Quran 3:45), "the endowment of an unadulterated child (19:19)."

The chamber likewise underscored the noble qualities shared by Christians and Muslims and the normal observances of supplication, almsgiving, and fasting. Summed up preference against Muslims in light of their religious character is conflicting with chapel lessons. To endure or sustain negative perspectives of Muslims all in all is to deny the authentic, genuine confidence of our Muslim sisters and siblings with whom we share much (Calabria). Pope Francis has over and over made references to Nostra Aetate to counter the Islamophobia that numerous Christians overall soak up from troublesome political and religious talk. In November 2013 Pope Francis issued Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), a mission admonishment on the declaration of the gospel in this day and age. Pope Francis composes with esteem about the convictions and practices of Muslims "both youthful and old, men furthermore, ladies, (who) set aside a few minutes for day by day petition and dependably partake in religious administrations." Highlighting basic qualities, he sees that they "moreover recognize the need to react to God with moral responsibility and with benevolence towards those most in need." Poignantly, he alerts the Christian steadfast against Islamophobia: "Looked...

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