Essay Sample: The Jazz Concert Review of the Herbie Hancock 2008 Newport Jazz Festival

Published: 2023-09-12
Essay Sample: The Jazz Concert Review of the Herbie Hancock 2008 Newport Jazz Festival
Essay type:  Autobiography essays
Categories:  Music Inspiration Personal experience Emotional intelligence
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 536 words
5 min read

Herbie Hancock, together with the stellar musicians of the band, had one of the most spectacular and astonishing performances at the August 10 Newport Jazz Festival. The band gave out a powerful and masterful presentation holding back nothing in the electrifying performance. The Herbie Hancock performance categorically takes several major pieces; The Actual Proof, The First and the Second Banter, Rivers, When Love Comes To Town, The Presentation of A Song For You, The Cantaloupe Island, The Chameleon Part One, The Chameleon part two, and finally the Seven Teens. Out of these, I find the River being the most intriguing. Overall, the entire performance was amazing, except for some insignificant flaws. Notably, Kitchell taking over as Mitchell classic failed the perfect performance by the constant granting emanating from the nerves. A keen ear would identify the significant alternating patterns of the whispers and whammy as Kitchell transitioned between the notes.

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Hancock’s most significant success in the performance is the perfect and luminous arrangements. The perfect arrangement is evident through Joni in the presentation of the River. The classical webbing and intersection of the piano keys and the saxophone virtuoso that was skittered and forming layers of sweet notes, thanks to Chris Potter. Additionally, Amy Keys played the perfect role during the takeover and blending in for the “When Love Comes to Town” following the Rivers and the overall “Possibilities” album. Besides the excellent performance in the “When Love Comes to Town,” Keys proved to be a perfect fit and having the mettle to reflect the Leon Russell’s presentation through the performance of “A Song for You.”

Most of the audience coming to the band at least aimed at hearing and watching Hancock’s performance. However, Hancock went the extra mile to present to the audience the perfect fit musician band. The band of musicians stands out as established performers with intensive jazz skills. The quality of jazz as a result of the perfect mixing and matching was excellent, surpassing the normal jazz tradition. Some of the vital figures in the jazz blowing the Newport Jazz Festival include bass star Dave Holland and Potter playing a critical role on the tenor sax. Moreover, Vinnie Colaiuta was a perfect match and completion for the circle focusing primarily on the drum.

In a nutshell, the musical ride performance presented in the solo after solo, as well as the enhancement of the crescendo, was an outstanding and high-powered musical web that held the fans in an airborne state. Hancock would later describe the musical train as the tight grasps of a preacher. The high intensity of the music is evident through the audiences who were right on their feet as a sign of appreciation and not missing any single chance. The performance thus was essentially a masterful presented by the top-notch jazz musicians. I firmly believe that it was such an excellent opportunity, a privilege, and an honor to actually have been part of the performance as an audience. The band had astonishing technical capabilities, especially that of the electric base presented by Holland. However, Herbie failed in some sense when he instilled the guitar in the piece.

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Essay Sample: The Jazz Concert Review of the Herbie Hancock 2008 Newport Jazz Festival. (2023, Sep 12). Retrieved from

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