"The Moon is Green" Character Description of Effie. Paper Example

Published: 2023-12-03
"The Moon is Green" Character Description of Effie. Paper Example
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  Character analysis Books Writers
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 886 words
8 min read

"The Moon is Green" by Fritz Leiber is a science fiction short story that depicts an example of a particular period in Lieber’s writing. The story is ostensibly a representation of the post-apocalyptic essay that was common in the early 1950s. The underlying theme of the story is based on the role of women in storytelling. The man protagonist in the story is Effie.

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Effie is a housewife who is hungry for beauty and several challenging years of being cooped up in an ugly life. Effie is a wife to Hank, who is adversely concerned about the dust emitted by radioactive rays. Hank is also portrayed as a junior member of a political committee on the ruling body associated with refuge. Effie is hardworking and determined, and most of her efforts are seen as she tries to cope with all the situations within her aboard with the support from her husband. Her determination is also evident in one night when she wanted to learn about the outside world. She keeps on asking about it from Patrick, one of the persons who have had an association with it. The efforts she made in learning radioactive dust reveals that she focuses on embracing an eminent life and beauty orchestrated in an inner being. Effie is also an intriguing and complex character whose desire for a little beauty drives the entire story. Given that her husband, Hank, is a less fortunate person, Effie appears to be resonated and desperate in finding the new about the outside world. Regardless of the futile experiences that she underwent, her focus was never deemed. Effie shows her enthusiasm and skills at deception on how the beauty was being killed to benefit a few. Though there were moments where he opted for changes, she maintained a resourceful focus, thus remain the center of beauty shape up.

“The Hated by Paul Flehr” Character description of Bryon

“The Hated” by Paul Flehr is also a science fiction short story about an astronaut from Mars with different psychological problems he is trying to control. The 1958 short story reveals the effects of psychological issues and the possible solutions that can be made to work them out. The protagonist in the sorry is Byron, who shows his journey to Mars. Byron reveals the impression and experience he had in the place. After his return from Mars, together with other astronauts, they were assigned to separate the sections of the country to avoid killing each other. Besides, Bryon had experienced enough and was ready to track down his opponent to ensure he is killed.

Byron appears in “The Hatred” story through Flehr discussion of a journey to Mars. When he is portrayed in the news in person, he is focused on making exploration to different places to limit the instance of killing that has been common in his local. The main factors and attributes that shape Bryon's image in the story are how he is determined to make the necessary efforts regardless of the perception of other astronauts in shaping their world. Byron determination, devotion, and sincerity, as depicted in the story, cloud his decision in fighting for his position. Flehr, through Bryon, tells readers the importance of self-determination and focuses on essential things that are of great value in one’s life and the need to stay rational in making decisions regardless of the divisive mind from other people.

“Journey into The Kingdom” Character description of Alex

“Journey into The Kingdom” by Mary Rickert follows Alex's story, who is seen picking up a particular book from the coffee shop, not sure of what will transpire about what the story will bring forth. Alex is appearing in the information as the only person with a different mind from the rest. From his actions and perception of things, it is evident that he has specific pains that restricting him from making steps. Alex is weird, and his actions portray a depressed person. Rickert reveals that after his wife's death, he develops certain strange behavior and never wanted to mingle freely with others. It is also evident from the story that Alex avoids Agatha on several occasions because his new nature could not interact freely.

Alex is also friendly and loving, regardless of the feelings and behaviors after his wife's death and several occasions of hiding from meeting with Agatha. It is evident from the story that when they eventually met, their love grew. He offered to go to dinner with her. Alex is determined; in all the actions and instances that he was involved in from the story, it is evident that his motive was to be a good man and stay focused. He treats everything around him with lots of caution and never wants to hurt anybody. Overall, Mary Rickert uses Alex to reveal the importance of being flexible in one's social life to the readers. Regardless of the numerous life experiences that one may be exposed to, t must develop a focused mind and adopt changes.

Works Cited

Dozois, Gardner, ed. The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-fifth Annual Collection. Vol. 25. St. Martin's Griffin, 2008.

Fritz Leiber."The Moon is Green"

Mary Rickert. “Journey into The Kingdom”

Paul Flehr. “The Hated”

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