The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Literary Essay Example

Published: 2022-03-03
The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Literary Essay Example
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 638 words
6 min read

How is the travel a spiritual journey, and not merely a literal/physical undertaking?

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The travel is a spiritual journey since Basho targets the soul of readers to go through a transformation as they get in touch with their inner self as well as the supernatural being that control the lives of human beings. The travel allows the mind to relax as the author takes the readers on a journey of self-discovery as they get in touch with their inner being. It comes easy when a reader gets different kinds of enlightenment. Basho guides readers on how they can lead a meaningful life by obeying the rules that exist in the society while having a personal growth plan. He recognizes that challenges exist in the lives of all human beings, but if they are willing and able to submit to a higher power, then they will have a smooth transition to be what they want to be in the future. The journey is spiritual since it targets the soul, mind, and heart to go through a transformation and lead a better life, which has more value by caring about their lives and that of others.

How does Basho's journey to visit ancient temples and shrines connect to the course motif of dealing with others?

Basho's journey to visit ancient temples and shrines connect to the course motif of dealing with others by addressing the need to mind about the needs of our fellow human beings. It also helps the reader to avoid being self-centered and following their interests without taking into consideration what others would want or think towards their choice. Since the book takes the reader on a spiritual journey, it makes it easy for one to make choices in their lives while considering their supernatural beings. On the other hand, the journey allows the mind to think beyond the physical limitations that exist in the society and focus on the positive side of life. A reader of the book understands that they must learn to live with each other in harmony and foster respect and care towards the others despite the internal and external influences that may destabilize an individual's choice of actions. The ancient temples and shrines are proof that people still look up to spiritual beings to deduce power and inspiration even as they engage in their daily activities where they must learn how to deal and survive with others. Dealing with others requires a special kind of grace since human beings are different in characters and preferences making it hard for people with diverse perceptions find it hard to get along with each other.

There are similarities between The Tale of Genji and Narrow Road to the Deep North: Both are Japanese works, both are made of a sequence of related parts, and both contain verse. But please comment on the contrast between the urbane, courtly focus of Genji and the subject matter of Narrow Road.(both are serialized, both contain verse).

The differences between The Tale of Genji and Narrow Road to the Deep North are that the former engages the spiritual journey of the mind while taking into consideration the challenges that exist in the physical world. On the other hand, the Narrow Road to the Deep North is a collection of the life of a soldier through the period of war. This means that the narrative creates a mental image of the conditions of human beings after the effects of war. For instance, the author notes the suffering of people as they lost their lives since they had no form of help.


In the cold season

My heart skips-a-beat due to love

A lovely feeling

Work Cited

Basho, Matsuo. "The Narrow Road to the Deep North." Masterplots: 1,801 Plot Stories and Critical Evaluations of the World's Finest Literature (1996): 4407.

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