The Old Testament and the Gospel - Reflective Essay

Published: 2023-03-16
The Old Testament and the Gospel - Reflective Essay
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  Bible
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 602 words
6 min read

As a part of the new covenant, Christians should seek to understand and apply the Old Testament (OT) for various reasons. The OT is God's first revelation to man that sets a foundation for the fulfillment found in Jesus in the New Testament (NT). The OT influences the essential biblical teaching as it describes the five major covenants that guide the plot of the scripture. These covenants include the Adamic-Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, and the New. The five significant bonds follow the law (Genesis-Deuteronomy), and the rest of the scripture is founded on these significant covenants. The OT creates problems while including promises that are fulfilled in the NT. Therefore, by understanding the Old Testament, I have been able to understand the teachings of Jesus, and developed an understanding of God's promise to man through the reading of the Gospel.

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Reading the OT has been a God-given way for me to understand and delight in the Gospel. Previously I thought that the commandment of love was only emphasized in the NT when the bible says in Matthew 7: 12, "that whatever you wish that others do to you, do also to them, for this is the law and the Prophets" (Revised Standard Bible). Similarly, Paul indicates in his Gospel that the whole law is fulfilled in one word, "love your neighbor as you love yourself" (Gal 5:14, Rom 13: 8, 10, Good News Bible). Also, the OT emphasizes love as the primary fulfillment of God's Laws as Deut 6: 5 and 10: 19, calls for Israelites to love one another. The reading of the OT and the Gospel has made me realize that love is the only way to fulfill God's Commandments, as one cannot harm the other person if they love them.

Religious studies aim to enhance the understanding of the Bible and Jesus Christ. On reading the OT and the Gospel, I have been able to understand the nature of God, what he requires us to do, and the role of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament prophesies and prepares one for the coming of the Messiah, which is fulfilled in the New Testament. Therefore, I have understood the connection of Jesus as the prophesied savior of the world and His mission. From the Gospels, Paul teaches that nothing that was foretold by Moses and the prophets would come to pass, and Christ must suffer, and by being the first to resurrect, he would declare the light to all people (Acts 26:22-23, Good News Bible). Therefore, after reading the prophecy of Jesus indicated in the OT, I have gained a better understanding of Jesus as the son of God and the savior of the world. The Gospel has taught me what I am required to do to inherit the Kingdom of God and live the life expected of me as a Christian.

As a Graphic Design major, a course that requires one to have creativity and professionalism in passing a message through a combination of various graphics, I have learned that there is a deeper meaning in every piece of information presented if one looks at it in a bigger picture. Therefore, after reading the OT, where Jesus only exists in texts that require one to have a more in-depth look at them, and the Gospel that reveals Jesus in person, my academic focus on Graphic Designing has transformed. I have been able to understand that I can use various texts or portraits to explain the other. I also believe that I can use my Christian beliefs to work as a professional who is guided by love for others to ensure my effectiveness as a professional and a strong Christian.

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