Essay Sample on the Olympic Games: Environment, Energy and Transportation Technology

Published: 2022-03-04
Essay Sample on the Olympic Games: Environment, Energy and Transportation Technology
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Planning Sport
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1027 words
9 min read

Tokyo's basic plan for the Olympics is to fuse legacy buildings with new facilities to house athletes and host events. Meaningful and economic after the event usage of the sporting venues and facilities as a way to renew areas of the city is a significant point of focus and the top priority for Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (TOCOG). In this respect, TOCOG sees the London Games held in 2012 as a huge success story and wants to emulate these concepts. This has already led to close cooperation between the cities London between the cities London and Tokyo and both governments.

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Direct opportunities can include projects related to the Olympic and Paralympics Games. Three min projects that have been announced so far, and are scheduled to be completed by 2020. One project is the Olympic Village in Harumi which should be hydrogen-powered: hydrogen should be distributed to aid the activities of some 17,000 and another guest. The second major project launched in Tokyo has broader targets: the deployment of 6,000 fuel cell vehicles and 35 stations by 2020 in an about 360 million plan. The third hydrogen based program is the hydrogen fuel cell production of electricity in the residential sector. The aim is to equip 150,000 new houses by 2020, to arrive at a generation capacity of 100 megawatts, and have one million new apartment blocks provided by hydrogen FC, amounting to a 700 megawatt capacity in Tokyo. Japan is already in advance regarding management. For example, Tokyo has been doing exceptionally well in reducing waste production.


The contribution of tourism its related business to GDP is lower I Japan than the world average (industry contribution to GDP is globally is 9.1 percentage average and only 4.7 percent in Japan). Tourism, leisure and foods and beverage sectors will benefit through mediums such as the internet and media because of the event. Japan is likely to see the proliferation of this in the medium and long-term, as well as domestic demand as money is circulated throughout the countrywide economy. Demand-side benefits attract visitors from within the host country and around the globe, ranging from participants, spectators, and the media. The promoting of the city creates an induced tourism effect as further visitors are attracted by the city's additional media exposure and enhanced international reputation. Tourism sustains throughout the process, and well after the games. The tourists bring additional demand to the regional and national economy. Visitors spend money on food, accommodation, transport, and tickets. This causes secondary effect as the new money spent again within the borders of the host economy. Additional games-related employment and purchasing by local companies as well as the impact of everyday household spending by employees create a multiplier effect.

Tech Industry

Pushed by a desire to showcase the expertise to the world, some of the country's biggest companies are now aiming at 2020 for the deployment of new technologies that could revolutionize mobile telecommunications, consumer electronics, automobiles and even the way people watch the Olympic Games on televisions. By 2020, when the games are held, NHK hopes it will be able to cover the event using the new system. Super Hi-Vision has already received a small trial at the 2012 London Olympics, where NHK and the BBC produced several hours of programming per that and beamed it to the public viewing site in each country, so there are good chances that NHK will meet its goals.


In 2020 Tokyo will host the summer Olympics for the second time in the city's history; the first time they hosted was in 1964 when massive infrastructure investment in trains, highways, and ports helped underpin Japan's economic achievement. To an enormous extent, the infrastructure from back then still exists today. However, it is aging and deteriorating. Old venues like the Olympic stadium will be built afresh at the heart of a Heritage Zone, where a lot of the events for the 1964 Olympics were hosted. To reinforce transportation efficiency, airport, rail and port infrastructure will be bolstered. 20 kilometers of major urban arterial routes will be widened, one train station will be expanded, and approximately 28 kilometers of new motorways and significant urban arterial highways will be constructed. The cost of the improvements is estimated at 5-6 billion dollars. There are moves to finance any additional considerable transport infrastructure specifically for the 2020 events. This is due to the present scale of Tokyo's transport system and the improvements already planned under the Tokyo Vision 2020 program. The emphasis will be on specific Games programs and enhancements to existing infrastructure.

Supply-side Benefits

Supply-side benefits include financing of construction projects is costly, but the host city benefits in the longer term from additional infrastructure. Productivity might be enhanced from the improved transport facilities for handling passengers and freight. The creation or enhancement of sports centers boosts the city's ability to host other major national and international sporting events. This also provides for residents to participate and can make the city a more attractive place to live. The infrastructure can also help significantly in regenerating rundown areas. The collective results of these factors are often hard to gauge, but a consideration for host cities. Advanced states, such as the United States, see the little economic impact from the Olympic Games. States in need of an industrial transition see the most significant benefit from holding the games. The boosted growth rate of GDP made Japan an advanced country and Korea a newly industrialized country. Many countries need to be wary of the debt the ay incur form the Olympics, as seen in the case of Greece.


There is an estimated economic growth impact of 29.7B dollars over several years as a result of the 2020 Games along with an estimated 150k created jobs. This will help Japan's economy in the short term because the impact on the economy will appear significant, but only indeed accounts for about 0.1 percent of the Japanese GDP annually. To this day no country has managed to seriously create a long-term tourism-based Olympic legacy (Ritchie, 2000). Japan though has an extensive natural and cultural heritage which can be found in the burgeoning number of UNESCO world heritage sites. This is a tangible reason why tourists should visit the country or those who have attended previously t...

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