Essay Sample on The Power of Positive Attitude

Published: 2023-04-11
Essay Sample on The Power of Positive Attitude
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personality Happiness Personal development Emotional intelligence
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 574 words
5 min read

Difficult situations are an integral part of human life. However, a positive attitude is often the line that separates those that crumble under the pressure of the situations from those who overcome and emerge stronger. The life of Angelika Colmenares is a perfect example of this sentiment. Brought up by a blind father in a difficult environment, she grew up to be an advocate of humanitarian actions and a role model to many. This paper seeks to show how her positive attitude contributed to her success and independence.

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Angelica did not grow up in a conventional home. Her father, who is blind, single-handedly raised Angelica and her younger sister in a rural area outside the capital city. He has been one of her greatest sources of inspiration and motivation. She had no contact with her mother for over three decades. Owing to this, she had to become independent at an early age, a trait she has carried throughout her life. She acquired her primary and secondary education from schools in her town before proceeding to university in Manila, where she studied social work. She believed that acquiring a proper education would help her uplift her family (A. Colmenares, personal communication, 2020). While at the university, she worked partly in a fast-food chain to raise tuition fees. However, despite all these difficulties, she successfully completed her studies.

She would then go on not only to help her family but also the community at large. Using her background in social work, she indulged in activities that sought to help the needy, such as fundraising and various charitable programs. Following her desire to give back to the community, she joined a non-profit organization that championed charitable causes, such as free education for needy children, medical and dental missions, as well as women empowerment programs. Other than her involvement in social work, she pursued her passion for modeling and advertising. Her attitude, attractive appearance, and personality have significantly contributed to her success in this field.

Unfortunately, though she worked hard to make her life and lives of those around her better, she has suffered from ill-health. Owing to her many commitments in different activities, she forgot to prioritize her health. She suffered from severe back pain and experts recommended that an operation was necessary to prevent the condition from getting worse. The operation was successful though she still depends on medication and treatment, as well as three check-ups a year. Likewise, she has sought to address her father's blindness. According to her colleague, Angelika always told her to "Always be grateful, just as I am, my family is my treasure and the people around me are my strength" (A. Colmenares, personal communication, 2020). Currently, her father's condition is improving and he is scheduled to undergo an operation soon. Angelica's back problem also shows no signs and symptoms. Most importantly, the health challenges have not affected her involvement in her organization and other charitable activities.

Angelika's life is a perfect example of how a positive attitude can help one overcome difficult situations and achieve their dreams in life. Despite being raised by a visually impaired father in a difficult environment, she successfully pursued her education and became part of the solution to the problems plaguing her community. She has also risen above financial and health challenges at different times of her life to become a successful and independent woman. Her positive attitude has undoubtedly played a huge role in this achievement.

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