Free Essay on the Prima Cinema - Investment in the Movie Theatre

Published: 2019-06-05
Free Essay on the Prima Cinema - Investment in the Movie Theatre
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Movie
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 834 words
7 min read

The Prima Cinema investment is a good entrepreneurial venture that will increase the profits of the company. The Prima Cinema is an investment in the movie theatre and cinema halls. The company seeks to take advantage of the growing demand for the theatre experience in the country. The number of people visiting movie theatres has increased over the years and the primary reason for this investment. Many people have embraced the culture of visiting movie theaters and having a good time there. Prima Cinema intends to cater to the needs of the customer and provide the ultimate for many workers in the country. The theatre has a high-definition screen that will provide the ultimate experience for movie lovers. The Cinema has a 1 Terabyte storage unit that will be constantly updated to have the latest movies and provide a wide range of movies. The investment on comfort and quality graphics will promote customer satisfaction and improve the number of people visiting the movie in the period.

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The success of the movie theatre depends on the ability to embrace the latest trends in technology. The movie theatre will have to embrace changes in technology often to provide the best services to the clients. The company has a long and reputable relationship with several Hollywood Studios and is updated on the movie production technologies all year long. The theatre will use this influence to develop to reach out to the clients by providing timely and quality movie and theatre services. The location of this business is one of the prime advantages that will promote its growth. The place is accessible to people all day and night and provides a perfect location for many people to visit at any time of the day. Accessibility will guarantee a flow of all day and night long.

The company has a workable marketing strategy that seeks to reach out to many clients in the locality. The company has four main marketing strategies that will increase awareness of the movie theatre and encourage the flow of clients into the company. One of the main strategies is to acquire partners by providing incentives and offers to organizations that become partners. The cinema will give special offers to employees of different organizations that partner with the company in establishing the cinema. The company will also invest in advertisements that will be located in the correct demographic locations to attract many clients. These advertisements will have detailed information about the products of the Theatre and will be updated severally to encourage a flow of the customers. The Cinema has also invested significantly in digital advertising; the use of social media and online advertisements will help in promoting the number of clients that visit the Cinema. The cinema intends to become a viral sensation on all social media platforms to encourage the expansion of the customer base.

The development of various packages will help the company reach out to various client and improve the number of people that visit the movie cinema. The company seeks to provide a wide range of movies in the theatre targeting different interests of the clients. The Cinema will initially offer the latest movies in Hollywood and the famous movie that attract a big clientele. However, as the customer base develops the cinema will show other movies and classics to meet the interests of the older people. The pricing will depend on the time a person wants to watch the movie. This will provide an opportunity for all people to enjoy movie services despite their economic status. Providing different packages for the clients will help develop a big customer base and increase the success of the movie cinema.

The Cinema Hall has to acquire several legal permissions to operate in the locality. Some of the legal requirements include the approval of the studio, the technological requirements and the distribution and service channel. The cinema has to ensure that the hall meets standards required in the country. The cinema hall has to offer comfortable seating spaces for their clients and provide good circulation of air. This will help the company cope with the increased number of competitors and provide quality services to the company. The company will have a 10-Bit 4:2:2 display system that meets the required setup for all movie theatres. The screen will ensure quality images and ensure the client a great movie experience in the cinema. The other requirement is that the company should offer proper distribution and services channels. The company should use various techniques to reach out to the people in the surrounding areas. It should ensure that they adhere to the standards of all the movie regulatory bodies in the country.

The movie industry is one of the most competitive sectors in the country. The company has to invest heavily in the quality of their services and marketing strategies to beat these competitors. The company seeks to maximize the quality of equipment used in the cinema and pricing to help beat the competitors in the market.

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