Free Essay on the Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers Problem

Published: 2019-12-06
Free Essay on the Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers Problem
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Medicine
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 978 words
9 min read

The problem statement

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With increasing cases of Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers (HAPU) from 0% target to 40%, there is an urgent need for the hospital to act accordingly to mitigate the problem. Therefore, the project's problem is to reduce the incidence of HAPU to the targeted 0% rate through the nursing performance and sustaining a shift of practice.

The hospital will majorly focus on various developments such as championing for unit-based skincare. Moreover, utilizing evidence-based practice that involves the wound stormy continence nursing to reduce the HAPU cases.

However, the various questions that need to be asked are whether all the stakeholders will give maximum support of the changes in nursing practices to mitigate the problem. Additionally, will the evidence-based practice facilitate 0% target of HAPU incidence?

B. Transition of care

Problem statement states that there is an increasing trend of cases of re-admission in the facilities. Errors in the medication, change of attention, and unavailability of notification of admission and discharge has been the leading causes of the re-admission in the facility as evidenced from the discharge and through calls from patients.

The office recommended for a care navigator in the various office to assist with the transition and settling complex situations to solve the problem. Moreover, there is need to abandon the inconsistent discharge forms that cannot make appointments for follow-up (Jolly, 2010).

However, the project management should explain questions such as; will there be a significant reduction in medication errors in the facility? Will the recommendation be useful in enhancing the maximum safety of the client and high-quality services especially in COPD and CHF?

C. Medication errors

The problem statement states medication errors are among the top causes of death in hospitals. The medication errors are majorly caused by distractions from the busy and loud environment (Jamison, 2011).

The management needs to implement strategies that majorly focus on reducing distraction in the hospital, thus promoting quality care and safety in the facility. Moreover, the project will involve the preceptors and mentors to offer guidance in practice change.

However, the questions arising include; Are there other causes of medical errors? What is the health professional are repercussions on medical errors?

D. Patients wait time

The problem statement of the project is the issue of patients taking an extended period before attended to. Moreover, the patients waiting time may result in patients leaving the facility unattended to.

The management increased the space capacity and ultimately raised a 3-bed fast track system. The change is economical as it will save the organization a lot of dollars as patients will be seen more quickly.

Will the system have some impacts on the health care stakeholders? What are the risks and unintended consequences of the system? Are the questions which need explanations?

E. Heart Failure

The problem of heart failure is a major concern, especially for male adults. The alarming increase in the heart failure incidences among men needs serious attention. Therefore, there is a need to employ measures that are required in reducing the risks of HF (Jaski, 2013).

Bi-weekly monitoring and evaluation of B/P and provision of the educational information geared to provide vital healthcare information are useful strategies to tackle HF. The education information will include information on the preventive measures of HF.

Besides, the project team needs to explain the following questions; how will the organization ensure sustainability in tackling the challenge? What are the environmental factors that could affect the project implementation?

F. Moral Distress

The problem of moral distress on nurses results in frustrations, depression and reduced productivity at work. Moral distress can also cause the nurse to resigning from work thereby affecting the hospital costs, reduced patient satisfaction scores.

The project will integrate innovative care to deal with the issue. The facility will also provide a real innovation for the facility. Also, quality improvements are also suitable in addressing the moral distress issue.

The question which needs explanations includes; Are the mitigation strategies aligned with the mission and vision of the company? Are there other means of managing moral distress in health care?


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