Free Essay - The Psychology of Hamlet

Published: 2023-01-23
Free Essay - The Psychology of Hamlet
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Shakespeare Literature review Hamlet
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1290 words
11 min read

Alexander, Peter. Hamlet: Father and Son. 1963. UH PR2807

The author throughout the book tries to identify some of the elements which Shakespeare seeks to address in his play Hamlet. The play focusses on the everyday struggle that human beings face to which the author tries to analyze. According to Alexander, The play Hamlet lacks a tragic aspect to it. The author tries to justify the term tragedy in plays as a struggle by a hero to affirm the truth. The author states that the play loses meaning if the audience assumes that the main protagonist should have a tragic flaw.

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The author throughout the book emphasizes on redemption as a means of building up tragedy throughout the play. It is the author's perception that the use of tragedy is what brings about art. Some of the statements to which the author reverberates throughout the book coincide with the play Hamlet. The author uses some of the statements to build the character of a hero in a play. The book provides a clear indication of what is expected to a protagonist's character, which fits the general description of Hamlet. The author also follows up on the dynamics of the father-son relationship, which helps build the theme of redemption. It is through the author's mind that one can understand how King Hamlet helps drive the theme of revenge using the son to avenge his father's death. The book provides a means to build the character of the main protagonist and also highlights how the father-son relationship drives the theme of vengeance throughout the play.

Cameron, Eileen. The Psychology of Hamlet. International Journal of Language and Literature: 2014, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2014 pp. 161-177. DOI: 10.15640All.v2n3all URL:

Eileen Cameron, in her book, identifies some of the challenges to which Hamlet undergoes through in executing his deeds. Throughout the book, Cameron shows some of her appreciation to the literary creativity of the play Hamlet in conveying different emotions and themes. The author identifies some of the themes which include finding the meaning of life, revenge, and friendships. One of the key characters which the author identifies to driving the play is Horatio who helps keep Hamlet's secrets and also help Hamlet in dealing with his fears, such as seeing his father's ghost.

The author also highlights the themes of revenge, such as Fortinbras's dream to take over his father's kingdom in Denmark after his death. The book highlights the many roles to which the characters play in developing the narrative and also how all their actions are intertwined with one another. The book further highlights the emotions which the characters display and how it affects their actions.

Cameron identifies throughout the book the conflicts between good and evil. The author notes that some of the characters' internal conflicts exist as a result of the evil done in the past. One of the key areas which the author focusses is redemption. The author challenges the beliefs which characters such as Claudius possess as it pertains to killing people and justifying his deeds. The author also notes the psychological breakdown which Hamlet has as a result of seeing his father's ghost. Cameron shows some understanding of Hamlet's character attributing some of his actions to the Oedipus complex, whereby he hates his mother so much that it dictates some of his actions and how he treats others. Some of the conclusions which the author draws are that a violent upbringing naturally dictates an individual's later actions in life.

The book provides some data on the psychological perspectives which dictates Hamlet's and Claudius actions. Some of the key points which the author highlights help drive the main themes of Hamlet such as revenge and the meaning of life.

Bergler, Edmund. "The Seven Paradoxes In Shakespeare's 'Hamlet.'" American Imago, vol. 16, no. 4, 1959, pp. 379-405. JSTOR, www.jstor.orgistable/26301689

Throughout the book, Bergler argues that Hamlet as a classic has been misused in modern literature with some of the aesthetics of the play ignored. The author argues that some elements exist within the book, which has been left unexplored. One of the element is the use of paradox within the play. The author highlights some of the paradoxes within the play as it relates to the psychology of people. To the author, some of the play's ideologies don't stand in today's world, which further complicates the play.

The author further points out that some of the play paradoxes, including one dealing with justice, have no modern application. Bergler further points out the internal conflicts that exist within Hamlet, which challenges his beliefs. One particular that the author emphasizes is the paradox of suicide. The author alludes that despite Hamlet being a Christian, his views on death and religion were a bit clouded.

The author focusses more on internal conflicts that exist within the character Hamlet and particularly those on personal beliefs. The author notes that Hamlet harbors suicidal thoughts, and by all means, tries to justify his death. The author plays more with the theme of self-doubt as he tries to connect Hamlet's justifications of suicide with his religious beliefs. An analysis of the fourth paradox helps in the understanding of the author's mind as to how he perceived Hamlet's death. The author notes that suicide and death in Hamlet stem more from a psychological perspective as the characters try to justify death as a beautiful endeavor rather than as a crime as it would be in the modern world.

The book adds a key twist on the concept of death and suicide in psychology by providing the paradoxes which existed during the Renaissance period. The book is an essential part of the study as it will provide a connection between the past and the present on matters related to psychology.

Kemp, Lysander. "Understanding 'Hamlet.' "College English, vol. 13, no. 1951, pp. 9- 13. JSTOR,

The article provides in-depth insight as to who killed King Hamlet. The author's perception is that it was Horatio and not Claudius that killed the king. According to the author, it is Horatio who would stand to benefit from the death of Hamlet as he would inherit the kingdom of Denmark. The author highlights the theme of betrayal, particularly that of King Hamlet. However, in uncovering the truth, the author discovers that it was all a fallacy as Hamlet is led to believe that it was Claudius that killed King Hamlet by his father's ghost. Another theme that the author highlights is the theme of revenge. The author takes a different stance on the concept of revenge, indicating that the play was set up to allow Claudius to come to an understanding that Hamlet intended to kill him. Kemp highlights that Hamlet's vengeance mortifies Claudius who becomes aware of the ploy to have him killed.

The author also notes that some of the key suspects to King Hamlet, particularly Horatio, were far from the murder scene to be even considered suspects. The article primarily focuses on the sole reason as to why Horatio killed the king. Some of the themes which the author highlights as he uncovers the plot is that of love, death, and violence. Throughout the play, there are many instances of violence which helps develop the play. The author, however, questions the credibility of the king's ghost as a witness to his murder. Kemp's suspicions are highlighted throughout the book, particularly the accusations from the king's ghost towards his brother. The author also focusses on the wrongful accusations towards Claudius.

The play helps shed light on the case of wrongful accusations and particularly the paranoia that exists inside Hamlet's head. The article helps us understand the psychological consequences that result from paranoia.

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