Essay Example - The Role of Healthcare Information Technology in Preventing Medical Errors

Published: 2023-12-14
Essay Example - The Role of Healthcare Information Technology in Preventing Medical Errors
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Information technologies
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 618 words
6 min read

Healthcare information technology (HIT) refers to the application of information computing using computer software and hardware that deals with retrieving, sharing, storing, and using information about healthcare, data, information, or knowledge for making decision and communication (Ehteshami et al., 2013). The introduction of HIT in healthcare institution has led to the reduction of medical errors, regardless of the technology system used in the prevention process. Information technology has a great impact on the performance of specialist, treatment management, patients, and healthcare institutions. Therefore the main focus is on the role played by HIT in the prevention of medical errors.

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Different technology systems have been used to prevent errors made by healthcare specialists during treatment time. Such systems are computerized provider order enter, clinical decision support system (CDSS), radio frequency identification (RFID), and electronic health record (HER) (Ehteshami et al., 2013). These systems play a significant role in the prevention of medical errors. For instance, computerized provider order enter helps distribution and division of main features by the mechanization of drug process prescription and provision of readable, standard and accurate instructions. Besides, it aids the providers with the presentation of significant laboratory results, experimental interventions, and drug interventions with suggestions of the right dose and proper medication sequencing for a prescription (Ehteshami et al., 2013).

Information technology like clinical decision support system in healthcare plays an essential role in the prevention of medical errors. This system provides clinical information and knowledge intelligently and unveils them at the right time (Ehteshami et al., 2013). Such information integrates the records of the computerized patient with the complete, accurate data repository. Therefore, this technology helps in the prevention of medical errors as it ensures the provision of patient’s information records.

Also, information technology like radio frequency identification system has a significant role in medical error prevention. This technology plays a remarkable role as it increases efficiency, reduces data entry errors, and allows clinicians to spend much time on their crucial tasks like better customer services (Agrawal, 2009). Moreover, it is used in the improvement of reclamation of medical records, identification and monitoring of the patients, delivering of drugs and the patient condition compliance.

Another technology that assists in the prevention of medical errors in the healthcare organization is an electronic health record. It collects a patient’s health information throughout his or her lifetime electronically (Agrawal, 2009). After the collection, the information is transferred and securely maintained. This technology includes all the related information of the person’s heath life such as plans, experiments, allergies, injuries and diseases, interpretations, evaluations, environmental, immunization data, demographic, behavioural, administrative and legal data. The technology plays a role in medical error prevention by offering medical warnings and reminders, care plans, the connection of specialists to the protocols, medication information and critical pathways (Agrawal, 2009).


Generally, HIT has essential roles in the prevention of medical errors regardless of the kind of technology used. Information technology has a great impact on the performance of specialist, treatment management, patients, and healthcare institutions. Different technology systems have been used to prevent errors made by healthcare specialists during treatment time. Such systems are CPOE, CDSS, RFID, and EHR. These systems play a role in the provision of clinical reports, facilitating data entry, risks evaluations, and identification.


Agrawal, A. (2009). Medication errors: prevention using information technology systems. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 67(6), 681.

Ehteshami, A., Rezaei, P., Tavakoli, N., & Kasaei, M. (2013). The role of health information technology in reducing preventable medical errors and improving patient safety. International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management, 1(4), 195.;year=2013;volume=1;issue=4;spage=195;epage=199;aulast=Ehteshami

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