Free Essay on the Role of Imagination and Speculation in Media and Technology Development

Published: 2022-05-10
Free Essay on the Role of Imagination and Speculation in Media and Technology Development
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Media
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1373 words
12 min read

The purpose of the imaginary and also the imaginative role should be highly intergraded in the media since it plays a very important role and more so its significance in various developments and also the innovation idea which has majorly been a result of imagination. In the history of media, there have always been various predictions mainly about the future technologies and innovation in many cases have at least been fulfilled. In most of the cases, the prediction and the speculation about the future technologies and innovation has played a very important role majorly in the research field which has led to great innovation which is very important. The main example in the form of imagination and speculation is the idea of artificial intelligence which was greatly influenced by the be a lamentation of the same was achieved. From the general view of this, therefore, we find out that imagination plays a very important role in the society and thus in the media and should. Therefore, place in various studies and debates because through this we will be in a position to achieve various goals in this competitive world and with the increasing innovation within the world.

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Various research has argued that the main role in the imagination and speculation in the media can be comprehended fully through the application of the perspective which is dynamic in time. The general study of the technology as perceived within the public sphere simply means the consideration of a broad range of elements which are mainly innovation and progress. At the same time involves the cultural, economic and also the political aspect of the same and this is mainly a major contribution of the imagination and the speculation ideas, and this should be taken into consideration with the media practices.

Several research calls for the proper integration of the imagination and the speculation should also at the same acknowledge the methodological and at the same time the theoretical difficulties that the same might encounter. And therefore the role of the imagination and the speculation plays a significant role in the development and also the study of its theorization because it enhances the understanding of the imaginative ideas and their contribution and in various developmental aspects.

Several scholars in the field of media history have approached the topic of imaginary through the use of the variety of theoretical and also critical approaches which has to establish the usefulness and also the importance of the imagination and speculation in creating ideas and at the same promoting innovation.

Expand the scope of Langdon Winners "Do artifacts have politics?" using two-course readings, "demonstrate how infrastructure has politics."

Infrastructural developments have always been at the core of politics. In the olden days, infrastructure would refer to building and civil engineering works. These include buildings, roads, sewage lines and even water lines. In the modern world, infrastructure refers to machines and other systems of modern material culture. In general terms, technology is the most important infrastructural tool. All these fall under the category of artifacts. Some artifacts possess the ability to carry within them certain political power or message.

For example, at the prime of its power, Nazi Germany used mechanical engines as a symbol of Nazi political power. During the cold war, the capitalist and communist powers used artifacts to portray their political power. Artifacts ranging from the most obvious like nuclear weapons, the less obvious ones like vehicles and satellites to the least obvious ones like television sets. The political messages carried by artifacts display the political superiority of the production country. In the 21 century, technological artifacts display the industrial superiority of the country they are produced.

What matters is the social or political environment to which a certain artifact is associated with or in other words, embedded. Artifacts do have any politics. It is their social construct that gives them politics. The social construct in this case referring to infrastructure. The Nazi used mechanical engineering as one of their infrastructures. This embedded their artifacts in Nazi politics. The view of technology purely on their technical workings is naive technological determinism. Technology should be viewed in the context of their social construct. The role they play in the society and the terms of their foundation.

The politics of the infrastructure of artifacts can be an obstacle to realizing a technology's true potential. For example, some of the overpasses of American highways are said to be suffering from one ugly part of American history, racism. This can be seen on the overpasses of Long Island. As the lead engineer Robert Mosses designed the overpasses short enough to keep out the black community. His logic was that the black community was too poor to afford personal cars. Most of them used public transit such as busses. With these overpasses being too short, for the busses, the black community would be kept out of Long Island parkways (Winner, 2002).

Use at least two-course texts to explore intersections between digital media and broader political questions around ecology and the environment.

There is a proper intersection between the digital media, the political questions and also the environment. This is for instance in the relation between the media broadcasting and the environmental conservation. The media can be used a very significant tool in the promotion of the environmental conservation. This can be achieved through the education of the general public on the importance of environmental conservation and how the protection and conservation of the environment may a positive impact on their lives. This is a very important part played by the general media in ensuring that the environmental conservation goals are met.

However, the focus of the intersections of digital media, and ecology is not much focused towards the physical environment as it is with the human environments. This is the environment on which the media has been used. The modern lifestyle has seen an almost seamless integration of technology and social relations. The adoption of technology as part of human communications has made technology part of human communication.

Media of communication, therefore, influences the human behavior, interactions, feelings, and understanding. All these factors fall within the ecology of use of media. Ecology and digital media, therefore, intersect at the human aspect. As the society uses digital media to communicate messages, influence perception, and show value, the two concepts of sociology intersect.

In this respect media is part of the human environment. As it affects how humans behave, how they feel and what they do. Digital media has become essential to human survival. The focus of the study has been on the structure of media. Applying the theories of media ecology, the intersection between digital media and human ecology becomes a little complex. This is because ecology is the field that studies the interaction between human beings and their environment. Both living and non-living environment. Digital media is part of this environment. The nature of digital media itself is still a matter of contention. As some scholars have argued that digital media ceased to belong to non-living environment come to the turn of the century. They attribute this to the impact it has on human life. Digital media dictates human life, and therefore it has a life of its own.

On the other perspective, digital media refers to books, radio, television, and the internet. All of which is as a product of human interaction and innovation. This means they lack a life of their own. Therefore, they are part of the non-living environment of human beings. One digital media that was deeply analyzed by various scholars was the telephone. Come the beginning of the 20th century the telephone had become very important to human communication that it seemed to develop its language. As computers came in, they also came with their language. All which required human interaction to be useful.


Ballatore, Andrea. 2012. Kindle non-lot: The emergence of e-Readers and print book nostalgia. In 4th National Conference STS Italia. Rovigo, Italy.

Batchen, Geoffrey. 1997. Burning with desire: The conception of photography. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Bijker, Wiebe E. 1995. Of bicycles, bakelites, and bulbs: Toward a theory of sociotechnical change. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Boddy, William. 2004. New media and popular imagination: Launching radio, television, and digital media in the...

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