Free Essay on the Role of Spirituality in Healing and Healthcare

Published: 2019-06-24
Free Essay on the Role of Spirituality in Healing and Healthcare
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Islam
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 743 words
7 min read

Just like Christianity, Islamic spirituality backs a holistic way of living, in which spirituality should be integrated into every aspect of life, as well as incorporating the health of a persons body with the well-being of the soul, heart, and mind. Muslims faith does not detach the words religion and spirituality because they are intertwined, and are both manifested in the everyday life of a Muslim, including religious rituals, as well as life experiences. In essence, Muslim worshipping, which is done daily, enables Muslims to carry with them valuable food for the soul and advocates a sacred connection with Allah, which enables Muslims to have a psychological and spiritual well-being, which also extends to mental and physical health. As a consequence, this eliminates possibilities of stress, evil thoughts, and worries, which according to modern medicine are the sources of many ailments including fatigue, ulcers, digestive problems, and even diabetes.

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As a matter of fact, believing in Allah makes an important contribution to the physical wellbeing of a person. Muslims believe that faith activates neurologic pathways that lead to healing. Ideally, prayers, which consist of salat (prayer), and Zikr (Remembrance of Allah), and Quran recitation elicits physiological relaxation that buffers against the aforementioned illnesses. In addition, congressional prayers, especially when the sick are involved elicits a sequence of biological processes that lead to healing, as well as a better health.

Therefore, Islamic spirituality is vital even when dealing with Christians. In essence, through the prayers, we can ask for Allahs favour and healing. Therefore, I believe even though I am not a Muslim, my prayers for those sick, regardless of whether they are Christians or not, will be heard by Allah, and consequently, healing shall be granted. It is a common belief by Muslims that Allah does not commit bad things, rather, people do, and in most instances, that will lead to suffering. Therefore, suffering is not imposed by Allah because He is a merciful God. However, peoples bad actions will tend to yield suffering. Therefore, it is upon them to pray and ask for forgiveness, only then shall Allah listen to their prayers and alleviate their condition. In consequence, Muslims faith regarding suffering is more inclined to cosmic conflict theodicy where suffering is as a result of humans being caught up between Allah (God) and Iblis (Satan). It is important to note that Islam holds that both illness and health come from Allah, and therefore, the art of worship and healing are closely interrelated, thereby supporting the assertion that both patients and physicians are united via a spiritual bond. However, all instances where spirituality should be applied in the field of medicine, it is paramount that the intervention should be patient-desired. As such, as a Muslim caregiver, I would not initialize any instance of spiritual healing whenever the patient does not consent. Also, as Muslims, visiting the sick is a social obligation

For this reason, it is important that the sick to realize their mistakes and ask for forgiveness so that they may receive healing. However, medication coupled with prayers will be effective in relieving pain and suffering. As such, it is very important that a Muslim caregiver for the sick incorporates both paradigms so that healing is achieved faster. As a Muslim caregiver, I believe that attending the sick, regardless of their religion will be very important, because in my prayers, I will always commit the sick, thereby enabling them receive a quick recovery. Therefore, it is important to point out that Muslim spirituality will be helpful in providing more social support, as well as instilling a feeling of hope and optimism, especially when you tell the patients that you will remember them in your prayers. It promotes a healthy behaviour among those who are suffering, as well as reducing instances of depression and anxiety, especially when the patient is assuming that the suffering has been caused solely by his wrongdoings.

Also, as aforementioned, it is clear that Islamic spirituality will instil a sense of positivity, which will promote better nervous, hormonal, immune, and cardiovascular systems. As such, being spiritual significantly improves the well-being of patients, as well as reducing the cost of healthcare. As such, welcoming Muslim spiritual caregivers into hospitals is crucial, as it establishes some form of therapeutic relationship between the caregivers and the patients. It can thus be surmised that strong faith and trust in Allah plays a crucial role in curing diseases and promoting physiological wellbeing.

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