Essay Sample: The Role of Sustainable Interior Design in Nigeria's Economy

Published: 2023-03-14
Essay Sample: The Role of Sustainable Interior Design in Nigeria's Economy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Economics Community Sustainable development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 726 words
7 min read

Evidence is fast growing on the sustainable construction sector that provides monetary rewards for building owners, operators, occupants, interior designers, organizers as well as architectural models. Architecture is a precursor to the psychological attraction of goods and services from an external prospect that accommodates tangible as well as intangible commodities (Okeke et al. 343). Additionally, architecture establishes a friendly surrounding that has the capabilities of attracting and appealing to sensory, and emotional prospects of human beings to want to see, appreciate and get connected to (Nwali et al. 132). Besides, there is an interwoven connection between human-made architecture and natural set-ups that are visually attractive and inviting to both domestic as well as international tourists; thus, a model of boosting a nation's economy. The central theme of the paper is to highlight and link economic and culture-based demands associated with Nigerian human-made architecture and interior design.

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African architecture and interior design have not been of great value to the continent. According to the Nigerian interior designer Titi Ogufere, the inauguration of the Design Week Lagos was to take place in various venues across Lagos city as means of assisting the nation in establishing light on the creative nature of Africa, not only Nigeria (Frearson 2-3). The event was to assist in designing solutions to some of the profound issues across Africa. Nevertheless, Frearson indicated that Africa as a continent and Nigeria as a nation has a new breed of designers with the capabilities of changing the way interior design and architecture are perceived globally, for instance, helping Nigeria and other African nations develop a distinct identity that can assist with the growth of the economy as well as restore the lost uniqueness of the African art. According to research, Nigeria has a rich heritage that was established and curved from its creativity (Olanusi et al. 25). The ideal formats of art include architecture as well as interior design. Still, the only means of reviving such heritage is by investing in educating the population to better the communities.

One of the prospective norms of architecture and interior design that is changing the Nigerian economy is green architecture. It is an indigenous means of building practices that strengthen the standards of a sustainable ecosystem. It places much emphasis on the use of readily available and affordable local resources and construction concepts that sustain the Nigerian socio-cultural value approach within the construction sector (Ikoli 122-123). The method attempts to conserve the environmental factors such as the air, water, and earth through energy conservation and minimising its production. Majorly, it strengthens the lower building operational costs by reducing the utility as well as waste disposal prices. These building designs have led to various sustainable dimensions, for example, environmental, economic, and social and cultural. In other terms, the technology and impact of these new designs are highly associated with industrial norms of growth, efficiency as well as the nation's stability. Equally, the social prospects that they try to solve were poverty, cultural empowerment, biodiversity and natural resources, and pollution (Okeke et al. 345).

To conclude, it is evident that African architectural heritage is dying; thus, making it more of a socio-cultural emergency. Since the architecture is of indispensable norms, nations such as Nigeria are trying as hard as possible to better the preservation of the indigenous cultures. Besides, the construction and maintenance of the style and architectural norms have aided in establishing low-income housing and communal structures such as private and public suburb communities. It is the will and the moral obligation of the African city officials to identify new approaches that can be used in establishing new building codes that will assist with resurrecting the architecture.

Works Cited

Frearson, Amy. "We want African design to be functional," says Design Week Lagos founder. 8 October 2018. <>. Accessed on 9 December 2019.

Ikoli, Bioghoemiye Dennis. "Challenges and prospects of architectural practice in Nigeria." Journal of Environmental Sciences and Resources Management (2018): 122-141.

Nwali, Anthony Chukwuma, Nwokeiwu Johnson, and Bethel Oganezi. "Privatisation of Public Enterprises in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects on Economic Development." Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 10.4 (2019): 131-142.

Okeke, F. O., et al. "Green architecture in Nigerian perspective." International Journal of Agriculture, Environment, and Bioresearch (2018): 341-351.

Olanusi, J. A., D. O. Akingbohungbe, and Muhammed Adamu. "Architecture as a stimulus for growth and economic development in Nigeria." Global Journal of Science Frontier Research 15.2H (2010): 23-30.

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