Essay Sample on The Settlement of the Middle Atlantic Lands

Published: 2023-08-20
Essay Sample on The Settlement of the Middle Atlantic Lands
Essay type:  Rhetorical analysis essays
Categories:  United States American history Historical & political figures
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 467 words
4 min read

The middle Atlantic lands were subsets of the 13 colonies in British America and were located between the southern colonies and the New England colonies. Captain John Smith was a soldier, Author and adventurer. One can know the person who dominated the force in the success of Jamestown. Moreover, through his narration, it is easy to deduce the initial permanent settlements in North America. However, his interests were in the rule that surrounds politics and war. His legendaries are life from the wars he fought, for example, his war against the Turks. The text below discusses more on the motives and aspirations of Smith's indications when describing the Jamestown area to the English Audience.

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In essence, as posted by Barbour “Smith was baptized on 9th January 1580 at Saint Helena’s church in Willoughby Lincolnshire in England”. The military exploits of Smith impressed prominent people in England. However, these impressments made John Smith, now a captain, permission to start his colony. Thus on 13th May 1607, Jamestown as a colony was established and became the first permanent settlement for English men in North America (Barbour, 10). However, the Narration to the English audience, the balance of in Jamestown was exemplary, and for many years, the colony survived all kinds of forces.

However, the initial stages in the development of Jamestown, the colony was faced with many difficulties, for example, it suffered from food shortages, diseases outbreak, frequent skirmishing, council leaders that were ineffectual and unhealthy drinking water. However, it impresses that food was sent to the English men by Chief Powhatan even though misfortunes occurred (Barbour, 35). Ideally, the colony was full of gold which Captain Smith tried to change the focus of the colonist from valuable gold search to immediate needs. As reported by Smith, “there was no talk, no hope, no work but dig gold. Wash gold, refine gold and load gold. Thus, the Gold works made the colony be stable and more food for the settlers made the colony more stable.

In conclusion, the middle colonies included Jamestown colony which Smith ascended as the president in 1608. However, the colonies were diverse in terms of religion whereby the settlers from England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, and the Netherlands established their settlement there. One can assert the fact that Smith was after material wealth and materialistic things and not spiritual. He went for food, gold, and power and not spiritual endeavors Assertively, as seen in the above text, the colonies had fertile soils, and the lands there were cheaper, thus, attracting more settlements. Smith was excited by the materials in Jamestown and even went ahead to make another English colony in the shores of northern Virginia.

Work Cited

Barbour, Philip L., ed. The Complete Works of Captain John Smith, 1580-1631, Volume II. Vol. 2. UNC Press Books, 2018.

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