The Strategic Action Plan. Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-17
The Strategic Action Plan. Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Planning Strategy
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 418 words
4 min read

#1. Who should we involve when developing the Strategic Action Plan?

There are several groups of individuals that are supposed to be included during the development of the Strategic Action Plan, for instance, the managerial committee. The responsibility of the managerial committee is to come up with the lists of the individuals necessary for the implementation of strategies necessary for the development of a strategic action plan. This process of making a decision among the managerial committee involves the issue of inclusivity for example including volunteers in the process of enacting the strategic action plan, and other members of the management staffs, putting into consideration the individuals who might be impacted in one way or another during the act of strategizing, for instance, some of the users and members. Moreover, there should be a group of individuals, for example, funding bodies and the activists who are responsible for monitoring all the strategies and supervision with the main purpose of ensuring the smooth running of the development of the strategic action plan.

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The managerial committee must also involve a group of people to participate in the identification of levels and the roles of various stakeholders towards the development of a strategic action plan and targeting future outcomes of the organizations. Therefore stakeholders benefit from these kinds of approaches because it gives them a chance to raise up their different ideas during the act of planning, thus leading to inclusivity.

#2. Discuss the Elements necessary in a Strategic Action Plan Executive Summary

There are various elements that are needed to establish a strategic action plan executive summary. Berry notes that vision is one of the key elements required in any strategic action plan executive summary, as this would help the organization to be focus on the attainment of its organizational goals. Competency is the other essential element when it comes to strategic action plan executive summary because it enables managers from different organizations to identify the traits of the individuals before being hired to offer their services. Also, there should be appropriate means of execution to help the organization to achieve its goals in an easier manner. Such that with the incorporation of the correct procedure of execution in an institution, it would lead to the attainment of success throughout the organization because the staff of the organization will adhere to time management and the organizational ethos.


Berry, T. (n.d.). How to write an executive summary | Bplans. Retrieved from

Who should be involved in strategic planning? (n.d.). Retrieved from

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The Strategic Action Plan. Free Essay Example. (2023, Aug 17). Retrieved from

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