Essay Sample. The Tipsy App

Published: 2023-04-23
Essay Sample. The Tipsy App
Type of paper:  Business plan
Categories:  Internet Information technologies Business plan Customer service
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1904 words
16 min read

The world's technological development is moving at a fast pace, necessitating the need for creative and innovative ideas that will appeal to the market. Businesses have also been forced to come up with unique strategies that will enable their organizations to thrive in the competitive market. Tipsy App is a new business idea that will specialize in the delivery of alcohol and tobacco. The business model is in the form of a specially designed application that users will download from their internet-enabled phones and place their orders which will be delivered at their designated locations. Tipsy App is taking advantage of the developed internet and network systems in the world to provide a service for customers who consume alcohol and tobacco. Most electronic gadgets in the modern day are being designed to accommodate different application models. Additionally, the online marketing ideology has attracted customers who embrace the idea of shopping for the different items they need and having the service providers deliver the commodities at their designated locations (Bezovski 27). Therefore, there is a high probability that the Tipsy App will be positively received in the market.

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Tipsy App's idea is to offer delivery services for adult alcohol and tobacco consumers. The App will be designed in a way that users will go through a verification process before they can create an account. The verification process is to ensure that all registered customers are of legal age, 21. Each account created will require an identification card of the user. The registered user will be responsible for the management and activities that will take place in their account. This means that an order placed under any account will have the billed credited to their account, and deliveries made to their selected location. Once a customer has placed an order, the one of the company's drivers, who will also be required to be above 21 years, have no driving under the influence (DUI) record, or any legal-related issue, will deliver the commodities. Customers will be allowed to edit their location as they will confirm before making a payment.

Tipsy App's marketing concept will use both conventional and modern advertising methods. At the initial stages when Tipsy App will be launched into the market, the introduction of the service to the potential customers will be done through advertising in media houses. Creating an online presence to reach out to potential markets will be the main modern method of marketing the commodity that Tipsy App developers will use. The justification of using the online based method to advertise is because more of the target market is users who use the internet and social media pages (Brennan, Louise, and Raymond 67). The promotion methods will capture the comparative advantages that customers will enjoy from using Tipsy App to place their orders. Additionally, an introductory price in the market will be used to attract customers. These is the standard costs that clients will incur for using the services of the Tipsy App. Tipsy App developers will assure its clientele base that their orders will be delivered in the right quantity and will be of high quality. Tipsy App will stock different brands to ensure the diverse tastes and preferences of their customers are satisfied.

Despite using technology to drive its business agenda, Tipsy App will have a physical location where customers will be allowed to make purchases without necessarily having to make requests through the application. Established distribution channels that will stock alcohol and tobacco brands that will be sold by Tipsy App will allow customers access the different commodities they desire. The availability of distribution channels will also ensure deliveries are made on time once customers place their orders since they will be equally scattered in various locations.

The Tipsy App brand will be made using a gold and chocolate-brown colors to differentiate it from other service providers in the market that offer similar services. There will be a unique logo attached to the Tipsy App which potential customers will easily identify before they install it in their phones. The service roll out which Tipsy App will follow as it is being launched in the market will take 18 weeks. This time will be enough for the developers and business owners to collect any necessary information about the application that will be needed to be changed to increase customer satisfaction. Customer feedback will be considered with utmost concern as they will be using the Tipsy App regularly and any technical hitches they face at the initial stages may affect their decisions to use the application to place their orders (Chaffey, Tanya, and David 56).


This new concept is important for the market since Tipsy App readily avails of alcoholic and tobacco-based products. Customers will not be limited on the time frame within which they will access the application, unlike in bars or other retail outlets that stock similar products (Scott 15). Bars and restaurants have opening and closing times which requires their clients to leave. Tipsy App will allow its customers make their requests and have them delivered until midnight, with orders made after that being delivered the next day. The Tipsy App will address the twenty-four economy which accommodates people working in both day and night shifts. The current economy operates all day long and is not limited by time, which businesspersons must acknowledge by developing products or services that will meet the new demands. The justification for Tipsy App being innovative is that it will meet the needs of the market, without being limited by time. Tipsy App provides assurance and quality services to its customers with the delivery of their alcoholic drinks and tobacco being a new concept in the market. Tipsy App is allowing customers to enjoy the convenience of having their products delivered to their designated destinations (Tsalikis and David 338). Most developers have focused on the provision of basic necessities, ignoring the customers that purchase alcohol and tobacco for recreation purposes or during events.

The Tipsy App will include different brands of alcohol and tobacco, allowing customers the pleasure to select commodities they prefer and within their budgets. Customers will be required to download and install the application in their phones or laptops where they will access the 'freemium' Tipsy App. In this version, customers will only access a limited option of the stocked items, but after the free trial elapses, clients will have to upgrade to the premium mode. At a small annual fee, customers will be able to access unlimited brands of alcohol and tobacco stocked on the application.

As customers browse through the application, they will able to access the various brands and selections of alcohol, ranging from wine coolers to ready-to-drink beverages, and tobacco products which will include e-cigarettes, cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, amongst others. As an incentive, customers will be given a free jug or bottled water, but this will depend on the quantity a client purchases. Customers that buy in large quantities will be given a discount. Due to the many locations in which Tipsy App will open its physical locations, customers will be required to key in their preferred stockiest. This will help in the delivery process and will help prevent delays that may be experienced which may affect the customers' experiences and expectations (Eid and Hatem 31). The Tipsy App will have a comments section where customers will leave their opinions or feedback about the quality of service or if they experienced any difficulties when using the application to place their orders. Tipsy App will also stock light snacks as accompaniments for the alcohol and tobacco products. This option will be available to customers before they can complete their order as it will be optional. It is important to note that Tipsy App will have a limit on the quantity each customer can make at a time. Tipsy App customers will enjoy the comparative advantage of selecting their most preferred locations to enable the suppliers to provide them with the best services.

The justification of using the Tipsy App is to control the intake of alcohol and tobacco products a single person consumes at a given time. This explains the limit Tipsy App imposes on each customer on the quantity they can be allowed to purchase. Tipsy App's other purpose is to help reduce the frequency of drunk driving and DUI's in the state. Each year, the country losses thousands of people who drive while intoxicated who end up killing themselves or causing the death of others. Tipsy App will help reduce the cases of drunk driving as it will have the commodities customers request through the platform delivered to them. Drivers working with Tipsy App will be persons of high integrity who have past experience in driving and no DUI record.


Tipsy App developers and business owners will conduct a feasibility study on the potential market to collect necessary information about the needs of the customers. The feasibility study will help the Tipsy App developers understand any specific needs they might have that the sellers could incorporate when designing the service application. Conducting research before starting a business is crucial for an entrepreneur as it helps them discover the gap in the market (Bezovski 32). It offers an opportunity for the business owner to understand the needs of the market before designing or producing services or products (Scott 31). Engaging the customers and convincing them that the product will be the solution to their needs will create interest in them as most will be ready and willing to experiment with the commodity once it is released in the market. The experimenting customers are turned into loyal customers in the long term.

Collecting data from the customers will be done through questionnaires where the potential market will be supplied with documents with questions which they will be expected to provide (Brennan, Louise, and Raymond 68). Respondents taking part in the study will not be required to give any personal detail like their names or contact information as the data collected will only be used for the design form of the Tipsy App both in the short-term and in the long-term. Additionally, participants who will answer the questions will have no economic benefits connected to the responses they give to the questionnaire. Before respondents can be allowed to take part in the data collection process, they will be made to understand that their participation is purely voluntary and they could avoid answering questions they feel would incriminate them. Data will be collected before Tipsy App can be launched to ensure some of the potential customers' wishes are incorporated into the design.

Tipsy App's target markets are adults above 21 years who consume alcohol or smoke tobacco-related products. Customers will be required to verify their age during the initial stages to prevent underage children from misusing the application. Tipsy App will allow both female and male customers to make their purchases as the only limitation will be the legally underage children. The justification for choosing this target market is the recognition that the law allows any person above the age of 21 to consume alcohol, despite most of them acquiring a driver's license at 16 years. Additionally, the consumption of alcohol and tobacco in the state is high since people take the products for pleasure and from different locations. For instance, it is common to find a family stocking alcohol-related products like wine in their homes for their consumption after taking their daily meals.

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Essay Sample. The Tipsy App. (2023, Apr 23). Retrieved from

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