The Warren Case Study

Published: 2023-12-13
The Warren Case Study
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Police Conflict management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 892 words
8 min read
What type of conflict is described in the case study?

The warren case study discusses several types of the conflict contributed by the officers and the different departments. The cross-departmental organization and unit showcase a case of conflict among municipalities and the federal government. Therefore, there are mentions of intra-organizational and inter-organizational conflict. Intra-organizational conflict is founded on the differences that are a result of the structural make-up of the multi-jurisdictional drug unit. The serving officers have been mentioned to conflict with taking orders from their regional command office and the units’ leaders. On the other hand, inter-organizational conflict defines disagreements between different departments. The first instance is given as the drug unit officers were in conflict and competition with the fire department. This led to the labeling of blue canaries of the fire departments. The multi-jurisdictional officers are indicated to be in conflict with the county’s resources. As such, the officers were not directed accordingly with proper tools and manpower. Additionally, the case study points out that the officers competed with the fire department a matter that led to interaction conflicts among the two departments.

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A different scenario is given by the differences between each municipality’s police authority. This has been seconded during the court trial. The municipalities are disagreeing as to the cause of the death of the citizen. The failure of the multi-jurisdictional drug unit indicates the rise of role conflicts. The warren case study points out that the officers received fewer tasks and the cases they received were outside their expertise and training. Therefore, the officers were not credited with the proper environment to continue with their objectives. The officers were asked to back up other specialized units with cases majorly in violent crimes and home warranty.

Multi-jurisdictional drug units are common across the country. What issues should be discussed and by whom before such a unit is created? How much of the impetus for the creation of these units can be attributed to increased federal funding and the irrational fear of drugs?

The creation of a multi-jurisdictional drug unit has to follow the need and requirements of the necessity. This is accomplished by understanding the need for the creation of a drug unit. The identification process is labeled as the need phase. This is the condition that the creation of the drug unit will serve the best in the region. Therefore, the jurisdiction should first address the potential problem and the rising case of drug usage among the populations. The analysis by local authorities should answer the question of measures applicable during a drug outbreak crisis. The level of damage such an outbreak will cause to the region. This identifies the needs and objectives of the drug unit to be formed.

The capabilities of the local law enforcement officers provide the deficit in forces and the additional police requirements to accomplish the task. Therefore, the issues are to be discussed between the local authority and the federal government. The federal government has to be involved since the operation requires national consent and enforcement. The local law enforcement participates in such discussions as they understand the local region and the potential damage of the drug incident. A multi-jurisdictional task force is required by law to make a publication of their activities and an account of the funds in spending. Coupled with increased federal spending, the multi-jurisdictional taskforce is created under the impression that the federal allocation of funds is accountable in local spending. However, as society is continuously being reported to be embedded in drugs, the fear leads to a rational increase in government expenditure. Most of the expenditure is directed to units that will counter an increase in drug supply and creation.

Suggest ways in which the conflict described in this case study could have been managed more effectively. Should the unit have ever existed?

Based on the requirements of the creation of a multi-jurisdictional drug unit, the creation of the drug specialized department was necessary for helping address the high drug rates observed within the county. The local press reported a spike in drug consumption among teenagers as well as the rise of crystal meth laboratories. However, the case has not illustrated the potential of local law enforcement officers in handling the crisis. Therefore, the creation of a drug specialized unit was necessary to help instill a sense of responsibility among the citizens and stop the spread of meth laboratories within the entire state. Additionally, it is important to develop a sense of respect for the laws and security of the county.

On the other hand, the establishment of the drug unit indicates a failure resulting from conflict and inter-departmental differences to the coordination of instructions. Therefore, the conflict could be resolved by the creation of a structured unit dealing exclusively with drugs in the region. This will have facilitated the resources and basic requirements for establishing a successful operation. The government should have increased funding in resources that would ensure the success of the team. This includes; crime scene experts, firemen, and the necessary information on the existence of meth laboratories. Additionally, the success of the team could have been supported by the horizontal arrangement of the workforce. A horizontal approach would provide a system and channel of communication for the officers. This would help them to reduce instruction errors.

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The Warren Case Study. (2023, Dec 13). Retrieved from

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