Theme Essay Sample on the Book Black Boy

Published: 2022-03-25
Theme Essay Sample on the Book Black Boy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Family American literature
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 892 words
8 min read

Richard Wright's novel, Black Boy, is a collection of his life's experiences as an individual who lives in a country where Whites are the majority people. The memoir has Wright's experiences as a young person and as an adult. He uses simple language so that readers can understand the message he puts across which is creating awareness on the plight black people face in a foreign country as well as present his political ideas. There are a few themes evident in the novel as readers go through the chapters. The creativity of the author and presentation skills allow readers understand the themes with ease as well as sympathize with some of the bad experiences he went through in life. The themes of family, religion, politics, unity, racism, and unemployment are evident as Wright narrates his story.

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The theme of family is represented in the memoir as the basic unit in the family. The author begins the book by noting he started a fire in his grandmother's house (Matthews 283). He also mentions that he is living with his mother and father who, like any other family in the society, have a child and lead a life like a normal couple. Wright interacts with his siblings and tries to have a normal teenage relationship with his parents. The father provides for his family even though his mother helps around the provision at some point (Wallach 100). His father feels overwhelmed by the responsibilities of raising a family and abandons his wife and children. The author's mother finds a strong support system from her siblings and mother who help in taking care of the children. Wright has to live with his grandmother, aunts, or uncles at some point in his life since his mother is feeling unwell and he does not dispute the arrangements since he has no choice. Eventually, Wright grows up and appreciates the need of having a family as when his mother was at her lowest point, her brothers and sisters came through for her (Wright 55). This illustrates the need of having a family which acts as the backbone and support of an individual in life.

The theme of religion is also evident in the novel as Wright notes that his mother and other extended family members practiced religion. This means that from a young age, Wright was introduced to religion by his mother and since he was under her care, he had to follow his mother's wishes and practice (Wallach 88). Wright notes that his grandmother was the most religious person in the family and she tried instilling religious matters to her grandson at every opportunity she got. Despite the foundations, Wright had in religion, chooses to abandon the beliefs and become an atheist (Wright 216). This illustrates that people have the power of choice in matters religion. One chooses to believe what their conscious allows them as long as they cause no conflicts with other individuals.

The political theme is also evident in the novel. As Wright moves to Chicago and becomes an atheist, he joins a political ideology of Communism. The black members of the political party share similar sentiments towards the whites who live in the southern part of the country. However, his political affiliation is short-lived since he loses interest in the party and makes a decision to exit the party politics. However, this does not go well with most members who feel that Wright is taking people out of the party. The theme of politics is a satirical way of engaging the readers' mind on how management of political parties goes on as people defect from one ideology to another.

The theme of racism and treatment of blacks in a white-dominated society is evident. The whites consider themselves superior to other races. Therefore, they treat blacks with contempt as they feel they do not deserve equal chances in life. According to Wallach (29), segregation and discrimination of blacks take place on a daily basis in the southern part where Wright grows up. There is a silent form of hatred between whites and blacks. The issue of racism raises the attention of readers as they understand the struggles Wright and his family go through as they try to survive and make it in life.

The theme of unemployment among the blacks is a social issue affecting most individuals living in the United States (Matthews 276). Most people of color do not have access to quality education meaning that they do not get a chance to acquire skills which can help them find a good job after school. Wright notes that most people in the south did not access education facilities since their parents could not afford to take them to good schools. In addition, the poverty levels among the blacks limited them from enjoying life as the whites did since they lacked enough resources to facilitate a good living. Wright argues that most people in the north perceived the south as a land of opportunities in life as they could get proper jobs and change the quality of life they lived (Wright 99).

Works Cited

Matthews, Kadeshia L. "Black Boy No More?: Violence and the Flight from Blackness in Richard Wright's Native Son." MFS Modern Fiction Studies 60.2 (2014): 276-297.

Wallach, Jennifer Jensen. Richard Wright: From Black Boy to World Citizen. Ivan R. Dee, (2010): 22-106.

Wright, Richard. "Black Boy. 1945." Wright: Later Works (1966): 5-419.

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